Thursday 27 April 2023

No 13850, Thursday 27 Apr 2023, Hypatia

Solution to 24A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   On the radio, rock’s louder (6) BOLDER (~ boulder)
4   Weaken self-control (6) TEMPER [DD]
9   Secure rapidly (4) FAST [DD]
10 Gut wrenching cries a vet expects initially (10) EVISCERATE* {CRIES+A+VET+Ex...s}
11 Urge German to consume no alcoholic drink (6) EGGNOG {EGG}{NO}{G}
12 Accessory in Spooner’s exposed palm (8) HAIRBAND (~ bare hand to hairband)
13 Aggressively bargained for a coat (9) GABARDINE*
15 Hint Hint (left hidden) (4) CLUE {C{L}UE}
16 Basically round or triangular Indian bread (4) ROTI Acrostic Semi&lit
17 Substitutes relating to parcels lost (9) REPLACERS {RE}{PARCELS*}
21 Covers maiden taking rest behind a little screen (8) SMOTHERS {M}{OTHERS}<=>{Sc...n}
22 Film about hot English bromance, essentially (6) CINEMA {C}{IN}{E}{broMAnce}
24 May had prepared ahead of school applicants (10) ?A?D?D?T?S (Addendum - CANDIDATES{CAN}{ATE}<=>{DID} and {S} - See comments)
25 Layers of hair essentially need strengthening at the roots (4) HENS Acrostic
26 Essentially, gimlet is an exotic drink (6) TISANE [T]
27 Distributes paper hankies saving time (6) ISSUES tISSUES

1   Support frames put up for dance (7) BHANGRA {B{HANG}RA}
2   Nasality distorted this language, say (5) LATIN NAsaLITy* [CA]
3   Pick up some bud e.g., remembrance rose (7) EMERGED [T<=]
5   15 exercises by one Dutch mathematician (6) EUCLID {CLUE*}{1}{Du..h}
6   Like fable of horse, perhaps arrested by guards abruptly (9) PARABOLIC {P{ARAB}OLICe}
7   Engineer and doctor unite in train (7) RETINUE {RE}{UNITE*}
8   Yes, Tintin's got specialised training, perhaps (4,9) HIGH INTENSITY {YES+TINTIN}* [RA]
14 Poses from high places when time's left (9) ATTITUDES A(-l+t)TTIDUES
16 Associate parliamentarian's rhetoric about pandemic (7) RAMPANT {R{A}{MP}ANT}
18 Position traps on the sides for insects (7) LOCUSTS {LOCUS}{TrapS}
19 Detains guy mostly between breaks (7) REMANDS {RE{MAn}NDS}
20 Tissue not dirty around edge (6) TENDON {T{END}ON*}
23 Former leader regularly in tech group (5) NEHRU {iN+tEcH+gRoUp}

Reference List
German = G, Left = L, Relating to = RE, Maiden = M, About = C, Hot = IN, English = E, Time = T, Support = BRA, Dutch = D, Horse = ARAB, Engineer = RE(Royal Engineers)


  1. Reiterating what I wrote a couple of days back.

    Trained to be an ELITE HANDLER by this blog, gone are my days of perceiving the crossword to be an UNETHICAL TRIAL. DESOLATE WAILING & ADDLED demeanour, my face, a deep CERISE in its hue, seem things from the past. The PATHOS from my life DISMISSED for ever.

    As I fill the grid FROM TOP TO BOTTOM, my GLANCES CONVERGED on the clues, I realise it's a COP OUT from Doc today.

    No NURSEMAID required. The clues are EIDETIC. The days of ESOTERICA & EARTH SHATTERING bafflement, have RUN TO SEED. Even at my DOPIEST best, I can GET RID of this puzzle, in under an hour.

    Several ANALOGIES come to mind. Each PURER than the last, as I rummage through the FRIDGE for my celebratory drink.

    Thanx Colonel for the Game Changing blog!

  2. Based on ydays solution words

  3. 24.a
    Ahead of school...s

    1. you are close; but not quite there.

    2. had - ate
      prepared - did
      had prepared ahead - 'did' before 'ate'

  4. Replies
    1. Thought I saw the anno before as RA{MP}ANT. Apologies if its my oversight.

    2. You are right Jacob, I corrected it after your comment

  5. 8d RA
    'specialised' also to be part of Def?

  6. I think so too- high intensity.

  7. In a reverse anagram clue, you are given the anagrammed word. You work out the answer backwards – the answer consists of the anagram indicator and anagram fodder.

  8. 22D.. got the answer and anno for EMA at the. No amount of head scratching could help me annotate the first 3 letters CIN. Then I come here now and the parsing simplicity makes me want to slam my head on the wall. Question to experienced solvers.. is is normal to overlook some simple annotations now and then because of brain blocks?

  9. Yes, on such occasions just take your mind off the Crossword for a short time and when you get back to the Crossword you will find answers flowing in

  10. Found this clue interesting

    Decieved both good and wicked needing change of character (10)

  11. Lovely cw. My fav
    Thank u Hypatia!

  12. @ prasad - HOODWINKED
    good - g + h
    Wicked - c + n
    Is this right?
