Tuesday 21 March 2023

No 13818, Tuesday 21 Mar 2023, Afterdark

Solution to 3D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

7   No mobile? Take tips from uncle and niece and assemble (8) NOBELIUM {MOBILE+Un..e+Ni..e}*
9   Directions ready to include European Community (6) RECIPE {R{EC}IPE}
10 Leaders of African nation encourage war again (4) ANEW Acrostic
11 Primarily searches shows at old city, gives up (10) SURRENDERS {Se...s}{UR}{RENDERS}
12 Careful consideration of a director's grip on people and team leader (10) ADVISEMENT {A}{D}{VISE}{MEN}{Team}
14 Unclear on Victor's exit with fever (4) AGUE vAGUE
15 Group of stars sent off during editing (13) CONSTELLATION {CO{SENT*}LLATION}
18 Expensive? Replace dinar with naira, it is within reach (4) NEAR (-d+n)NEAR
20 Principles of schematic rewritten by leading scientist (10) CATECHISMS {SCHEMATIC}*{Sc...t}
21 Interruptions in rest, unhappy with son (10) BREAKDOWNS {BREAK}{DOWN}{S}
23 Money, greed essentially leads to depression (4) TINE {TIN}{grEed} Is the defintion correct?
24 A century followed by a LBW, in front. Inconsistent (6) ATONAL {A}{TON}{A}{Lbw}
25 Welsh rabbit was not very sparse in the beginning (8) RAREBITS {BITS}<=>{RARE}

1   Cyclonic storm indicator taking head off (8) TORNADIC iNDICATOR*
2   Setter with a bird with clipped making cat sound (4) MEOW {ME}{OWl}
3   Happiest one giving rewards in advance at Estonia (8) ?I?S?E?T (Addendum - TIPSIEST {1}<=>{TIPS} and {EST} - See comment)
4   Critical that dog starting late reaches man (6) URGENT {cUR}{GENT}
5   Frozen cut start to finish (4) ICED dICED
6   Each copper follows one for insight (6) APERCU {PER}{CU}<=>{A}
8   Retro moat? Well rebuild as a defensive fort (8,5) MARTELLO TOWER*
13 Private tavern at the outskirts of Exeter (5) INNER {INN}{Ex..eR}
14 At the start, Allen's low inswinging ball interrupted by defence (5) ALIBI Acrostic
16 Tyres can burst in race (8) ANCESTRY*
17 Select new leader to replace daughter in control (8) NOMINATE (-d+n)NOMINATE
19 Right in time, first teacher took article and found mistakes (6) ERRATA {ER{R}A}{Te...r}{A}
20 Pet fish led astray (6) CODDLE {COD}{LED*}
22 Excellent time to send the English to end (1-3) A-ONE A(-e)ON(+e)E
23 Bantu band's instrument (4) TUBA [T]

Reference List
Old city = UR, Director = D, Victor = V, Dinar = D, Naira = N, Son = S, Money = TIN, Century = TON, Daughter = D, Right = R, English = E


  1. 3D - Tipsiest - happiest
    Rewards - Tips
    I - one
    EST - Estonia
    Tips + I + est
    Advance (tips before I)

  2. 25A- 'Bits' from 'Not very'? Any other possibility?

    1. Not very could also mean rare/rare bit!

      I have seen used in English crossies.

      Not very cooked in steak houses (7)

  3. 2D- 'Setter with a bird with'! Too many with's. Also clipped what?
    A setter with clipped bird would have been better for both surface and cryptic reading.

    1. Maybe the setter intended it to be 'bird with clipped wing' and the word got missed somehow

  4. A straightforward one from Afterdark today. 6D & 8D were new words for me, but good clueing led me to the answers.

  5. 25ac - the clue says sparse in the beginning.
    So sparse - rare &
    Not very - bits. ?
    @ Prasad

  6. Comparatively easy from AD.

