Wednesday 30 March 2022

No 13517, Wednesday 30 Mar 2022, Hypatia

Solution to 10A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Look through delightful books (6) NOTICE {N{OT}ICE}
4   Syrups and jams changing hands (8) MOLASSES MO(-r+l)LASSES
9   Can piano master face the other side performing (6) PRISON {P}{SIR<=}{ON}
10 Bats hang only in blossom tree (8) ?A?O?A?Y (Addendum - MAHOGANY {MA{HANG+O}*Y} - See comments))
12 Kate’s carry-out (8) TAKEAWAY {KATE}* [RA]
13 Oddly brown on reflection, like one indoor plant (6) BONSAI {BrOwN}{1+AS<=}
15 You can hold sermons on vacation breaks in religious institution (6,6) SUNDAY SCHOOL {SCHOOL}<=>{SUNDAY} (Addendum - {YOU+CAN+HOLD+Se...nS}* - See comments)
18 Where Staff might not find work taxing? (4-4,4)  DUTY-FREE SHOP [C&DD]
21 Associate cycling just outside posh street (6) AVENUE {A}{(-e}VEN(+e)E} over {U}
22 Terrible Player touring America and England in 2020, perhaps (4,4) LEAP YEAR {PLAYER}* over {A} and {E}
24 Restrain audacious journalist, per Spooner (4,4) HOLD BACK (~bold hack to hold back)
25 Permanent marker? (6) TATTOO [CD]
26 Memsahib’s extremely boring, upset, a little rude and old hat (8) SOMBRERO {SO{Me...iB}RE}{Rude}{O}
27 Game fixed without local backing (6) TENNIS {S{INN}ET}<=

1   Relatively advanced placement practice? (8) NEPOTISM [CD]
2   Narrow royal view (8) THINKING {THIN}{KING}
3   Collected letters provided by a secular mob (4,2,1,8)  COOL AS A CUCUMBER Letter Bank
5   Shape often viewed a lot from above (4) OVAL Acrostic
6   Resolving a plea(s) to let working couple in? That’s too much (1,3,2,4,5) A LOT ON ONES PLATE  {A+PLEA+TO+LET}* over {ON}{ONES} There seems to be an extra E in the fodder? (Adendum - {A+PLEAS+TO+LET}* over {ON+ON} - See comments)
7   Rows closer to line that’s thinly dotted (6) SPARSE {SPARS}{linE}
8   Check pen with writer, say (6) STYMIE {STY}{MIE(~me)}
11 Greyest accessories camouflage round gemstone (4,3) CATS EYE [T<=]
14 Place to bottle basil drink (7) SHERBET {S{HERB}ET}
16 Cow starting to trudge over earthen ground (8) THREATEN {Tr...e}{EARTHEN*}
17 Bogus Indian food introduced in France, below (8) SPURIOUS {S{PURI}OUS}
19 Shot hit may be frequently picked up and let down (6) BATHOS {ShOt+HiT+mAy+Be}<=
20 Bachelor picking up man without date in confusion (6) BEDLAM {B}{MAL{D}E<=}
23 Mark runs around pushing drugs (4) SCAR RACeS<=

Reference List
Books = OT, Only = O, Piano = P, Associate = A, Posh = U, America = A, England = E, Old = O, Below in French = SOUS, Bachelor = B, Date = D, Drugs = E


  1. 15a anagram (you can hold SS)

  2. Liked the duty free shop a lot.

  3. It's crazy what all can mean crazy! May the solution blossom soon.

  4. For 6D, I thought the fodder was short of an S instead :)

    (A+PLEA+TO+LET)* over ON+ON (working couple)

    1. The setter has edited the online version.
      It's "Pleas"

    2. The clue has been revised in the online edition and it now reads

      Resolving pleas to let a working couple in (1,3,2,4,5)

      Apologies to the solvers for the inadvertent error.

  5. 10a - MAHOGANY - tree
    Bats - anagrind
    Only -o
    Blossom - may

  6. Sritri - i saw ur clue only now.
    I figured it on my own. ๐Ÿ˜Š

  7. Good one. Though I got the word from crossings,I never thougjt of bats as anind.

  8. Many clues difficult and far-fetched.

    1. I am sorry you had a tough time with them. If you can let me know which ones are "far fetched" I would be happy to take notes for future.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Could get the Spooner clue this time!

    1. I'm glad the Spooner clues have now become easier to solvers:) I do try to include atleast one Spoonerism since it adds to variety to the grid and though these are somehwat elusive, many solvers feel thrilled to crack them.

  10. 22A LEAPYEAR is a super clue!

  11. 6d - I considered mechanical meaning for couple. later I got it according to the grid. ON & ON.
    good solve by Gowri. , BTW, the puzzle arranged the seq. as 1,2,3,4,5. Hats off to Hypatia for fancy series. few puzzles yet to solve. regards,

  12. I found MOLASSES & SOMBRERO - very difficult. I filled TREACLES for Syrups (without parsing) & messed up the top right corner.
    Could not parse COOL AS A CUCUMBER.
    What does letter bank mean?
    All letters r in 'secular mob'?
    I too got the spooner cold this time. ๐Ÿ˜Š


      Yes letter bank is a kind of anagram indicator with letters repeating from the given letters.

      As such "a" in the clue doesn't go well with this type of clue.

      Also I think anagram indicator (provided) should precede the letter bank indicator.

  13. Thank u so much!!!
