Thursday 16 March 2023

No 13814, Thursday 16 Mar 2023, Lightning

Solution to 12A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Cuts fashionable placement where the ball bounces low (4,4) DROP SHOT {DROPS}{HOT}
5   Confidence of liberal institute involved in dispute (6) BELIEF {BE{L}{I}EF}
9   Model joins one expert Olympian (8) POSEIDON {POSE}{1}{DON}
10 Wannabe American hiding one that may not bounce (6) BEAMER [T]
12 Digress without help (5) S?R?E (Addendum - SERVE SwERVE - See comments)
13 He shifts a wild creature that can swim (9) SHEATFISH*
14 Substantial to lose every fourth carriage (6) HANSOM HANdSOMe
16 Press ordinary piercing weapon (7) HARPOON {HARP ON} over {O}
19 Sign of approval about destroyed tape recorder (7) NOTEPAD {NO{TAPE*}D}
21 Very ordinary cry about barrage of bullets (6) VOLLEY {V}{O}{YELL<=}
23 It may cause a ball to come back below small stick (9) UNDERSPIN {UNDER}{S}{PIN}
25 Grab horse showing hate (5) ABHOR [T]
26 Stash missing at first, had to think (6) IDEATE {hIDE}{ATE}
27 Swapping two parts return stroke (8) BACKHAND {HAND<=>BACK}
28 Child returned to shelter - insanity at Wanderers (6) NOMADS {SON}<= over {MAD}
29 Turn around light device, so short inside (8) REVERSAL {LASER}<= over {VERy}

1   Forcefully take away down payment - it is gone with engineer (6) DEPOSE {DEPOSit}{E}
2   Old boy, one doing household work is attentive (9) OBSERVANT {O}{B}{SERVANT}
3   Dissect small insects (5) SLICE {S}{LICE}
4   Animal old pole curtailed partly in summer (7) OPOSSUM {O}{POSt}{SUMmer}
6   College perhaps destroyed local tree (9) ELECTORAL*
7   Stressed feet immobilized and made bit inconvenient for starters (5) IAMBI Acrostic
8   Fear don went berserk consuming heroin shot (8) FOREHAND {FEAR+DON}* over {H}
11 Setter joins society with hard network (4) MESH {ME}{S}{H}
15 Sifted and broke apart seed (9) SEPARATED*
17 Smashes six balls with top strokes at the beginning (9) OVERHEADS {OVER}{HEAD}{St...s}
18 Introduction if unions change (8) INFUSION*
20 Perform exercise with drug (4) DOPE {DO}{PE}
21 Very hard worker and saint missing first asset (7) VANTAGE {V}{ANT}{sAGE}
22 Bishop to free gangster - it may be for a girl at a wedding (6) BRIDAL {B}{RID}{AL}
24 Ambition of doctor - to join leaderless squad (5) DREAM {DR}{tEAM}
25 Bank lender smuggling joint (5) ANKLE [T]

Reference List
LIberal = L, Institute = I, With = W, Ordinary = O, Small = S, Engineer = E, Old = O, Boy = B, Heroin = H, Society = S, Hard = H, Exercise = PE, Very = V, Bishop = B, Gangster = AL(Capone)


  1. Lightening truly struck me in a pleasant way. Hopefully i may radiate it to my students..-)

  2. Looks like a CW set while playing tennis- but beamer moved in from cricket! Made me work a little harder today- enjoyably so. Several C's OD- 1A,10A,19A, Handsome14A. 6D. 21D to name a few.

  3. Naturally, but untouchable as of now!

  4. 12 a, help = serve
    Digress = swerve, - w , with out

  5. One of those puzzles which makes one feel very good when completed including getting the annos spot on. Very fair but tough and brainwracking clues. Enjoyed solving it.

  6. @ Prasad - Thanx. I replied there - but getting posted. πŸ™‚

  7. Replies
    1. Yes - laser around is also part of the clue.

  8. 'Turn around' is the def. Col. has marked it.

  9. Except BACK HAND and HANSOM rest all solved. too tricky word play on BACK HAND. overall it's a good treat.

  10. Solved. & parsed.
    Thanx Lighting
