Tuesday 4 October 2022

No 13677, Tuesday 04 Oct 2022, Arden

Artwork by Prasanna
Rangoli by Gowri

Solution to 8D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Moral aspects of changing the electronic circuits (6) ETHICS {THE*}{IC'S}
4   Most importantly, a trip takes limited period (5,3) AFTER ALL {A}{F{TERm}ALL}
10 Bet inland, like 23 (9) BANTERING {B{ANTE}RING}
11 Island partly across a moat (5) SAMOA [T]
12 After small drink make some paint marks (7) STIPPLE {S}{TIPPLE}
13 Fruit to get some divine intervention (7) TANGELO {T{ANGEL}O}
14 Fungus? Return to work first (5) ERGOT {TO<=}<=>{ERG}
15 Anguish over defeat, but he is optimistic (8) PANGLOSS {PANG}{LOSS}
18 Ecstatic drunk cries outside a bar briefly (8) SERAPHIC {SER{A}{PH}IC*}
20 Minute changes, one goes unachieved (5) UNMET MiNUTE*
23 Man.Utd midfielder goes from extreme left to extreme right, just joking (7) RIBBING (-g)RIBBIN(+g)G
25 Ordering mandarin orange, managers arranged metal support (7) ANDIRON {ANDIRON+MANAGER=MANDARIN ORANGE} [CA] 
26 Hilton perhaps is under average (5) PARIS {IS}<=>{PAR}
27 Band of soldiers on both sides guarding the box (9) ORCHESTRA {OR}{CHEST}{RA}
28 Tomato salad - taking on a little cupid (8) AMORETTO {AMO{RE}TTO*}
29 Land to the east, say (6) ESTATE {E}{STATE}

1   Laid out some beds and stamped (8) EMBOSSED*
2   Suspended sentence? (7) HANGING [DD]
3   Queen's place to travel on road, occasionally (9) CLEOPATRA {PLACE+TO}*{RoAd}
5   War's a gamble, but there is a possibility of success (8,6) FIGHTING CHANCE {FIGHTING}{CHANCE}
6   Basics - 50% found in German city (5) ESSEN ESSENtials
7   Like to cross miles, perhaps it's pointless (7) AIMLESS {A{MILES*}S}
8   Force to lease both sides immediately (4,2) L?A? O? (Addendum - LEAN ON {LeasE}{ANON} - See comments)
9   Surrender to the spirit, stop working (4-2,3,5) GIVE-UP THE GHOST {GIVE UP}{THE}{GHOST}
16 Left one bare, otherwise she has loads to work on (9) LAUNDRESS {L}{A}{UNDRESS} Why otherwise?
17 Step one accepted long time ago (5,3) STONE AGE {ST{ONE}AGE}
19 Regular team game, has to stop-stop (7) EMBARGO {tEaM}{GO} over {BAR}
21 Western woman embraces an Indian warrior (7) MARATHA {MAR{A}THA}
22 Wine supplier's a bit short, paid 50% for the drink (6) GRAPPA {GRAPe}{PAid}
24 Child is with the girl (5) ISSUE {IS}{SUE}

Reference List
Small = S, Bar = PH(Public House), Soldier = OR,RA, On = RE, East = E, Left = L, One = A, An = A


  1. A few very difficult ones with a lot of interesting clues giving us a fighting chance. We should not give up the ghost.

  2. Thank you Prasanna for giving a divine start.

  3. learned a few new words- Amoretto,Pangloss.
    Struggling with launderer for a while.

  4. Col., No print issue tomorrow.

  5. Col - extremely sorry. But my Rangoli finished only now. Have mailed it to u. If u can, please add it to the blog.
    Thank you so much!!!!

  6. 16d i think the clue needs to be semi&lit.
    She won't have loads if one is bare!
    Otherwise if one dresses up she would have loads to wash.

  7. Why lease= let? Why not lease itself?

  8. I took otherwise (or) as a conbector between wp and def

  9. Would you Ike to have a go? Lease both sides along with Anon as you pointed out earlier

  10. Since nobody else has come up with any solution, you try with lease in stead of let.

  11. Boss,you have almost given it.

  12. Sorry, this looked almost fully solved earlier

  13. Come on! How do you manage to get S&E?!

  14. I think it will click for you had it been 'both ends' ...

  15. I thik western woman martha should make it to reference list.

  16. No need I think. Like Sue for girl,this also should be simple enough.

    1. No paddy, martha actually means lady/woman in armeanian (/west Asia!)

    2. I don't think it has been used in that sense. Arden to confirm.
      I could not find it in the on line Chambers that I looked. Nmae may have a biblical connection.

  17. It's incorrect to call Gribbin a Man Utd midfielder. He never played a single senior game for them! I'm sure even the most devoted fans of the club would've never heard of him.

  18. sides we used to anno. as L & R, S&E considered as points.

  19. Since there is no paper tomorrow I will post a special at 7 AM

  20. PANGLOSS, AMORETTO, GRAPPA were new words but gettable from wordplay and crossing letters. Thanks Arden and Col!
    Is 25A (ANDIRON) a CA? i.e.
    But the S in managerS seems extra?

    1. Even arranged. Typically CA has one anind. Deletion sometimes have two.

  21. Thanks for the lovely artwork and Rangoli, Prasanna and Gowri! Happy Navarathri to all.

  22. 13a grammatically shouldn't it be "gets".

  23. 27a gaurding should suffice!
    Why both sides.

  24. Thank you Col.sir for posting my artwork. Enjoyed today's grid. Have a great day.

  25. Could visit the blog only now. Beautiful artwork by Prasanna and nice Rangoli by Gowri.

