Monday, 31 October 2022

N0 13698, Monday 31 Oct 2022, Dr. X

Solution to 27A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   A despicable person consuming ecstasy and heroin in bar (8) ALEHOUSE {A}{L{E}{H}OUSE}
5   Universal drive to tackle onset of rampant surge (6) UPRUSH {U}{P{Ra...t}USH}
10 Royal shot in the arm, beheaded in bed (5) ROOST {R}{bOOST}
11 Scrap between advocate and defamer (9) BACKBITER {BACK{BIT}ER}
12 Following kiss, female removes thongs (4-5) FLIP-FLOPS {FLIP}{F}{LOPS} ( Correction - {F}{LIP}{F}{LOPS} - Ser comments)
13 Relaxed, entertained by model discreetly in retreat (5) IDLED [T<=]
14 Woman with sex appeal, most athletic in addition (6) WITHAL {W}{IT}{HALe}
15 Mean associate with bad temper is railing (7) PARAPET {PAR}{A}{PET}
18 Buzz on starting to drink liquor, commonplace (7) HUMDRUM {HUM}{Dr..k}{RUM}
20 Fellow controlling sect caught leaving city in Pakistan (6) MULTAN {M{cULT}AN}
22 Honest head of co-operative bank (5) CLEAN {Co...e}{LEAN}
24 It stabilises mood in stress or tension (9) SEROTONIN*
25 Knowledge of training routine keeps daughter fit essentially (9) ERUDITION {ROUTINE}* over {D}{fIt}
26 Chemical compound in Botox identified (5) OXIDE [T]
27 Extremely small worm in toboggan (6) S?E?G? (Addendum - SLEDGE {SmalL}{EDGE} - See comments)
28 Frozen layer in Italian sandwiches, cheese perhaps (3,5) ICE SHEET {I{CHEESE*}T}

1   Insecure director involved in a fight (6) ADRIFT {A}{D}{RIFT}
 Sexual excitement caused by isometric exercises (9) EROTICISM*
3   No longer in contention, having left management? (3,2,3,7) OUT OF THE RUNNING [DD]
4   Vehicle overturned, primarily spilling fuel in layer below surface (7) SUBSOIL {BUS<=}{Sp...g}{OIL}
6   Circulating pic or bulletin as promotion (6,9) PUBLIC RELATIONS* Semi&lit
7   Posh model beset by love before (5) UNTIL {U}{N{T}IL}
8   Man tried altering chromosome in genetic make-up (8) HEREDITY {HE}{TRIED*}{Y}
9   Misbehaves in Thailand, abandoning discretion on drink (4,2) ACTS UP {tACT}{SUP}
16 Open relationship keeps lover essentially unhappy (9) PLAINTIVE {PLAIN}{TI{loVer}E}
17 Passes across hotel in woods (8) THICKETS {T{H}ICKETS}
19 Weirdo in film, confining female on island (6) MISFIT {MIS{F}{I}T}
20 Insane spread of Omicron (7) MORONIC*
21 Sinister criminal is isolated in enclosure (6) INSERT SINisTER*
23 Weep as old guy drops dead (5) EXUDE {EX}{dUDE}

Reference List
Ecstacy = E, Heroin = H, Universal = U, Royal = R, Following = F, Female = F, Woman = W, Sex appeal = IT, Mean = PAR, Associate = A, Bad temper = PET, Caught = C, Daughter = D, Italian = IT, Director = D, Posh = U, Model = T, Chromosome = Y, Thailand = T, Hotel = H, Female = F, Old = EX, Dead = D 

Sunday, 30 October 2022

The Sunday Crossword No 3226, Sunday 30 Oct 2022

1   Quick drink, tipsily strut about hotel where some pork pies might be found? (4-6) HALF-TRUTHS {HALF}{TRUT{H}S*}
6   Row with flipping concerning Italian (4) TIER {RE}{IT}<=
9   Eccentrics, according to Spooner, jeer at scribbles (10) SCREWBALLS (~ boo scrawls to screwballs)
10 The stunted not-half ugly lout (4) THUG {THe}{UGly}
11 Educates boy wizard, one seen on King's Cross platform? (12) TRAINSPOTTER {TRAINS}{POTTER}
15 Celebrate detailed newspaper (7) OBSERVE OBSERVEr
16 Closely examine peculiar shelled jellybean (7) EYEBALL jELLYBEAn*
17 Architect, so to speak, to collapse (7) FOUNDER [DD]
19 Pastes group of cricketers, now (7) BATTERS [DD]
20 Keen tourist, German, given piece of brain and pig's foot (12) GLOBETROTTER {G}{LOBE}{TROTTER}
23 Some light fish (4) RAYS [DD]
24 In pursuit of muscles, taking exercise? Right away, refusing to take part (10) ABSTAINING {ABS}{TrAINING}
25 Band essential to salsa shows (4) SASH [T]
26 Fixed unhealthy Basil's diet (10) STABILISED*

