Saturday 1 April 2023

No 13828, Saturday 01 Apr 2023, Gussalufz

1   Catch reptile with hollowed reed (5) BOARD {BOA}{ReeD}
4   Lacking openings after restructuring, reduce engaging new potential interns for starters (9) UNPIERCED {REDUCE}* over {New}{Po...l}{In...s}
9   Smooth surfaces, since I'm setting (7) MENISCI*
10 Once again, let's deliver (7) RELEASE {RE-LEASE}
11 Genuine query, say, about cancelling unknowns (6) SQUARE {QUERy+SAy}*
12 One beginning action sequence in The Matrix getting discussed? (8) NEOPHYTE (~ neo fight)
14 Cut diamonds with diamonds (4) DICE {D}{ICE}
15 Moving creative work—for the most part, critic taken into tears (7,3) KINETIC ART {CRITIc+TAKEN}* 
18 He's four, maybe summer ban's out of order? (4,6) MASS NUMBER*
19 Select tie (4) DRAW [DD}
22 Old content in document, save again in a different format (2-6) RE-EXPORT {RE{EX}PORT}
24 Warm pita sandwiches junction (6) ARMPIT [T]
26 Periodically check if rates go back, or one can't fly (7) OSTRICH {cHeCk+If+RaTeS+gO}<=
27 The app disconnected after I entered "goodbye" (7) EPITAPH {THE+APP}* over {I}
28 Stories from weed-laden inspiration? Flops, according to Spooner (4,5) FOLK TALES (~t??? fails to folk tales) (Addendum (~toke fails to folk tales) - See comments)
29 Put up with jack instead of king or bail out? (5) EJECT E(-r+j)JECT

1   Starts to buy ersatz merchandise, second-hand, at a loss (7) BEMUSED {Buy}{Er...z}{Me...e}{USED}
2   Blue ocean, sun ... captivating ... ultimately halcyon states (9) ANNOUNCES {OCEAN+SUN}* over {h...oN}*
3   Drop weapons, mister, as I'd ordered! (6) DISARM {MR+AS+ID}*
4   One's heartlessly dark (4) UNIT UNlIT
5   Endured a cut (10) PERSEVERED {PER}{SEVERED} 
6   Suckers taken in by artful lies ... (8) ELLIPSIS {EL{LIPS}IS*}
7   Ridiculous whine covering the whole range (5) CRAZY {CR{A to Z}Y}
8   Went up east and south, finally got extremely rich (7) DEEPEST {PEED<=}{E}{S}{goT}
13 Officer's chair mars hallway to some extent (3,7) AIR MARSHAL [T]
16 Opera-playing channel that can move you (9) AEROPLANE {OPERA*}{LANE}
17 Tip from hospital department about nutrition: avoid shrimp, potato, fungi, basically (3,5) END POINT {ENT} over {n...oN}{a..iD}{s...mP}{p...tO}{f..gI} 
18 Draw a boundary, a fork somehow separating the two genders (4,3) MARK OFF {A+FORK}* in {M}{F}
20 Be careful with cat in heat (5,2) WATCH IT*
21 Dead donkey's tail in food freezer (3,3) DRY ICE {D}{R{d...eY}ICE}
23 Sex toy, unwrapped and left to admire (5) EXTOL {sEX+TOy}{L}
25 Is H. G. Wells frequently recalled for ability to last? (4) LEGS {iS+hG+wElLs}

Reference List
Unknown = Y, Diamonds = D, ICE, Old = EX, Jack = J, King = R, Went = PEED, Dead = D, Left = L


  1. 28a
    Weed laden inspiration: fools talk
    Flops: talk fools
    Spooner makes it folk tales
    Too much.
    With spooner flop want necessary.

  2. It's much simpler than that (perhaps the word used is not as well-known as I thought though).. will wait a bit to see if someone chimes in. Also, 12A's anno can use a slight tweak.

    1. Talk fails? But I am missing the O sound.

    2. That's it! "weed-laden inspiration" = TOKE (

    3. Neo is the name of a caracter in The Matrix, Action sequence is fight homonym phyte

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Argh, auto-correct (or I?) mangled it. Re-typing: Yes, ~(Neo fight).

    6. Toke the pronounciation is US? or UK!

  3. 2D- Colouring of the solution word to be changed to blue.

  4. Loved Air Marshall, Went up! (8D), the whole range A to Z.

  5. 1A- Board= Catch as in catch a flight/train?

  6. Yet another absorbing hour from Gussalufz CW.. Thank you. We enjoy it.

  7. Is it Neo fight, because Neo is the hero in The Matrix?

  8. There are "two grid-related transport mechanisms" to be found.

  9. Delightful crossover from Gussalufz!

    17dn : Is 'about' in the clue on double duty? As containment ind and anind?

    1. It's only a containment indicator, there is no anagramming. Perhaps you're thinking of the wrong N as being a part of the "ENT" (the second N is).

    2. Thanks Viresh ! Got it. E(N D P O I)NT

    3. Yes, E(NDPOI) BY. Am I right?

    4. My first interpretation was EN(DPOIN)T . So the doubt raised at 11:20

    5. Sorry MB. Did no see your post earlier.

  10. Can someone kindly clarify what is the definition in 6Down.

  11. The two "two grid-related transport mechanisms" are yet to be identified. Hint: they *are* lined up in unchecked cells.

  12. Thanks as always to Col. Gopinath for blogging, and to all the solvers and commenters. Here are my notes for this crossword:


    This crossword's theme is an old board game from India, Snakes and Ladders. SNAKES can be seen as a nina snaking down diagonally towards the left, starting just under the cell numbered 10. LADDERS can be seen climbing up diagonally towards the right, starting at the cell numbered 25.

    The following entries are also connected to the theme:

    1a: BOARD.
    11a: SQUARE.
    14a: DICE.
    19a. DRAW.

    This puzzle is a pangram.

    Personal notes

    This one was composed close on the heels of my last THC crossword. The only noteworthy event in this short interlude has been that I have acquired and played with a Rubik's cube variant called the ["mirror cube,"]( which does not have different colours on its sides, but instead has three layers with different thicknesses. When scrambled, it's no longer a cube.

    I struggled with it for a while, until I realized that the pieces belonging to the thinnest layer were easy to identify, and hence using that as the first layer is a good idea. My muscle memories of solution steps also failed to carry over from the normal cube to this weirdly shaped thing, and I had to write down some of the steps first.

  13. Col. has marked it under labels.

  14. Nice grid. esp. 26A, amazing word play. that too in reverse.

  15. Nice grid.
    @ Viresh 17dn - what is the clue for taking last letters - basically? I got the solution & then parsed.

    1. Thanks, Gowri!

      It's indeed more common to use "basically" for taking the first letters. But I've been trying to use it in indicate last letters in down clues too (and I've seen a few other setters do it as well). In down clues, we can use "top" and bottom" for the first and last letters respectively. And "basically" has a clear sense of "at base/bottom" ( lists "at bottom," for example).
