Wednesday 1 March 2023

No 13801, Wednesday 01 Mar 2023, Avtaar

Solution to 13A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Dull reading material (6) MATTER {MATTE}{R}
5   Rats start to nibble inside audio equipment after power cut (8) SNEAKERS {Sp{Ni...e}EAKERS}
9   Money lost in shopping centre by Avtaar gets announced every second (&lit.) (3-2-3) ALL-IN-ONE {mALL}{I}{aNnOuNcEd}
10 Hooked pipe filled with a mass (6) HAMOSE {H{A}{M}OSE}
11 Overwhelming song amidst picnic (12) OUTNUMBERING {OUT{NUMBER}ING}
13 Journalist returned on second March (4) ?E?O (Addendum - DEMO {ED<=}{MO} See comments  )
14 Go before receding volcano with boyfriend (8) ANTEDATE {ETNA<=}{DATE}
17 Lady heralding Queen holding women's coat from India (8) SHERWANI {SHE}{ER}{W}ANI Anno for ANI pending (Addendum - {SHE}{R{W}ANI} - See comments)
18 Agatha's work standard (4) NORM {N or M}
20 A river and sea corroded this range (6,6) SIERRA NEVADA*
23 Little beast's two young ones doing a flip-flop (3-3) DIK-DIK {KID}{KID}<=
24 English expert heading out towards the Orient (8) EASTERLY {E}{mASTERLY}
25 A set of books about unknown, empty metaphors that have contrary meanings (8) ANTONYMS {A}{NT}{ON}{Y}{Me...rS}
26 She misses a scheduled appointment with old husband and kid in retreat (2-4) NO-SHOW {W}{O}{H}{SON}<=

2   Smart Alec stripped after babe undressed (4) ABLE {aLEc}<=>{bABe}
3   Focus of patriot and officer - my country's flag, perhaps? (9) TRICOLOUR {paTRIot}{COL}{OUR}
4   Places to spend the night close to lakes surrounded by moors (6) ROOSTS {ROO{l..eS}TS}
5   Uncertainty in stipulations covering reorganisation of Levant is beginning to unsettle Spain (15) SPECULATIVENESS {SPEC{LEVANT+IS+Un...e+E}S}
6   Old garments American pulled out for international parades (8) EXHIBITS {EX}{H(-a+i)IBITS}
7   Cambodian king held meetings engaging revolution's leaders (5) KHMER Acrostic
8   Right reasons to supply sound analysers (10) RESONATORS {R+REASONS+TO}*
12 Tradesman, basically trained in essentials of mechanics (10) TECHNICIAN {Tr...n+IN+mECHANICs}*&lit
15 Enjoyed hemming name on recycled women's wearand work overalls (9) DUNGAREES {DU{N}G}{(-s)AREE(+s)S}
16 God has transformed Kerala? Nonsense! (8) MALARKEY {MY} over {KERALA}*
19 Legendary doctor featured in "Retrospective of Glasnost - A watershed" (6) WATSON [T<=]
21 Entertaining player of Broncos? (5) RODEO [CD]
22 Cut, cold potatoes (4) ALOO ALOOf

Reference List
Reading = R, Power = P, Money = M, Mass = M, Journalist = ED, Second = MO, Queen = RANI, Women = W, English = E, Set of books = NT, Unknown = Y, With = W, Old = O, Husband = H, Stipulations = SPECS, Spain = E, American = A, International = I, Right = R, Name = N, God = MY!


  1. Col , 12D is &lit. T is from Tradesman and trained is the anagrind

  2. 13a - (DE)<--ED(M)(O)
    journalist - ED
    second - ON <--
    March - M

    1. Def. is March. March - M(o)nth. second letter 'O' ; March-M.

    2. Col.sir. corrected my error. simple substitution I made it bit complicated. nice word play by Avtaar. In chamber dic. also it mentioned as moment, minute. Hence, I tried for alternative.

  3. MO showing in dic,. as bit., , Minute.

  4. Thanks sathia. corrected my error. I made it bit complicated. nice word play by Avtaar. mostly solved. few vertical bal. have a gr day.

  5. Gimme a mo and gimme a sec

  6. Nice grid. DIK DIK - a new word.
    Thanks Avtaar