1   Compère presenting piece from Shostakovich (4) HOST [T]
2   Sightseer bloated, ultimately, following the French calorific ingredient (4) LARD {s...eR}{b...eD}<=>{LA}
 English getting run, going after draw: game in London location (5,6) TOWER BRIDGE {E}{R}<=>{TOW} and {BRIDGE}
4   Ian and Luke, wildly different (7) UNALIKE*
5   State whose borders are all land – or entirely water, we're told (4,3) HOLY SEE (~ wholly sea)
7   Encountering trouble, like one using 19? (2,3,5) IN HOT WATER Definition by example
8   Ignore more, by implication anyway (10) REGARDLESS {REGARD LESS}
12 Getting on in the Runaway Train's destination (4,3,4) OVER THE HILL [DD]
13 Shapes wobbling about: refocusing (10) CONFIGURES*
14 So send up my silly aliases (10) PSEUDONYMS*
18 Regionally associated refreshment: evidently beery, invariably toasted, primarily? (7) RAREBIT Acrostic Semi&lit
19 Flutter, only hot when rising in location for washing (7) BATHTUB {BAT}{H}{BUT<=} (Correction - {BAT}{BUT+H<=} - See comments)
21 Everyman's up and about on front of stage, needing help to address audience (4) MICS {I'M<=}{C}{St..e}
22 For example, a daughter giving antiquated oath (4) EGAD {EG}{A}{D}

Reference List
Hotel = H, Concerning = RE, Italian = IT, German = G, Pig's foot = TROTTER, Muscles = ABS, Right = R, The in French = LA, English = E, Run = R, Hot = H, About = C, Daughter = D

Saturday, 29 October 2022

No 13697, Saturday 29 Oct 2022, Dreamer

8   Tax on goods from Romania entering a day before Gandhi Jayanti (6) OCTROI {RO} in {OCT 1}
9   Soldiers trapped in remote Germany in an area surrounded by homesteads (8) FARMYARD {F{ARMY}AR}{D}
10 Dish made using a slice of veal with popular Indian pulse and eggs (8) VINDALOO {Veal}{IN}{DAL}{00}
11 Separation from second child is source of madness (6) SCHISM {S}{CH}{IX}{Ma...s}
12 Sticky notes ultimately seized by six detectives (6) VISCID {VI}{n..eS}{CID}
13 Tell Rosy to roam in streetcars (8) TROLLEYS*
15 Troublemaker, yet I condemned blasphemy (7) IMPIETY {IMP}{YET+I}*
17 A female pilot embracing sailor in a friendly manner (7) AFFABLY {A}{F}{F{AB}LY}
20 Roll of very small size - discard occasionally (2,3,3) ON AND OFF {NANO<=}{DOFF}
22 Always check before end of day to be happy (6) CHEERY {CH}{EER}{daY}
23 A bomb exploded near Oxygen plant (6) BAMBOO {A+BOMB}*{O}
25 Sibling wants setter to get staple for old maid (8) SPINSTER {S(-i+pin)PINSTER}
26 Good fact about Katrina, for example (3,2,3) ACT OF GOD*
27 New T-shirt is long (6) THIRST*

1   Show unionist wearing short skirt backward - it's rare (8) ACTINIUM {ACT}{M{U}INI<=}
2   Inclination to ignore the French forecast (10) PREDICTION PREDIleCTION
3   Upper-class model having sex appeal came first (6) TITLED {T}{IT}{LED}
4   Underwear primarily needed inside frosty building (1-6) Y-FRONTS {YFRO{Ne...d}TS*}
5   Snub shrub (5-3) BRUSH-OFF {SHRUB}* [RA]
6   Legend of Padmanabhaswamy, Thiruvananthapuram (4) MYTH [T]
7   Father is extremely kinky and active (6) FRISKY {FR}{IS}{KinkY}
14 Trained dealers in authority (10) LEADERSHIP {DEALERS*}{HIP}
16 Efficient yet impolite (8) THOROUGH {THO}{ROUGH}
18 Leaseholder mainly receiving Arkansas government grant (8) LARGESSE {L{AR}{G}ESSEe}
19 The part of vehicle furthest from the curb is in an illegal position (7) OFFSIDE {OFF}{SIDE} (Correction - [DD] - See comments
21 Suggestion given by sister outside a church (6) NUANCE {NU{A}N}{CE}
22 Beginning to compose clue on unknown calico from India (6) CHINTZ {Co...e}{HINT}{Z}
24 Forehead's dark for the most part (4) BROW BROWn

