Thursday 3 March 2022

No 13494, Thursday 03 Mar 2022, Bruno

Solution to 23A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Drug peddler and author on board ship making entry in journal (10) DISPENSARY {DI{S{PEN}S}ARY}
6   No area in flight to move (4) STIR STaIR
9   Vain BS on TV produced for fun lovers (3,7) BON VIVANTS
10 Teacher’s demonstration left out nothing (4) PROF PROoF
12 Senior citizen’s retina can go awry along with edge of optic-nerve (12) OCTOGENARIAN {RETINA+CAN+GO+Op...e}*
15 Large electronic device featuring extremely lovely leaf (4,3) LILY PAD {L}{I{LovelY}PAD}
16 Target of market reforms — to get rid of Rupee and adopt Artificial Intelligence (4,3) TAKE AIM {MArKET}* over {AI} 
17 Organ of father sick in the middle (7) PAPILLA {PAP{ILL}A}
19 Slight set with feathers (3-4) PUT-DOWN {PUT}{DOWN}
20 Second review of “I love nature” — Attenborough’s first novel (12) REEVALUATION {I+LOVE+NATURE+At...h}*
23 Poems come from deep loss, often (4) E?O? (Addendum - EPOS {dEeP+lOsS} - See comments)
24 Tricksters from island enter free seas, starting to wade away (4-6) FIRE-EATERS {F{I}REE}{wATERS}
25 Short tattoo on top of arm: “Farewell” (2-2) TA-TA {TATtoo}{Arm}
26 Kicking ball, Bobby Moore played with a senior citizen (4,6) BABY BOOMER {BOoBBY+MOORE+A}*

1   Bill’s upturned furniture supported by tabletop (4) DEBT {BED<=}{Ta...p}
2   Chanted Good night, America” in reverse (4) SUNG {GN}{US}<=
3   Religious person in a Pepsi Cola broadcast (12) EPISCOPALIAN*
4   Fish, shrimp, etc each served in San Francisco on party counter (7) SEAFOOD {S{EA}FO}{DO<=}
5   Go back to spa (7) RETREAT [C&DD]
7   One that finishes course at India with top grade’s tutored, essentially (10) TERMINATOR {TERM}{IN}{A}{tuTORed}
8   Umpire in bind loses head at finish (10) REFINEMENT {REF}{IN}{cEMENT}
11 Food of labourer and a pet too when cooked with a little turnip (6,6) JACKET POTATO {JACK}{A+PET+TOO+Tu...p}*
13 Pulp-free juice given to cats often? It’s a manner of speaking... (10) PLUPERFECT {PULP+FREE}*{CaTs}
14 Exhausted when software education was controlled by authority (7,3) CLAPPED OUT {CL{APP}{ED}OUT}
18 Bauxite from a moon? Im up for drilling! (7) ALUMINA {A}{LU{IM<=}NA}
19 Decay of town in clean setting — getting extremely filthy (7) PUTREFY {PU{T}RE}{f...hY}
21 Appear on joint for audience (4) SEEM (~seam)
22 One that takes drug at University swears regularly (4) USER {U}{SwEaRs}

Reference List
Ship = SS, Area = A, Large = L, Rupee = R, Island = I, Good night = GN, Party = DO, India = IN, Umpire = REF, Education = ED, Town = T, University = U 


  1. 26a Baby boomer is a senior citizen now? but not exactly defined as senior citizen!.

    1. Probably baby boomer is one who was born in 1950s and hence a senior citizen now.

    2. +1 "senior citizen now" would make a better def. As there is no OED def of baby boomer as senior citizen. Infact as it goes Baby boomers don't like being called senior citizen!!!

    3. So, should octogenarian also be "senior citizen now"? Isnt the now implied in pretty much most of the defs?

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Simple test:
      If you had asked the question 20 years back, an octogenarian is a senior citizen.
      A baby boomer wouldn't be.
      Can Victorian mean Dead Person? Or even a senior?
      Bay boomer to mean senior citizen is a play/pun.hence it requires an indication, imu.

  2. 23A.EPOS {d E e P l O s S}

  3. In 4D, Each translates to EA? I got SFO and DO <=, but couldn't understand how EA came. Can someone help me on this?


  4. Interesting read on Baby boomers from the link provided by Col.

    1. Nice info. about Baby booomers. Thanks to Bruno and Paddy sir. It's an intersting one.
