Thursday 27 October 2022

No 13695, Thursday 27 Oct 2022, Gussalufz

Solution to 12A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   But holding a long stick, she tries to stay stable (8) BALANCER {BA{LANCE}R}
6   Revolutionary tombstone inscription in place for soul (6) SPIRIT {S{RIP<=}IT}
9   Judge starts to upbraid defence over defence strategy (4) JUDO {J}{Up...d}{De...e}{Over}
10 According to reactionary: have sex without protections, heartily, to fill a place with people again (10) REPOPULATE {PER<=}{cOPULATe}E E from? What's the role of heartily? {Addendum - {PER}{cOPU:ATE}* - See comments)
11 Positive spin applied to the disputed clip (6) UPSIDE [T<=]
12 As discussed, issue suggests systematic studies (8) S?I?N?E? (Addendum - SCIENCES (~scion says)
13 One full of oneself somehow insists upon taking control of narrative (10) NARCISSIST {N{ARC}ISSIST*}
15 Notice the heads up display terminals! (4) ESPY [Tail acrostic)
17 After retirement, secretly date zombie character (4) ZETA [T<=]
18 Bradman set to be replaced as players' leader (10) BANDMASTER*
20 Regularly does so at each end — turns late! (8) DECEASED {DoEs+So+At+EaCh+EnD}<=
22 Dr. exchanged worn-out knife (6) DAGGER Anno pending (-r+d)DAGGE(-d+r)R - See comments)
24 Unrestricted exchange of gold stopping rapid slump (4-3-3) FREE-FOR-ALL {FREE F{OR}ALL}
26 On vacation, right to bump one off? (4) AWRY AW(-a+r)RY
27 These animals? They're on cars every now and then! (6) HYENAS {tHeYrE+oN+cArS}
28 Acquired a welcoming, fancy, nice, large estate (8) HACIENDA {HA{NICE*}D}{A}

2   Patiala's queen set to lose spectacular site and lose control of automobile (9) AQUAPLANE {PAtiALAs+QUeEN}*
3   Amino fluid oddly used as sauce? (5) AIOLI {AmInO+fLuId}
4   These Olympians — they may be seen in hair salons! (7) CURLERS [DD]
5   Cutting from liquor, I paid rent (3) RIP [T]
6   Bribe's breaking new ground at 50%, one argues (7) SOPHIST {SOP}HIST Anno pending (Addendum -{SOP}{HISToric} - See comments)
7   Perhaps sand is primarily littered all around their terrain, essentially? (9) ISLANDERS {SAND+IS+Li...d} over {thEir+terRain} &lit
8   Ripped textile, discovered fibre (5) IXTLE tEXTILe* Not sure of Anno See comments
12 Exposed innards of the menace rising to smother monarch (7) SKINNED {DENNI{K}S<=}
14 Christmas is back — came earlier, around the end of March (it changes frequently) (9) CHAMELEON {NOEL<=}<=>{C{marcH}AME}
16 Pet of Spooner's not on leash, expressed satisfaction (9) PREFERRED Anno pending (Addendum ~ free purred to preferred - See comments)
18 Works on vacation, chasing top Oscar awards (7) BESTOWS {WorkS}<=>{BEST}{O}
19 Note: before 100, toy with a sex change (6,1) MIDDLE C {C}<=>{(-f+m)MIDDLE}
21 Getting rid of husband? Pay attention to discontented lady ahead of her time ... (5) EARLY {hEAR}{LadY}
23 ... Good republican husband killed in own churchyard plot (5) GRAVE {G}{R}{hAVE}
25 ... Burnt remains of second husband found under a tree (3) ASH {S}{H}<=>{A} Two definitions?