Reference List
Germany = D, Second = S, Child = CH, Female = F, Sailor = AB, Check = CH, Unionist = U, The in French = LE, Model = T, Sex appeal = IT, Father = FR, In = HIP, Government = G, Church = CE, Unknown = Z

Friday, 28 October 2022

No 13696, Friday 28 Oct 2022, Karaoke


All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   Sacking first officer, chiefs came out regrettably to take the responsibility (4,3,5) FACE THE MUSIC {CHIEFS+CAME+oUT}* 
9   Kettledrum sounds like mother-of-pearl (5) NACRE (~knocker??) (Correction (~naker) - See comments)
10 Yukky to look at dilapidated homes (9) LOATHSOME {LO}{AT}{HOMES*}
11 Some get a luxurious car as allowance (7) ALIMONY {A{LIMO}NY}
12 Recruits stupid sentinels ignoring employment norms initially (7) ENLISTS SenTINELS*
13 Topless garment worn by youth in this place (8) THIRTEEN {T{sHIRT}EEN}
14 Guide at Universal Studios highlights entertaining rides primarily (5) USHER Acrostic
18 Japanese art contest about to conclude (5) KENDO {K{END}O}
20 Doctor dining at cocktail (3,3,2) GIN AND IT*
24 Corpse found at last between two states! (7) CADAVER {CA}{f..nD{AVER}
26 It's believed to be harmful to watch explosive backfiring (4,3) EVIL EYE {EYE}{LIVE}<= 
27 Thinkers - They believe in God wearing every second Holy Cross (8) THEORISTS {THE{hOly cRoss}ISTS} I feel this letter pick indicator is not correct
28 Initially Soviet charged Ukraine dropping surface-to-air missiles (4) SCUDS Acrostic
29 Thematic story produced live on-street (4,8)  LOVE INTEREST

1   Copy document containing crooked international scam (9) FACSIMILE {F{I+SCAM}*ILE}
2   Cigar of revolutionary origin (7) CHEROOT {CHE}{ROOT}
3   Cycling in the mind, they sell goods on credit (8) TALLYMEN (-men)TALLY(+men)MEN
4   Euphoric journalist follows unusual tale (6) ELATED {ED}<=>{TALE*}
5   Advocates should have power to review (7) UPHOLDS {SHOULD+P}*
6   Admirable persons' reported power of seeing tricks (4) ICONS {(~eye)I}{CONS}
7   Moderately slow movement at an end perhaps (7) ANDANTE*
8   Support from bottom to top for charter (5) LEASE (+l)LEASE(-l)
15 Resists heartlessly and takes bullets occasionally in consequence (3,6) END RESULT {ENDuRES}{bUlLeTs}
16 Filmmaker shot action scene without dupe (8) CINEASTE {AcTIon+SCENE}*
17 Freethinker is extremely adamant about the dissertation without scientific base (7) ATHEIST {Ad...nT} over {THEsIS}
19 It may happen after wedding - Vedic or otherwise (7) DIVORCE*
21 X-rated content on children under discussion (2,5) AT ISSUE {xrATed}{ISSUE}
22 Highlanders rollaway in vessel (5) SCOTS {S{COT}S}
23 Rip-off child for porridge (6) PRISON {RIP*}{SON}
25 As a result of small fight, religious books returned (3,2) DUE TO {DUEt}{OT<=}

Reference List
Look = LO, Luxurious car = LIMO, International = I, Journalist = ED, Power = P, Rollaway = COT, Vessel = SS, Religious books = OT(Old Testament)

Thursday, 27 October 2022

No 13695, Thursday 27 Oct 2022, Gussalufz

Solution to 12A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   But holding a long stick, she tries to stay stable (8) BALANCER {BA{LANCE}R}
6   Revolutionary tombstone inscription in place for soul (6) SPIRIT {S{RIP<=}IT}
9   Judge starts to upbraid defence over defence strategy (4) JUDO {J}{Up...d}{De...e}{Over}
10 According to reactionary: have sex without protections, heartily, to fill a place with people again (10) REPOPULATE {PER<=}{cOPULATe}E E from? What's the role of heartily? {Addendum - {PER}{cOPU:ATE}* - See comments)
11 Positive spin applied to the disputed clip (6) UPSIDE [T<=]
12 As discussed, issue suggests systematic studies (8) S?I?N?E? (Addendum - SCIENCES (~scion says)
13 One full of oneself somehow insists upon taking control of narrative (10) NARCISSIST {N{ARC}ISSIST*}
15 Notice the heads up display terminals! (4) ESPY [Tail acrostic)
17 After retirement, secretly date zombie character (4) ZETA [T<=]
18 Bradman set to be replaced as players' leader (10) BANDMASTER*
20 Regularly does so at each end — turns late! (8) DECEASED {DoEs+So+At+EaCh+EnD}<=
22 Dr. exchanged worn-out knife (6) DAGGER Anno pending (-r+d)DAGGE(-d+r)R - See comments)
24 Unrestricted exchange of gold stopping rapid slump (4-3-3) FREE-FOR-ALL {FREE F{OR}ALL}
26 On vacation, right to bump one off? (4) AWRY AW(-a+r)RY
27 These animals? They're on cars every now and then! (6) HYENAS {tHeYrE+oN+cArS}
28 Acquired a welcoming, fancy, nice, large estate (8) HACIENDA {HA{NICE*}D}{A}

