Monday 10 October 2022

No 13681, Monday 10 Oct 2022, Incognito

Solution to 17A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

8   Insect from operation theatre in mobile hospital (4) MOTH {M}{OT}{H}
9   Father is initially assiduous... gets a part of a rupee (5) PAISA {PA}{IS}{As...s}
10 Average king's garden (4) PARK {PAR}{K}
11 Unfortunately, an Egyptian spirit's state (6) ALASKA {ALAS}{KA}
12 Yank article held by travelling Crimean (8) AMERICAN {AMERIC{A}N*}
13 Type of current matters in narratives (8) ACCOUNTS [DD] (Addendum - {AC}{COUNTS} - See comments)
15 Four score twenty less than hundred (6) EIGHTY (4x20 and 100-20)
17 Blind street dog ain't confused (7) ?U?T?I? (Addendum - CURTAIN {CUR}{AINT*} - See comments)
19 Please girl and boy at hideout (7) GLADDEN {G}{LAD}{DEN}
22 Augment pub fee in new order (4,2) BEEF UP*
24 Old writing instrument with initially super expensive styli costs (8) EXPENSES {EX}{PEN}{Su..r}{Ex...e}{St..i}
26 Come! Nero is dancing again (4,4) ONCE MORE*
28 Roman god took seat on vessel (6) SATURN {SAT}{URN}
30 Powder used in continental cuisine (4) TALC [T]
31 Using solvent, wash out electronic musical instrument (5) ELUTE {E}{LUTE}
32 Inquisitive son returns with Yankee (4) NOSY {SON<=}{Y}

1   Heard birds may produce this kind of smell... (4) FOUL (~fowl)
2   Discontinue shape (5,3) PHASE OUT {SHAPE}* [RA]
3   Beginning to rain in country? Might result in this kind of injury (6) SPRAIN {SP{Rain}AIN}
4   Painter's small picture on animal love (7) PICASSO {PIC}{ASS}{0}
5   Goodbye! We're travelling during autumn in America (8) FAREWELL {FA{WERE*}LL}
6   New sprig bursts out in season (6) SPRING {N+SPRIG}* Semi&lit
7   Soldiers leaving country for a song (4) ARIA ARmenIA
14 Charlie gets impolite and vulgar (5) CRUDE {C}{RUDE}
16 Leading members of the higher education ministry endorsed topic (5) THEME Acrostic
18 Perhaps, goblin roams and makes better (8) IMPROVES {IMP}{ROVES}
20 Gang lord with a container good for giving away (8) DONATING {DON}{A}{TIN}{G}
21 Taxation is about location (7) REVENUE {RE}{VENUE}
23 Run church swindle (6) FLEECE {FLEE}{CE}
25  Succeeds in exam and gets admission authorisations (6) PASSES [DD]
27 Biblical character having small number about him in the beginning (4) NOAH {NO}{Ab..t}{Him}
29 Reckless in Maharashtra (4) RASH [T]

Reference List
Operation Theatre = OT, Mobile = M, Hospital = H, Father = PA, Average = PAR, King + K, Girl = G, Hideout = DEN, Old = EX, Electronic = E, Yankee = Y, New = N, Soldiers = MEN, Charlie = C, Good = G, About = RE, Church = CE, Small number = NO


  1. 13a type of current:AC. Matter:count

  2. 17ac.. CURTAIN.. CUR (AINT)*.. means screen
    Cur is street dog

  3. PAISA ya pyaar?
    Vladimir did not wish to take a RASH decision.
    He checked his ACCOUNTS.
    EIGHTY grand! Where had all that money gone?
    No EXPENSES account to check...
    He had to ONCE MORE BEEF UP.
    The SATURN period will soon PHASE OUT...
    What happened next?

  4. Vladimir is taking frequent holidays. Request him to be more regular.

    1. Indeed and I agree with you Mr. Padmanabhan and he should not hide behind the iron curtain!!!
