Saturday 25 March 2023

No 13822, Saturday 25 Mar 2023, Dr. X

1   Give fruit salad right away to refugee (8) FUGITIVE {GIVE+FrUIT}*
5   Billion accepted in banknotes for castle in N. African town (6) CASBAH {CAS{B}{A}H} Accepted/A? It's there in Chambers dictionary
10 Time to accumulate runs with bit of ease in match (5) AGREE {AG{R}E}{Ease}
11 Emission percentage cut by revolutionary contribution (9) RADIATION {RA{AID<=}TION}
12 Cackling back, gigantic creature grabs raptor's head (9) GIBBERING {BIG<=}{BE{Ra...r}ING}
13 What baby wears to sleep extremely peacefully? (5) NAPPY {NAP}{Pe...lY}
14 Shudder as criminal finally enters court (6) BLENCH {B{c...aL}ENCH}
15 Old boy starting to turn impolite and impose in an unwelcome way (7) OBTRUDE {OB}{Turn}{RUDE}
18 Fantastic bistro alongside lake in English city (7) BRISTOL {BISTRO*}{L}
20 Owing money, one criminal returns to smuggle heroin at Cambodia (2,4) IN HOCK {1}{CO{H}N<=}{K}
22 Right after sacrificing rook, captures queen resulting in mate (5) EQUAL {rE{QU}AL}
24 Composed a nice tune, say (9) ENUNCIATE*
25 I hear vicar went berserk, scoring ecstasy in noisy mock serenade (9) CHARIVARI {I+HeAR+VICAR}*
26 Yellowish-green colour, a little garish for large pointed arch (5) OGIVE O(-l+g)GIVE
27 Sledge, insult endlessly to crush England's opener (6) SLEIGH {SL{En...d}IGHt}
28 Revelations by meek gal as rogue wants money (8) LEAKAGES {mEEK+GAL+AS}*

 Fine footpath having good raised edge (6) FLANGE {F}{LAN{G}E}
2   Briefly return to pick up racy loose blouse (9) GARIBALDI {GA{RIBALD}In}
3   It's impossible to know with certainty as raconteur is absent? (6,2,7) THERES NO TELLING [C&DD]
4   Leave rupees inside coat (7) VARNISH {VA{R}NISH}
6   Acting with haste, hit and bolt as fast as possible (7,3,5) AGAINST THE CLOCK {ACTING+HASTE}*{LOCK} 
7   Airship starting to malfunction in unforeseen irregularity (5) BLIMP {BLI{Ma...n}P}
8   Sharpen tip of dagger to pierce tree for sugary secretion (8) HONEYDEW {HONE}{Y{Da...r}EW}
9   A cheat ensnaring American girl on island slowly (6) ADAGIO {A}{D{A}{G}{I}O}
16 Applying packs, treat acne that's persistent (9) UNCEASING {U{ACNE*}SING}
17 Releases repressed emotions in seedy cabarets (8) ABREACTS*
19 Lodge has small revolting room (6) LEEWAY {L{WEE<=}AY}
20 One maniac at store kills fellow - pointless (7) INUTILE {1}{NUT}{fILE}
21 Warns comrade tersely to hide (6) DETERS [T]
23 University teacher's rule (5) USAGE {U}{SAGE}

Reference List
Right = R, Billion = B, Accepted = A, Runs = R, Old boy = OB, Lake = L, Herion = H, Cambodia = K(Kampuchea), Rook = R, Queen = QU, Ecstasy = E, Large = L, Money = M, Fine = F, Good = G, RACY = RIBALD,  Rupees = R, Cheat = DO, American = A, Girl = G, Fellow = F, University = U


  1. Smooth as ever except for 9d.
    Adagio is a very specific meaning and not generally synonymous.
    A hint should have been there.
    Esp with "played slowly" fitting in the clue perfectly.

  2. Good one from Doc. My favs... GIBBERING, IN HOCK, SLEIGH, name a few.

    Thanks Doc for the weekend entertainer. 🙂

  3. Garibaldi & blouse- what a connection, Never heard of it. Thank you for the ink Col.

  4. 11a percentage is ratio; learnt that it is also ration. Difficult crossie for me

  5. % is actually a share- which can be extended to ratio, ration....

    1. Percentage is cut in the gain. Ration. Is a cut in the loss.

  6. Fringe or Flinch does not affect the Crossies. Only specific errors.

  7. Got all except USAGE. Didn't connect rule as usage. (Rule of thumb)
    Thanx Doc!