2   Patiala's queen set to lose spectacular site and lose control of automobile (9) AQUAPLANE {PAtiALAs+QUeEN}*
3   Amino fluid oddly used as sauce? (5) AIOLI {AmInO+fLuId}
4   These Olympians — they may be seen in hair salons! (7) CURLERS [DD]
5   Cutting from liquor, I paid rent (3) RIP [T]
6   Bribe's breaking new ground at 50%, one argues (7) SOPHIST {SOP}HIST Anno pending (Addendum -{SOP}{HISToric} - See comments)
7   Perhaps sand is primarily littered all around their terrain, essentially? (9) ISLANDERS {SAND+IS+Li...d} over {thEir+terRain} &lit
8   Ripped textile, discovered fibre (5) IXTLE tEXTILe* Not sure of Anno See comments
12 Exposed innards of the menace rising to smother monarch (7) SKINNED {DENNI{K}S<=}
14 Christmas is back — came earlier, around the end of March (it changes frequently) (9) CHAMELEON {NOEL<=}<=>{C{marcH}AME}
16 Pet of Spooner's not on leash, expressed satisfaction (9) PREFERRED Anno pending (Addendum ~ free purred to preferred - See comments)
18 Works on vacation, chasing top Oscar awards (7) BESTOWS {WorkS}<=>{BEST}{O}
19 Note: before 100, toy with a sex change (6,1) MIDDLE C {C}<=>{(-f+m)MIDDLE}
21 Getting rid of husband? Pay attention to discontented lady ahead of her time ... (5) EARLY {hEAR}{LadY}
23 ... Good republican husband killed in own churchyard plot (5) GRAVE {G}{R}{hAVE}
25 ... Burnt remains of second husband found under a tree (3) ASH {S}{H}<=>{A} Two definitions?

Reference List
Gold = OR, Right = R, Monarch = K, Christmas = NOEL, 100 =C, Husband = H, Good = G, Republican = R, Second = S

Wednesday, 26 October 2022

No 13694, Wednesday 26 Oct 2022, Avtaar

Solution to 5A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Attacks by burning picture (7) MUGSHOT {MUGS}{HOT}
5   Central American State locks up a mine (7) ?A?I?A? (Addendum - CAPITAL {C{A}{PIT}AL - See comments}
10 Most of us consume protein-rich food (4) TOFU [T]
11 Ram's shaving equipment? (4-6) WOOL-SHEARS [CD]
12 Yankee factory hand missing wife's delivery (6) YORKER {Y}{wORKER}
13 Naive engineer grants sign-on without limits (8) IGNORANT {gRANTs+sIGNOn}*
14 Extremely clunky irons that symbolise death (9) CYPRESSES {Cl..kY}{PRESSES}
16 Poem about enthralling, endless song (5) RHYME {R{HYMn}E}
17 Guts of Osama when rattled (5) OMASA*
19 Stall in church is set on its dais (9) STASIDION*
23 Astrologer welcomes son, a composer of devotional songs (8) PSALMIST {P{S}ALMIST}
24 Swallows tea, nuts and alcoholic drink (4,2) EATS UP {TEA*}{SUP}
26 Surprisingly, her stand on ousting National Government is perverse (10) HEADSTRONG {HER+STAND+On}{G}
27 Kid daughter goes missing in moor (4) MOCK {d{M}OCK} See comments for M
28 Token from OTP, my spouse saves after withdrawal (7) SYMPTOM [T<=]
29 Exposed Unionist called, trapping Republican (7) UNARMED {U}{NA{R}MED}

2   Study covering difficulties encountered in passing? (7) UROLOGY [CD]
3   Smuggled note in sponge (5) SNUCK {S{N}UCK}
4   Old knight charges ahead (7) ONWARDS {O}{N}{WARDS}
6   A school's chief visiting faculty is not to be seen (6) ABSENT {A}{B{S}ENT}
7   Buried Iraqi near the dog shelters (9) INEARTHED [T]
8   Shortened name of old city adopted by American civil rights movement's leaders (7) ACRONYM {O}{NY} in {Am...n}{Ci..l}{Ri...s}{Mo...t}
9   Freshly cut, sliced potato in can (6,7) POLICE STATION {SLICEd+POTATO+IN}*
15 Large corroded plates crackled (7,2) RUSTLED UP {RUST{L}ED UP}
18 It is difficult to grasp Avtaar's tale involving hate ultimately overcoming love (7) MYSTERY {MY}{ST(-o+e}ERY}
20 Shooter packs ten gunny bags (7) STENGUN [T] Enu should be (4,3)
21 'Endless Hope" - cryptic clue about Shelley's first minor work (7) OPSUCLE {hOPe}{U{Sh...y}CLE*}
22 Tea-shop broadcast introduction of bajra rotis (6) BISTRO {Ba..a+ROTIS}*
25 Watch money getting deposited in bank (5) TIMER {TI{M}ER}

