Wednesday 19 April 2023

No 13843, Wednesday 19 Apr 2023, Afterdark

Solution to 28A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

9   Morning's with Jong, perhaps, in country (7) AMERICA {AM}{ERICA}
10 Stars invite prince and earl for mimicries (7) APERIES {A{P}{E}RIES}
11 Coterie recouping somehow with exit of European Community (7) INGROUP RecOUPING*
12 Weapon on mountain top at eastern half of cape to discharge (7) TORPEDO {TOR}{caPE}{DO}
13 Without some elachi in demo, use oil to make sweet (9) MELODIOUS {DeMO+USE+OIL}*
15 About Indian Railway visiting colleges and academy (5) CIRCA {C}{IR}{C}{A}
16 Wind destroyed Cisco routers, roughly 70% blown away (7) SIROCCO {CISCO+ROuters}*
19 Sports event in last Olympics, exciting to arrange (4,3) SHOT PUT {o...cS}{HOT][PUT}
20 Information on two leading individuals being demons (5) GENII {GEN}{In...s}{In...s}
21 Removals after six icons crookedly followed leading eugenist (9) EXCISIONS {SIX+ICONS}*<=>{Eu...t}
25 Withdraws pressure, giving way to victory displays (7) REVEALS RE(-p+v)VEALS
26 Wound is small, right in collar (7) SCRATCH {S}{C{R}ATCH}
28 Annoyed last son leaves, daughter in place compromised (7) N?T?L?D (Addendum - NETTLED Faulty clue)
29 Bird's tail comes front with terrible rage in a state of minimum energy (3,4) LOW GEAR {(+l)LOW(-l)}{RAGE*}

1   A meal one has, to test the intestine (6) BARIUM [CD]
2   An erstwhile province with cats, perhaps (6) BENGAL [C&DD]
3   If three people switch places in the middle, one is a novice (4) TIRO T(R<=>I)O
4   Pop has rewritten a Greek poet (6) SAPPHO*
5   Supporter cheers on road, primarily silly dreamers (8) FANTASTS {FAN}{TA}{ST}{Si..y}
6   Scandalmongers evacuated Dodge vehicles (10) DETRACTORS {DodgE}{TRACTORS}
7   Female's annoyance with having gin in a dangerous building (8) FIRETRAP {F}{IRE}{TRAP}
8   Idiot sat on worker. Rhyming? (8) ASSONANT {ASS}{ON}{ANT}
14 Due to absence of rule, duke at the helm can be easily cheated (10) DECEIVABLE {rECEIVABLE}<=>{D}
16 Doctor using rag for hair removal, say (8) SUGARING*
17 Price includes new oven? No refit (8) RENOVATE {R{OVEN*}ATE}
18 Party ended earlier at ship's wing (8) OVERSIDE {SIDE}<=>{OVER}
22 Keep actors lithe, ravenous (6) CASTLE {CAST}{LithE}
23 Dismissed? Score at start? (6) OUTSET {OUT}{SET}
24 Discipline is special in this place (6) SPHERE {SP}{HERE}
27 Directions to install RO in the front leads to fights (4) ROWS {W}{S}<=>{RO}

Reference List
Prince = P, Earl = E, Mountain top = TOR, College = C, Academy = A, Exciting = HOT, Information = GEN, Pressure = P, Victory = V, Small = S, Roght = R, Cheers = TA, Female = F, Gin = TRAP, Rule = R, Duke = D, Special = SP, Directions = W,S


  1. Typo in 17D clue- oven left out.

  2. 5d- Why is it that we are familiar with fantastic than fantast? I had to check to make sure I got it right.

  3. Trademark approx.70% makes its apperance!

  4. 28A open for anyone to solve and annotate

    son last is N, replace S with N

  6. 28A: NETTLE(-S)+D...nettles = leaves = stinging nettle

    1. What exactly would be the role then of 'compromised'. It is an incorrect clue. The intention seems to be compromised= settled with n without/for s. But the clue does not work to do that.

  7. A tough one from Afterdark. Enjoyed solving. 1D was new to me.

  8. I finished in 45 mins.
    In 17dn - what is the role of No? Surface? Rate with (oven)* gives renovate - refit.
    Can someone explain?
    Thank u Afterdark!
