Monday 3 October 2022

No 13676, Monday 03 Oct 2022, Arden

Solution to 16A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

9   Opening with men providing some cool stuff (7) ORIFICE {OR}{IF}{ICE}
10 Falls again, shot by artillerymen (7) NIAGARA {AGAIN}*{RA}
11 New one, back on track (7) NASCENT {AN<=}{SCENT}
12 Police respect staff (7) SCEPTRE*
13 Better actor including one who can take charge (9) CAPACITOR {CAP}{AC{1}TOR}
15 Every year the one inside goes missing, cancel (5) ANNUL ANNUaL
16 Strange, midway it becomes obvious (7) S?L?E?T (Addendum - SALIENT {S{ALIEN}T} - See comments)
19 No items become wet (7) MOISTEN*
20 European computer expert's right inside (5) GREEK {G{R}EEK}
21 A racket to grab kidney's hormone (9) ADRENALIN {A}{D{RENAL}IN}
25 Named as strange followers of Bacchus (7) MAENADS*
26 "Listen, listen surreptitiously" Spooner on big squeeze (4,3) BEAR HUG (~hear bug to bear hug)
28 Chemical split over time (7) REAGENT {RE{AGE}NT}
29 Plant you initially planted in English county (7) SPURREY {S{Pl...d}URREY} What's the role of you?

1   Charlie able to raise a toast with this (6) COGNAC {C}{CAN GO<=} Semi&lit
2   Associates drink after match (4,2) TIES UP {SUP}<=>{TIE}
3   Day an American President built a wall (4) DIKE {D}{IKE}
4   Group found IT offensive in Vietnam (6) SEXTET {SEX}{TET}
5   A worry with never ending capital (8) ANGSTROM {ANGST}{ROMe}
6   Doctor on trial for accepting card that is cut (10) LACERATION {ON+TRIAL}* over {ACE}
7   Drill sergeant's rant about time wasted (8) MARTINET {RANT+TIME}*
8   Go perhaps and chart a strategy (4,4) GAME PLAN {GAME}{PLAN}
14 Stop teams playing after one wins (10) CHECKMATES {CHECK}{TEAMS*} Semi&lit
16 Story over Indian chief (8) SAGAMORE {SAGA}{MORE}
17 Vassal knelt perhaps gentlemanlike (8) LIEGEMAN {LIEGEMAN+KNELT}*=GENTLEMANLIKE [CA]
18 Crosses junction, trains travelling south (8) TRANSITS {T}{TRAINS*}{S}
22 Upset about bad start but strong (6) ROBUST {RO{Bad}UST}
23 Place to make a hole right through (6) LAHORE {A+HOLE+R}*
24 Name a painter in Japan (6) NAGOYA {N}{A}{GOYA}
27 Plant producing a drink (4) ARUM {A}{RUM}

Reference List
Men = OR, Artillerymen = RA, Computer expert = GEEK, Right = R, Charlie = C, Day = D, IT = SEX, Junction = T, South = S, Name = N 


  1. 16A. Salient. Strange= alien. Its become st as it is obvious

  2. Anno not at all clear, pl explain

  3. Only Alien part is right. Find the rest of it.

  4. I went by the short cut its written as ' ts?. Am.i on the rt track ?

  5. Neat clues today, thanks. Spurrey is a new one and I was playing around with P U and Sussex and got stuck.

  6. WAY = STREET = ST
    MIDWAY means insert ALIEN in ST
    Becomes SALIENT

    1. Sarathi you have been told a number of times that you are no longer a novice/regular. Please remember

  7. Replies
    1. Please dont take offence. Almost all of us have heard 'Jaragandi' in Tirupathi. I think it translates to Jaragu (go)+ Andi (Royal you/ please) Right Gemini?

  8. Thats the die hard telugu habit sir-)

  9. Col.'s link for offensive in Vietnam explains it. Tet offensive.
    Found is a connector.

  10. Yesterday's Sunday cryptic is an enjoyable CW from Incognito. Col. has given the link yesterday.

  11. Sarathi you have been told a number of times that you are no longer a novice/regular. Please remember that.

  12. NIAGARA, SCEPTRE, LIEGEMAN, NAGOYA were favs in the grid.
    Had a doubt in 26A - Hear and bear are not pronounced the same - how does the spoonerism of hear bug to bear hug work?

    1. Spoonerism has become abracadabra.
      It now transcends to just mixing the letter, literally and not sound.

    2. Please read not just sound (slip of tongue in pronounciation!).

  13. In 22 D is the reference for 'about' = RO. Can this be clarified please? About seems to have many references ?

    1. Upset is roust.
      About is container indicator as on around.

  14. 12a in what sense Police is anagrind!
    All i could get was it could be container indicator, protect/maintain/control.

    1. It is listed in Chambers Crossword Dictionary as anagrind. Probably in the sense of "put in order" (not just control).

  15. A tough, enjoyable puzzle! Thank you, Arden.