Reference List
Yankee = Y, Wife = W, About = RE, Son = S, National = N, Government = G, Daughter = D, Missing = M, Unionist = U, Republican = R, Note = N, Old = O, Knight = N, School = S, Faculty = BENT, Money = M

Tuesday, 25 October 2022

Special, Tuesday 25 Oct 2022, The Zodiac

Three answers per commenter till 6 PM (Annotations compulsory) 
Please submit all your answers in one comment.  



By The Zodiac
Squares filled: 0/154
Exolve Print Notes Jotter Ⓒ The Zodiac & THCC

1Accused a General about protecting a traitor (8)
5Judge reaches Spain from the east (6)
8Figure represented by complicated integral (8)
9Female superhero destroying primary weapon of destruction (3,3)
12Primitive tale made up about the French people (9)
13Principle of elite network (5)
14Second-hand suede almost worn out (4)
16Prevent doctor and vet cunningly stealing contents of vial (7)
19Number system in medical organisation (7)
21Essential carbon source (4)
24Full swing (5)
25Explains that N2O is found in a liquid state (9)
27Substitute dancers at Zumba gathering (6)
28Mail and call after husband leaves and wait (8)
29Bringing about change with love (6)
30Drives used cars all over the place (8)

1Pretty woman's going after spy (6)
2Bob leaves meeting, upset, making unpleasant sounds (6)
3Sort of blue-green (5)
4Activity without permit is cancelled (7)
6Following short vacation, wanderer taking time to make a fresh beginning (5,4)
7Men at sea mistreating aquatic creatures (8)
10Fix dynamo tomorrow perhaps (6)
11Man sounding high? (4)
15Sita and Rama troubled by Ravan - ultimately a good man (9)
17Figure without hat - Doctor Suess' legendary character (8)
18Cheats small groups (6)
20Hire individual, say (4)
21Simplicity of John's grave (7)
22Poet at court in front of Duke (6)
23Resources like plants (6)
26Bears fixed costs, regularly raised (5)


Monday, 24 October 2022

No 13693, Monday 24 Oct 2022, Hypatia

Artwork by Prasanna

Rangoli by Gowri


Solution to 26A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Goddess of wealth left most of Kashmir poor (7) LAKSHMI {L}{KASHMIr}*
5   By-product of pins (4-3) SPIN-OFF {PINS}* [RA]
9   Snake around grid's core instrument (7) MARIMBA {MA{gRId}MBA}
10 Distinctive style of trade structured by firm (3-4) ART-DECO {TRADE}*{CO}
11 Very hard to mingle with Asia's diverse religious cult (6) SHAIVA {V+H+ASIA}*
12 Where's our centre stocking supply? (8) RESOURCE [T]
14 Consume Soan papdi from start to finish (5) SPEND {Soan}{Pa..i}{END}
16 Festooned doors at the front forced cycles outside house, essentially (7,2) DRESSED UP {Do..s}{(-p)RESSED(+p)P} over {hoUse}
18 Space voyager from America flying to Saturn (9) ASTRONAUT {A}{TO+SATURN}*
19 Dislike dropping navy boot again (5) RESET RESEnT
20 Exotic batik wraps, with one string at the waist in Micronesian island (8) KIRIBATI {K{1}{stRIng}BATI*}
22 Say, laddu and Mysore Pak in small packet finally in vessel (6) SWEETS {S{WEE}{p...eT}S}
26 Removing records from stage to perform (7) E?A?I?G (Addendum - ERASING {ERA}{SING} - Se comments)
27 Reserved soldier (7) PRIVATE [DD}
28 Musicians impress in Gershwin's shows (7) SINGERS [T]
29 Saw entrance becoming bigger and bright (7) LIGHTED {(-s+l)LIGHTED}

