Tuesday 18 April 2023

No 13842, Tuesday 18 Apr 2023, Crescent

Solution to 20A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

7   I pass on rent in return for some food (6) PIROGI {I}{GO}{RIP}<=
8   Unconditional love in answer touching subtle rogue (8) ABSOLUTE {A}{BS{0}LUTE*}
9   Grey area, say about diamonds (4) AGED {A}{EG<=}{D}
10 Bitterness at university staff reported in public opinion survey (6,4) GALLUP POLL {GALL}{UP}{(~pole)POLL}
11 Cape with castle, perhaps one in a key position (5,3) POINT MAN {POINT}{MAN}
12 Provide fellow in America with choice of bank in Finland? (6) AFFORD {A}{F}{Fin{OR}lanD} (Correction - {A}{F}{F or D} - See comments)
14 Main line is shut (4) SEAL {SEA}{L}
15 Wife gets to fix the entire thing (5) WHOLE {W}{HOLE}
16 French priest caught naked (4) ABBE nABBEd
18 Cold war essentially over parts of the moon disregarding rule in space (6) LACUNA {C}{wAr}<= in {LUNAr}
20 Decline in hospital doubling sick beds (8) D?W?H?L?  (Addendum - DOWNHILL {H} in {DOWN}{ILL} - See comments)
22 Santa's reindeer heading for ice floe dancing to show spirit (4,2,4) COME TO LIFE {COMET}{Ice+FLOE}*
24 Washed out article shrinking (4) ASHY {A}{SHY}
25 All that is uniform and is never varying (8) UNIVERSE {U}{IS+NEVER}*
26 Minister ending in lock-up burning with malice (6) PARSON {l...uP}{ARSON}

1   Show cause notice written up allowing one with government to pry (8) DIAGNOSE {A{1}D<=}{G}{NOSE}
2   Could be knight or cook? (6,4) CORDON BLEU {COULD+BE+N+OR}* [C&DD] &lit
3   Police malign a religious symbol (6) LINGAM*
4   Kiss thus reciprocated by the French fetching cuddles (8) OSCULATE {SO<=}{CU{LA}TE}
5   Fine cut exhibiting the very opposite of a smash hit (4) FLOP {F}{LOP}
6   Flatter relation being taken in by extremes of sugar (6) STALER {Sug{TALE}aR}
8   Ailing model to pose eventually (3,2,4,4) ALL IN GOOD TIME*
13 Swank of cat chasing female badger (5,5) FLASH HARRY {LASH}<=>{F}  {HARRY}
15 New operator rises spreading tired arms (8) WEAPONRY {N}{OP}<= in {WEARY}
17 Device to cut the Reverend's rising volume (8) BILLHOOK (~ hill book to billhook)
19 Compelled to follow a swarm (6) ABOUND {BOUND}<=>{A}
21 Impolite term for youth with AIDS (6) WHELPS {W}{HELPS}
23 Deadly sin of diplomat expressing nothing (4) ENVY ENVoY

Reference List
Answer A, Area = A, Diamonds = D, University = UP, Fellow = F, America = A, Line = L, Wife = W, Cold = C, Hospital = H, Rule = R, Uniform = U, Notice = aD Government = G, Knight = N, The in French = LA, Fine = F, Cat = LASH, Female = F, New = N, Operator = OP, With = W


  1. 10A- How is University Up?
    Is it probable that P is from Public and def.is only 'Opinion pole'?

    1. Nope.
      UP (at university) is British usage. Ages ago the direction of (probably the only) university was north/up of residential city.

  2. 12a its not or in F...D
    But F or D (choice of bank)

  3. I think that is what Col. has shown - F or D- with F & D coming from banks of Finland.

  4. 20a decline - downhill (h-hospital, sick-ill, bed- down

    1. Not quite. What's doubling doing in the clue?

    2. Tulsiram, as per your annotation given above the answer is {H}{ILL}{DOWN}

  5. Could only solve a third of the puzzle. Still, nice to get a tough (but fair) one after a long time.

  6. If no novice/non-regular provides the annotation for 20A by 4 PM the clue will be open for all after 4 PM

  7. 20a DOWNHILL = Decline
    Doubling sick, to mean sick twice, answers being down and ill
    H for hospital contained in down and ill, beds being containment

    1. Super. Liked the clue and the solution.

    2. And of course, the annotation.

  8. 20A H (Hospital) having double ills ( Down & Ill) on either side.
    Down H Ill

  9. Any "novice setter" to identify the containment indicator in 18a.

  10. Really tough going today.. could crack only half.. rest got them here..

  11. It must be 'Over'. Anything different?
    I have another doubt in this clue. As per wording of the clue it is CA- Cold,War essentially- but the order is reversed in the solution to AC. L (AC) UNA. How to explain?

  12. 18a IMHO
    C A reversal denoted by Over.
    Of the moon, Lunar (-) r = Luna.
    AC parts or divides Luna, thus Lacuna

  13. 1a pierogi is plural! Though the wp is crisp, the def of food for a pie is inadequate, imho.

    11a point man clued as point man ia not elegant, imo.
    13 d does cat mean lash? in primary sense! Shouldnt there be an indication.

    21d Aid is uncountable noun. Does it have plural!

    Few typos Col
    25a is part of def.
    2d is &litt! Cordon bleu is also worn by cooks.
    8d fodder colour

    Also i would be glad if someone can give ref to rising as hill.

    1. Chambers dictionary gives rising=a hill

    2. Thanks. Couldnt find online or my copy.

    3. Lash [verb] also means CAT as per Chambers Thesaurus

    4. Oh right. Catting the anchor to secure-fasten-lash.
      But its not the primary meaning of cat. Infact dont think there ia actually cat in that scemario. You got cathead, cat tail, cat beam etc etc but not cat actually.
      Good old setting would have demanded an indication. But this gen, its in the dictionary. So have to accept.

