Saturday 12 March 2022

No 13502, Saturday 12 Mar 2022, Gussalufz


9   Marsh creature starts to bathe exuberantly and misbehave in a tub (6,3) BEAVER RAT {Ba..e}{Ex...y}{A}{V{ERR}AT}
10 Reluctant student’s promise (5) LOATH {L}{OATH}
11 Runs out opener of England after drinks, breaking hearts of her enthusiasts (7) ELAPSES {En...d}<=>{LAPS} in {hEr} and {e...uSi...s}
12 Drive one on off stump across point (7) IMPETUS {1}{MP{E}TUS*}
13 Fish tentatively at first, essentially fearing getting caught or bowled (5) TROUT {Te...y}{feaRing}{OUT}
14 Love, after getting busted, bro never really dominated (9) OVERBORNE {0}{BRO+NEVER}*
16 Disappointing sports headline in todays paper, sadly about finals of championship football (4,7,4) RAIN STOPPED PLAY {IN+TODAYS+PAPER}* over {c...iP}{f...lL}
19 Sibling went for one fast mover (9) SPEEDSTER {S(-i+peed)PEEDSTER}
22 Sat waiting after killing one (5) POSED POiSED
24 Almost set fire to roti, but cooked something to eat (7) BURRITO {BURn}{ROTI*}
26 People avoiding alcohol without reverting to all shakes (7) TEETERS TEETotallERS
27 Bond’s kind of sarcasticnot right! (5) IONIC IrONIC
28 Exaggerating one’s virtues, for starters, gets ignored appropriately (9) OVERDOING {Ones}{Vi...s}{IGNORED*}


1   A thing without love is worthless (6) ABJECT {A}{oBJECT}
2   Italian food again? Or a Cambodian selection from the south? (8) MACARONI [T<=]
3   Prepared some spells and tragic destinies (10) SENSITISED {Sp...s}{DESTINIES*}
4   Artwork voices fear of getting evenly rejected (6) FRESCO {vOiCeS+fEaR+oF}<=
5   Initiate wild kiss at step four? Not so fast! (6,2) STRIKE UP {KIss+at+STEP+foUR}*
6   Undergarments border (4) SLIP {S}{LIP}
7   Regrettable to lose some outer layers while flipping pakoras prematurely? (6) BATTER regRETTABle <=
8   See, this is funnymischievous, full of certain innuendos that are out of bounds, without being sexual (8) CHASTELY Anno pending (Addendum - {C}{HA}{S{cerTain}{i..uEn..s}LY} - See comments)
15 Covers slices of egg, daikon, salami, and pepperoni within rotis, say (10) BEDSPREADS {B{Egg}{Da...n}{Sa...i}{Pe...i}READS}
16 Smriti’s bruise, unfortunately, sir, is tender again (8) RESUBMIT {sMriTis+BRUISE}* [CA]
17 Conservative from Oxfordhot, but not loud for a change (8) ORTHODOX {OXfORD+HOT}*
18 “Tapfeatured prominently in Shafalis ten innings (6,2) LISTEN IN [T]
20 Mission objective: capturing resistance gunners (6) ERRAND {E{R}{RA}ND}
21 Pretty Woman’s underrated at 60% (6) RATHER {HER}<=>{RATed}
23 Just what the doctor prescribed: South Indian food with a little gin quarter (6) DOSAGE {DOSA}{Gin}{E}
25 Edge... caught! And Jhulan Goswami finishes up with hat-trick on debut! (4) INCH {C}{j...nI}{g...mI}<={Ha...k}

Reference List

Misbehave = ERR, Promise = OATH, Student = L, Point = E, getting Caught or bowled = OUT, Love = 0, Sibling = SISTER, Went = PEED, Waiting = POISED, People avoiding alcohol = TEETOTALLERS, Kind of sarcastic = IRONIC, Right = R, 
Border = LIP, See = C, Funny = HA, Mischievous = SLY, Rotis = BREADS, Loud = F, Objective = END, Resistance = R, Gunners = RA(Royal Artillery), South Indian food = DOSA, Quarter = E, Caught = C

Colour/Font Scheme

DefinitionSolutionComponent lettersEmbedded linksTheme word Reference list wordAnagram IndicatorC/C indicatorReversal IndicatorHidden word IndicatorLetter Pick indicatorDeletion IndicatorHomophone IndicatorMovement IndicatorPositional IndicatorSubstitution, IndicatorOpposite indicatorLink/Connector, Extraneous


  1. C(see) funny (HA) SLY - mischievous has middle letters if certain and innuendos - t,e. Chastely

    1. I took it as
      TE from (That arE)- That are out of bounds. Why middle letters of.....?
      This also seems to be correct - cerTain innuEndos. Why 'Out of bounds? To indicate to place TE in the middle?

    2. Then what is the role of 'certain innuendos'?

    3. full of is the indicator to place TE inside C HA SLY

    4. Here are my notes for this clue:

      Def: without being sexual

      C {see} HA {this is funny} SLY {mischievous} around {full of} cerTain innuEndos {... that are out of bounds}.

    5. I cant get why 'full of' is needed,when around is there.

    6. Only "full of" is in the clue. "Around" is in my anno, indicating how "full on" is parsed :-)

    7. Thank you Rtnakar. Got it at last- too slow.

  2. Thank you Ratnakar for celebrating Women's World Cup that is going on Down Under.
    Hope our girls live up to it and come back with the Cup.

  3. Out of bounds - Unbounded words - the middle letters of certain and innuendos

  4. Strike up can also be called a theme word?

  5. We had Gussalufz only on 4th March- looks to be ON again sooner because of being a special. More the merrier. His CW's are always to a delight to savour. Thank you.

  6. 6d- Liked the way 's was used cleverly.

  7. Timely crossword. Smriti Mandhana scored 123 today against the ongoing match with West Indies women. Indian women have scored 317 for 8 in 50 overs

  8. Thank you Col.
    So absorbed in the CW that I missed following today's match.

  9. MANDHANA has scored a century against West Indies today while also featuring in today's grid.

  10. Thanks, everyone! Nina scored a glorious century :-).

    Here are my notes for this crossword:


    The theme of this crossword is cricket and it features some members of the Indian cricket team. There are two thematic ninas: CRICKET, running across the fifth row from the top, and MANDHANA running across the third row from the bottom.

    This crossword was published on a thematically appropriate day, when India played West Indies in the Women's Cricket World Cup, 2022.

    The following solution entries are thematic:

    19a. SPEEDSTER
    6d. SLIP
    7d. BATTER
    17d. ORTHODOX

    The following clue surfaces are thematic:

    12a. My own favourite clue in this crossword!
    16d. Features Smriti Mandhana (again!).
    18d. Features Shafali Verma.
    25d. Features Jhulan Goswami.

    1. And we won the match too.
      Thanks for the efforts to share the background work.

  11. Lovely themed grid! Many clues to like but 16A was too good. Thankfully the story of 15D was not true and she scored brilliantly today :)
    Did not get the anno for CHASTELY till I saw the blog.

  12. Lovely puzzle! Loved the many themed surfaces and entry. On a day when Smrithi and Harmandeep scored telling tons and Jhulan crossed a milestone, the grid was a HT to the Indian eves.
    Thank You, Gussalufz.

  13. 'peed' for 'went' seems a bit stretched, as pee means go to the rest room. We beginners have to learn about these new substitutions. Interesting overall.

    1. 23. Informal To urinate or defecate: I left the meeting early because I really had to go!

  14. Lovely CW. As always ur efforts & creativity is amazing as revealed in ur notes.