1   Diyas in many circles outside (5) LAMPS {LA{M}PS}
2   Regularly farmers ask about fate (5) KARMA {fArMeRs+AsK}<=
3   He moved freely around one old film archive (4,5) HOME VIDEO {HE+MOVED}* over {1} and {O}
4   Author's initially awed by cinema (4) IMAX {I'M}{Awed}{X}
5   Doctor attests about soldiers in reports (10) STATEMENTS {STATE{MEN}TS*}
6   Lead in iron oxidising over time (5) INTRO {IN{T}RON*}
7   Partly superimposed irrevocably around eclipses (9) OVERRIDES [T<=]
8   Fine cow picks up best Diwali cracker? (6,3) FLOWER POT {F}{LOWER}{TOP<=}
13 Gains from commercial vehicle supported by Tesla forever (10) ADVANTAGES {AD}{VAN}{T}{AGES}
14 Sticks with light champagnes? (9) SPARKLERS [DD]
15 Receive dubious internet article (9) ENTERTAIN {INTERNET+A}*
17 Extending rule well, per Spooner (9) SPRAWLING (~ law spring to sprawling)
21 Newly wed waits briefly to get registered (5) BRIDE {B{R}IDEs}
23 Specific claim (5) EXACT [DD]
24 Mount support in empty shed (5) STEED {Sh{TEE}eD}
25 Work on gangster's precious stone (4) OPAL {OP}{AL}

Reference List
Left = L, Firm = CO, Very = V, Hard = H, America = A, Navy = N, Vessel = SS, Many = M, Old = O, By = X, Time = T, Fine = F, Cow = LOWER, Commercial = AD, Tesla = T, Registered = R, Support = TEE, Gangster = AL(Capone)

Sunday, 23 October 2022

The Sunday Crossword No 3225, Sunday 23 Oct 2022

1   After time, I have chess kit laid out for friendly (5,2,7) THICK AS THIEVES {T}{I+HAVE+CHESS+KIT}*
9   Dry burger (not filling) in France you sent back (4) BRUT {Bu...eR}{TU<=}
10 For free gin, turning to handy index? (10) FOREFINGER*
11 Student follows code, in small part (6) MORSEL {L}<=>{MORSE}
12 Much-performed play, in more ways than one (3,5) WAR HORSE [DD]
13 Stridently yelling about '80s film selling out (9) BETRAYING {B{ET}RAYING}
15 Twice, Everyman's beginning to take against nephew: that's not odd (4) EVEN {Ev...n}{V}{Ev...n}{Ne...w}
16 Moving starter of potato to end for desserts (4) PUDS (-s)PUD(+s)S
17 Heart aflutter amid nervous motions: what a performance (9) THEATRICS {T{HEART*}ICS}
21 Retailer that's most thick English abandoned (8) STOCKIST STOCKIeST
22 One of a pair in All's Well That Ends Well? (6) ADVERB Definition by example
24 Reduction in account of self-absorbed period (10) WITHDRAWAL [DD]
25 Ring from swimming facility returned (4) LOOP<=
26 'Wonky tea trolley fixed by tool?' 'We don't yet know' (3,5,2,4) TOO EARLY TO TELL {TEA+TROLLEY}* in {TOOL}

2   Constitutional regulator seizing some wealth or money (7) HORMONE [T]
3   Names and locations in report (5) CITES (~sites)
4   Absolutely dreadfully (7) AWFULLY [DD]
5   Knitted her tent with wool? Give up (5,2,3,5) THROW IN THE TOWEL*
6   No firm's infirm, in brief (6) INFORM {NO+FIRM}*
7   Vehicle to go across ... to go across university city (9) VANCOUVER {VAN}{CO{U}VER}
8   Crushes a relative (7) STEPSON {STEPS ON}
14 Leaves from orchid CIA cultivated (9) RADICCHIO*
16 Nationalist, smooth and funny individual (7) PATRIOT {PAT}{RIOT}
18 American, obscenely bloated, losing energy: don't trust him (1,3,3) A BAD LOT {A}{BLOATeD*}
19 Author wanting banger, perhaps with bread (7) CARROLL {CAR}{ROLL}
20 Character in pursuit of Romeo? (6) SIERRA [C&DD]
23 Vigilant, attentive lackey: expeditiously tending, primarily? (5) VALET Acrostic &lit

Reference List
Time = T, You in FRench = TU, Student = L, Code = MORSE, Against = V, Nephew = N, English = E, University = U, American = A, Energy = E

The Hindu Cryptic on Sunday #90, Sunday 23 Oct 2022, Dr.X

The Hindu Cryptic on Sunday can be accessed at the link given below. You need to register and sign in using an email ID and password, subscription may or may not be required.
The crossword is not being blogged as the annotations are provided in the interactive version itself which can be seen if you click on 'Show a hint' under the 'reveal' tab on the top.

The same will be posted on every Sunday at 6 AM.


