Wednesday 16 March 2022

No 13505, Wednesday 16 Mar 2022, Dr. X

Solution to 20D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Manage to get hold of every single musical instrument (8) CALLIOPE {C{ALL}{1}OPE}
5   Unit of distance in space perhaps — about right (6) PARSEC {PA{R}SEC*}
10 Cap in bishop’s elaborate attire (7) BIRETTA {B}{ATTIRE*} Semi&lit
11 Make a higher bid than opponent's bid, lacking clubs altogether (7) OVERALL OVERcALL
12 One broadcasting commercial in South American city (5) RADIO {R{AD}IO}
13 High after joint, returned to drink rum and fell asleep (6,3) NODDED OFF {OFF}<=>{N{ODD}ED<=}
14 US vice-presidency candidates clashed in arguments around end of election (7,5) RUNNING MATES {IN+ARGUMENTS}* over {e...oN}
18 Expert author, one probing plots for weaknesses (12) PROPENSITIES {PRO}{PEN}{SIT{1}ES}
21 Love to get a couple of maidens in sack, Jack (9) ORIFLAMME {0}{RIFL{A}{MM}E}
23 Aristocrat going topless? That is weird (5) EERIE {pEER}{IE}
24 Stalin’s bust on top of ledge in institute (7) INSTALL {STALIN*}{Le..e}
25 Planned a break-in, wanting royal's Japanese art (7) IKEBANA {A+BrEAK+IN}*
26 Sacks of ecstasy and cocaine in aeroplanes (6) EJECTS {E}{JE{C}TS}
27 Command by wife to obtain ornate set (8) BESTRIDE {B{SET*}RIDE}

 Sci-fi character, extremely creepy, turning rifle on girl (6) CYBORG {Cr..pY}{ROB<=}{G}
2   Real crazy party in American city (6) LAREDO {REAL*}{DO}
3   Found stylish and cute models outside bar (9) INTRODUCE {IN}{T{ROD}UCE*}
4   Spot over an island, exotic clearly (5,3,6)  PLAIN AND SIMPLE {PIMPLE} over {AN+ISLAND}
6   Anoint Christian elegizing inside (5) ANELE [T]
7   Inquire about a retreat’s main course? (3,5) SEA ROUTE {SE{A}{ROUT}E}
8   Unemotional person in Cuba, somewhat elderly, controlling force (4,4) COLD FISH {C}{OLD{F}ISH}
9   Waiting on the phone, maintaining one's position under pressure (7,3,4) HOLDING THE LINE [DD]
15 One standing highest in top medical exam inspires endlessly (2,7) MT EVEREST {Me...l}{T{EVER}EST} Anno for EVER not clear See comments
16 Work by American writer about model is different (8) OPPOSITE {OP}{PO{SIT}E}
17 Unwise son leaves wife upset in matter of little importance (3-5) NON-ISSUE {UNwISE+SON}*
19 Wild sheep in desert almost bites girl (6) ARGALI {AR{GAL}Id}
20 Stand up in court to argue (6) ?E?A?E (Addendum - DEBATE {BE<=}{DATE} - See comments))
22 Danced right after finishing off a beer (5) LEAPT {APT}<=>{aLE}

Reference List
Right = R, Bishop = B, Clubs = C, Commercial = AD, Love = 0, Maiden = M, Royal = R, Ecstasy = E, Cocaine = C, Girl = G, Party = DO, Stylish = IN, Force = F, Work = OP, Wife = W 


  1. 20d
    Debate = Argue

    Stand up = eb, (stand = be)
    Date = court
    Eb in date

  2. Replies
    1. Court for date is extremely nice. I took a while even after seeing the anno.
      Such aha moments make it worthwhile. Thank you Doc.
      Col. has a knack of choosing the best clue. Well done Ramachandran.

  3. What a relief today after yesterday's Fiasco!!!

    1. Dr. X is a breath of fresh air, always. Healing old wounds both known and unknown as the abbreviation in his name suggests. :)

  4. Not at all, Sathia. Learning happens only in a positive frame of mind, so I don't like to bear any grudges, no matter what. At the same time, negativity can also be very educational and instructive, as is the practice Zen masters are said to employ, using cudgels and sticks to beat their pupil into shape — hence the phrase, “to teach someone a lesson”. Standards are subjective. That's why I wanted to drop in yesterday at the THCC forum to gauge the reasons for the variance between mine and everyone’s. Feedback always helps, whether solver or setter. No hard feelings. Only love and progress. :) Regards, WrdPlougher

  5. Doc! Nice grid.
    Feels really good to finish the grid.
