Monday 20 March 2023

No 13817, Monday 20 Mar 2023, Afterdark

Solution to 28A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Nothing, casting in play is interesting (11) FASCINATING {FA}{CASTING+IN}*
9   Son rushed back to ER with southern hunters (7) SNARERS {S}{RAN<=}{ER}{S}
10 Pretty timid monkey with long head trapped (7) SHAPELY {SH{APE}{Long}Y}
11 Substance is fluorine, she split up (5) FLESH {FL}{SHE*}
12 To break down a smallest item is enervating primarily (9) ANATOMISE {AN}{ATOM}{IS}{En...g}
13 Good and gifted actor (5) GABLE {G}{ABLE} Semi&lit
15 Inflammation? Come in, after one take first tablet and a second later (9) ENTERITIS {ENTER}{1}{Ta...t}{1}{S}
18 Coaches without current delayed? Explain (9) TRANSLATE {TRAiNS}{LATE}
21 Trouser generally contains twilled fabric (5) SERGE [T]
22 Flash singers apart from Henry, worried after catching cold (9) CORUSCATE {ChORUS}{ATE} over {C}
24 Leading stuntman replaces female in fight scene (5) SIGHT (-f+s)SIGHT
26 Expression of defiance for drunkard at this place (2,5) SO THERE {SOT}{HERE}
27 Prevailing trend is a song about escape (1,2,4) A LA MODE {A}{ODE} over {LAM}
28 Building sets, second without third quarter and rent for auditions (6,5) S?R?E? T?S?S (Addendum - SCREEN TEST {SETS+SECond+RENT}* - See comments)

1   Search results in return gift inside, time for a scrap (9) FISTFIGHT {FIS{GIFT<=}H}{T} What's the role of 'Results in'?
2   Post opinion after first screening (5) STAKE {TAKE}<=>{Sc...g}
3   Fresh cheese, it's common in Antarctica (3,6) ICE SHEETS {CHEESE+ITS}*
4   Lower idiot's years to avoid abuse essentially (7) ASSUAGE {ASS}{abUse}{AGE}
5   Second at home, laurel say on tabletop (7) INSTANT {IN}{STAN}{Ta..e}
6   Sources from government; use ammonium sulphate, NPK, organic fertilizer (5) GUANO Acrostic
7   Wild tigers primarily enumerated by top rangers in journal (8) REGISTER {TIGERS*}{En...d}{Ra...s}
8   Data unit near outskirts of Thane (4) BYTE {BY}{ThanE}
14 Worked on bail right? Reportedly so for a socialist perhaps (8) BLAIRITE {BAIL*}{(~right)RITE}
16 Again second? Not new being defiant (9) RESISTANT {RE}{S}{InSTANT}
17 Plant is beautiful, peasant killed insect (9) SWEETPEAS {SWEET}{PEASant}
19 A friend at Ulsoor, heartless and non-professional (7) AMATEUR {A}{MATE}{Ul..oR}
20 One third of side sacked, worried on advance (7) ELEVATE {ELEVen}{ATE}
22 Growth is pacy, strong, collected (4) CYST [T]
23 Say instructions for glasses (5) SPECS [DD]
25 Large total (5) GROSS [DD]

Reference List
Nothing = FA(Fanny Adams), Son = S, Southern = S, Good = G, Second = S, Current = I, Henry = H, Female = F, Drunkard = SOT, Escape = LAM, Time = T, Near = BY, Again = RE, New = N, Worried = ATE


  1. 6D- In acrostic, is Ammonium sulphate considered as one word? The S had me confused.

  2. 24A- Why 'fight' in partial pink? It should be fully in black. We get F from female.

  3. 22A- Ate from worried? May be included in Ref.list

  4. 15A. COD..very craftily worded. I have been trying to avoid the word 'very'. However, the indianness is not allowing me to do so-)

  5. In Ref. list Escape= lam - marked as Alm. Lam about is alm (27A)

  6. 28A, auditions = Screen Tests
    [ sets + sec (- ond) +rent]*
    Ond = third quarter, Oct, Nov, dec

  7. Replies
    1. +1. I got it but could not parse it

    2. +2 Nice solve.I was stumped by 'ond'

    3. +3
      never expect this tricky word play. Excellent solve. was thinking out of box. . OND word play is significant one.......

  8. 11a: Is Fl for fluorine ok? The chemical symbol is just F

    1. You are right. It is not correct to use Fl like Cl for chlorine.

    2. Must be an auto-correct.
      There is florin:fl british coin.

  9. 28A is it third quarter or fourth? Third quarter of Indian financial year?

  10. Replies
    1. In the UK, our fiscal year is set from 6th April to 5th April of the next year because this reflects the change from the Julian Calendar to the Gregorian Calendar.
      This is what wiki says about British accounting year. Interesting. But no objection to third quarter being OND

    2. I feel OND for Third quarter From Oct, Nov, Dec is a bit far-fetched

    3. There seems to be no other option. Whether it is fair or not is a different question. Solver seems to have read setter's mind!

    4. As a solver deletion indicatior very hard to understand.

    5. The thing is AD has already used it in the beginning of fourth quarter, 2022.

  11. In 16a - second has dual role? S + instant?
    Nice grid. My cod - CORUSCATE, ELEVATE.
    Thanx AD.