Saturday, 22 October 2022

No 13692, Saturday 22 Oct 2022, WrdPlougher

8   Licence, one that isn't used to operate a steering wheel? (4,4) FREE HAND {FREE}{HAND}
9   Set by primarily high-quality setter (6) HARDEN {Hi...y}{ARDEN}
10 Short popular commercial, the same ending off-note (10) INADEQUATE {IN}{AD}{EQUATE} (Addendum {IN}{AD}{EQUAl}{TE} - See comments)
11 Listens in secret, in return, catches (4) NETS [T<=]
12 An artist, with paint, drawing essentially bright celebration? (6) DIWALI {D{paInt}{draWing}ALI}
14 Runners before rascals, according to Spooner (8) CREEPERS (~ pre curs to creepers)
15 Dumplings made by decisively frying beaten potato chunks cooked hot, Italian primarily (7) GNOCCHI {f...nG}{b...eN}{p...tO}{Ch...s}{Co...d}{Hot}{It...n}
17 One of two loudmouths on a soapbox chair? (7) SPEAKER [DD?]
20 Believing in truth, almost overcoming original sin, almost complete (8) TRUSTFUL {TRU{Sin}Th}{FULl}
22 Defeat virulent gout, returning numb halfway (6) OUTGUN {GOUT*}{NUmb<=}
24 Wise men taking refuge in imagination (4) MAGI [T]
25 Snitch caught finally, essentially Potter swallowing a quaffle, vomiting drink — story! (10) TATTLETALE {c...hT}{poTTer} over {A}  and {quaffLE}{TALE}
27 Not ok to watch boring impact winter sport (6) SLALOM {SLA{LOok}M}
28 Abruptly leave organisation leaderless, leading to crisis (8) EXIGENCY {EXIt}{aGENCY}

1   Ancient inscription concealed inside, reportedly by South-Asian sultanate (6) BRUNEI {RUNE} in {(~by)BI}
2   Shoot second target (4) SEND {S}{END}
3   Conquer, disappear, abducting queen (8) VANQUISH {VAN{QU}ISH}
4   Progress of car between two periods (7) ADVANCE {AD}{VAN}{CE}
5   Appropriate way to greet first lady after president's term (6) THIEVE {Term}{HI}{EVE}
6   Complain about changing plans, after some time, relocate... (10) TRANSPLANT {RAN{PLANS*}T}<=>{Time}
7   ... abroad, e-refer going over books on the house? (4-4) RENT-FREE {E REFER}* over {NT}
13 Popular drink, full of calories, that is regurgitated all over ship barrel (10) ACCESSIBLE {A{CC}{I{SS}E<=}{B}LE}
16 Aggrieved, disunited, mourn friend as per custom (8) NORMALLY {MOuRN}*{ALLY}
18 Broadcast expert opinion (8) PROCLAIM {PRO}{CLAIM}
19 Dissect female snake (7) SLITHER {SLIT}{HER}
21 "City in Portugal," notes mother (6) FATIMA {FA}{TI}{MA}
23 Open cut hair? (6) UNLOCK {UN LOCK}
26 Those people mainly sitting over the border? (4) THEM {sitTing}{HEM}

Reference List
Popular = IN, Commercial = AD, Note = TE, Second = S, Queen = QU, Period = AD, CE, Time = T, Books = NT(New Testament), Calorie = C, Ship = SS, Barrel = B, United = U, Notes = FA, TI

Friday, 21 October 2022

No 13691, Friday 21 Oct 2022, Vidwan


All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   Criminal tries to follow Jesus ultimately, becomes a monk (6) SISTER {TRIES}*<=>{j..uS}
5   Supply food to tiger and bearegularly (5) CATER {CAT}{bEaR}
10 Notes say for short-term memory (5) CACHE (~cash)
11 One on raft drifts post-lunch (9) AFTERNOON*
12 Tentative like peacekeepers and detectives in action (9) UNDECIDED {UN}{DE{CID}ED}
13 Some scout gold for spending (5) OUTGO [T]
14 Islander not bothered by Harry returning (6) TONGAN {NOT*}{NAG<=}
15 Very mild air conditioning for a common Russian (8) VLADIMIR {V+MILD+AIR}*
18 Against being placed between two setters at present (8) MEANTIME {ME}{ANTI}{ME}
20 Current baroque master (6) STREAM*
22 Good morning! Must regularly stretch! (5) GAMUT {G}{AM}{mUsT}
24 Mostly a PC forms part of a cell (9) CYTOPLASM*
25 Crafty, stylish queen's boring because... (9) INSINCERE {IN}{SINC{ER}E}
26 Applied bare negatives (2,3) IN USE mINUSEs
27 Hitch cold couple (not married) (5) CATCH {C}{mATCH}
28 Source dam (6) MOTHER [DD]