Reference List
Gold = OR, Right = R, Monarch = K, Christmas = NOEL, 100 =C, Husband = H, Good = G, Republican = R, Second = S


  1. 6D Breaking new ground = Historic and 50% of that

  2. 6d HISToric: breaking new ground

  3. Re: 25d. Yes, two definitions in this one (and one wordplay, as noted).

    1. Wouldn't the clue still be good without 'Burnt remains'?
      Just-A second husband found under a tree. Cryptic.

    2. Yes, it could have been that, but I chose this version for a minor reason. Will get to that soon...

    3. Just to follow up on this (now that the theme has been revealed and my notes have been posted), I just made the surface exaggeratedly macabre to fit the theme and end on an exaggeratedly thematic note (for the crossword as well as the mini tale told by 21d, 23d, 25d).

  4. 8d. "Ripped" is the anagrind, and "discovered" for taking off outer letters. Def is "fibre"

  5. Thank you all for the enjoyable time and the clarifications. Purring happily!

  6. Since none of the non-regulars/novices have got 12A it is ooen to the newly promoted regulars and not the hard core regulars!!

    1. Here is a big novice taking a very wild swing at it:
      As = Since
      "Discussed Issue" in systematic way (regularly)
      dis C uss E dis S ue
      CES suggesting in SINCE
      Definition: Studies

    2. Nice try, but "systematic" cannot really be used for picking letters at regular intervals, IMO. And there is no indicator in the clue for splicing in C, E, S into SINCE in this manner (certainly "suggests" cannot describe that complex operation).

    3. Ah you're absolutely right... had felt it was a little too wild

    4. Another perspective can be (maybe something that makes a little more sense...but still wondering whether it is wild)
      As = Since
      Discussed being a homophone indicator
      Issue = Child = Son = S
      Suggests indicates it's not completely an accurate homophone:
      To give: {SCIENCE}(~since) {S}
      Definition: systematic studies
      Now I'm all out!

  7. After the answer to 12A is in someone can identify the theme and theNina

  8. 12A now open to all. So also identification of Theme and Nina

    1. All hallows eve :Halloween!

    2. Oh! 31st Oct is Halloween day!

    3. Nice identification. Couldn't spot the Nina nor the theme words.

    4. Some theme words I noticed-
      Spirit, Zeta(?),Deceased, Dagger, RIP, Ash, Grave, Istle(?),
      No idea about Nina.

  9. SCIENCES= ~SCION SAYS - issue=scion; suggests=says; as suggested=hp indicator

  10. Homophone indicator is 'as discussed'. I was a little unsure about scion/son.

  11. Here are my notes for this crossword:


    This crossword is seasonally themed on Halloween, a festival to celebrate the dead.

    ALL HALLOWS' EVE can be seen as a nina running across the third row from the top and continuing across the second row from the bottom (Halloween is a contraction of All Hallows' Evening).

    These entries are thematic:

    5d. RIP.
    6a. SPIRIT.
    12d. SKINNED.
    20a. DECEASED.
    22a. DAGGER.
    23d. GRAVE.
    25d. ASH.
    27a. HYENAS.

    Additionally, the surfaces of the last three down clues (21, 23, 25) tell a short, macabre tale that fits the theme. Perhaps the tale might remind the reader of Susanna's Seven Husbands by Ruskin Bond!

    This puzzle is a pangram.

    Personal notes

    A couple of nice space-related things happened around the end of September, when I was wrapping up setting this crossword. Jupiter was the closest it has been to earth in nearly 60 years, and that provided the perfect motivation for me to set up my backyard telescope again and enjoy its magnificent sights. And on September 26, we earthlings watched in breathless awe the live telecast of a spacecraft slamming into the asteroid Dimorphos—a first-ever "planetary defence" test!

  12. Sorry for not posting Viresh's notes earlier. I was in an area with no internet, attending my School batch's 55th year get-together

    1. No worries at all! Hope the get-together was fun!

    2. It definitely was a great two days of fun. Heading back today

    3. Great to be with school mates! Surprising you are still able to be in touch- College yes but school rare.
      We are nearing 60 years of passing out of college- just 15 months away!

  13. I now get why you found 'Burnt remains' necessary.