2   Lean mini-disc cut out for soundtrack (10,5) INCIDENTAL MUSIC*
3   Clear cut sort of tan (9) TRENCHANT {TRENCH}{TAN*}
4   State of war and suffering (6) RWANDA*
5   A duke in advance towards large fortress (7) CITADEL {CIT{A}{D}E}{L}
6   Grotesque roots and trunk (5) TORSO*
7   Moor's peculiar quality - loses head, hides anger, seems neither hot nor cold (4,11) ROOM TEMPERATURE {MOOR*}{nATURE} over {TEMPER}
8   Mostly blame accrues to male coach (8) ACCUSTOM {ACCUSe}{TO}{M}
9   Part of brain foknowledge (4) INFO [T]
15 Victory? That is struggle! (3) VIE {V}{IE}
16 Piece of information from one at top and base (9) DATAPOINT {1+AT+TOP+AND}*}
17 Recall meme about boring free beer (8) REMEMBER {R{MEME<=}BER*} There's an extra E and a missing R in the fodder
19 The neurotic trails, a piece of data about a cold, cruel king (7) MACBETH {THE}*<=>{M{A}{C}B}
21 Small squad having right flow (6) STREAM {S}{T{R}EAM}
22 Sounds like opening step (4) GAIT (~gate)
23 Not hot! The take-home rule! (5) TENET {ThE}{NET}

Reference List
Peacekeepers = UN, Very = V, Good = G, Stylish = IN, Queen = ER, Cold = C, Married = M, Duke = D, Large = L, Male = M, Victory = V, Piece of data = MB, Small = S, Right = R, Hot = H, Take home = NET

Thursday, 20 October 2022

No 13690, Thursday 20 Oct 2022, Dr. X

Solution to 19D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Daring but reactionary, without virtue (8) TEMERITY {TE{MERIT}Y<=}
5   British youngsters wielding oriental knives (6)  BLADES {B}{LAD{E}S}
10 One making an effort to ensnare good girl in trip (7) TRIGGER {TRI{G}{G}ER}
11 Egg white and bun - meal's served (7) ALBUMEN*
12 Goalie injured, taking prolonged rest (3-2) LIE-IN [T]
13 Resolution to destroy primarily unscrupulous nationalist in contest (9) ENDURANCE {END}{Un...s}{RA{N}CE}
14 Restless person ignoring wife cheats around, reflecting weak character (7,5) ROLLING STONE {wRO{ILL<=}NGS}{TONE}
18 Fiercely blast employee essentially fomenting trouble (5,3,4) TOOTH AND NAIL {TOOT}{HAND}{f..eNt..g}{AIL}
21 Fool mixing rum, gin and soda finally knocked out (9) IGNORAMUS {RUM+GIN+SOdA}
23 Caught with miss, getting intimate (5) CLOSE {C}{LOSE}
24 List one condition primarily relating to the intestines (7) ENTERIC {ENTER}{1}{Co...n}
25 Fumes from drain (7) EXHAUST [DD]
26 Brood about hard religious instruction in Jewish month (6) TISHRI {SIT<=}{H}{RI}
27 Fall after consuming drink with associate in Bulgarian capital (8) STOTINKA {S{TOT}INK}{A} 

1   Gossip in story about couple of models (6) TATTLE {TA{T}{T}LE}
2   Distress concealed by most simple American novelist (6) MAILER {M{AIL}ERe}
3   Groans miserably, eating Scottish sweetheart's hot dish of curried meat (5,4) ROGAN JOSH  {ROGAN{JO'S*}{H}
4   Short story by Agatha Christie in the incredible novel enthrals many (5,5,4) THREE BLIND MICE  {THE+INCREDIBLE}* over {M}
6   Heave with a bit of rattle in type of pneumonia (5) LOBAR {LOB}{A}{Ra...e} Semi&lit
7   Control darling after party (8) DOMINION {MINION}<=>{DO}
8   Coalesced under heat perhaps in desert (8) SINTERED*
9   What paraglider hopes to do in the end to have good luck (4,2,4,4) LAND ON ONES FEET {DD]
15 Irritation after wicket's snared by crap, unorthodox shot (6-3) SWITCH-HIT {ITCH}<=>{W} in {SHIT}
16 Most serious-minded son seeks help to crack examination (8) STAIDEST {S}{T{AID}EST}
17 Alludes to criminals stifling witness (8) CONNOTES {CON{NOTE}S}
19 Cheat bites ball! Pakistan's captain removed in row (6) ?O?U?N (Addendum - COLUMN {CO{LUMp}N)
20 Where one might sleep with a girl (6) BERTHA {BERTH}{A}
22 More unusual neuroma essentially in back, recurrent (5) RARER {neuRoma} in {REAR<=}

Reference List
British = B, Oriental = E, Good = G, Girl = G, Nationalist = N, Wife = W, Blast = TOOT, Caught= C, Hard = H, Religious instruction = RI, Associate = A, Model = T, Scottish sweetheart = JO, Hot = H, Many = M, Wicket = W, Son = S