Saturday 22 April 2023

No 13846, Saturday 22 Apr 2023, Dr. X

1   Survive and fight back to live with dignity at last (6,2) SCRAPE BY {SCRAP}{BE<=}{d...tY}
5   Picked up by electromyograph, a sickness occurring in stages (6) PHASIC [T]
10 Clash in bar, associate lost temper (7) DIVERGE {DIVE}{RaGE}
11 Plenty of money won by excited youth (7) UMPTEEN {U{M}P}{TEEN}
12 Keen listener secures good grade finally (5) EAGER {EA{G}{{g..dE}R}
13 One seen on stage playing corpse in seedy den (4,5) DROP SCENE {CORPSE}* in {DEN}*
14 Getting married? That's what sailor might be doing (5,3,4) TYING THE KNOT [DD]
18 Sleazy, wild liaison including exotic rub at America (12) INSALUBRIOUS {LIAISON}* over {RUB}* US}
21 Tries his wife's new mutton dish (5,4) IRISH STEW {TRIES+HIS+W}*
23 A car crashed outside club in African capital (5) ACCRA {A}{CAR*} over {C}
24 Head of state released bird at ceremony in Brazilian municipality (7) IBIRITE {IBIs}{RITE}
25 According to Spooner, chief directed Oscar award-winning movie (4,3) RAIN MAN (~main ran to Rain Man)
26 Crone wanting a little tender meat to make Scottish dish (6) HAGGIS {HAG}{GISt}
27 Ego of one heartless narcissist in power (8) IDENTITY {1}{DE{Na...sT}ITY}

1   Cast endlessly drinking rum, getting soaked (6) SODDEN {S{ODD}ENt}
2   Consuming a bit of Viagra, go mad in sack (6) RAVAGE {R{A}{Vi...a}AGE}
3   Picture of light beam in doorway (9) PORTRAYAL {PORT{RAY}AL}
4   Team taking look at foremost of batsmen getting downright ordinary (5-3-6) BREAD-AND-BUTTER {B{READ}AND}{Ba...n}{UTTER}
6   Desires ecstasy in parties (5) HOPES {HOP{E}S}
7   Woman and bachelor seen cavorting in illicit taverns (8) SHEBEENS {SHE}{B}{SEEN*}
8   Allies of criminal with cocaine in bags (8) CONNECTS {CON}{NE{C}TS}
9   Nervous suitor told how to enthral female? Wonderful (3,2,4,5) OUT OF THIS WORLD {SUITOR+TOLD+HOW}* over {F}
15 Knowledge of dress code at uni (9) EDUCATION*
16 Disparage attractive girl in short skirt? Quite the opposite! (8) DIMINISH {DI{MINI}SH}
17 Seeking drug, primarily grass (8) ASPIRING {ASPIRIN}{Gr..s}
19 Seafood dish with drink, endlessly entertaining party (6) SCAMPI {S{CAMP}Ip}
20 Lively excursion close to quay (6) JAUNTY {JAUNT}{quaY}
22 Batter taking a single in Caribbean country (5) HAITI {H{A}IT}{1}

Reference List
Associate = A, Money = M, Excited = UP, Good = G, Wife = W, Club = C, Ecstasy = E, Bachelor = B, Cocaine = C, Female = F


  1. Great start by Doc. Admirable wordplay- as usual. Just loved it. Flowed freely esp. after the long ones fell easily.
    A doubt about 10A- Dive from bar?

  2. Shall I say that a Dr.X CW is not just 'Bread & Butter', ut always something special?!

  3. Back to live for 'EB' - Words so nicely falling in place for the surface reading. Enjoyable.

  4. Replies
    1. Powers of darkness!

      Super natural being, diety or force.

  5. Thank you Prasad for both clarifications. But I thought deity from power was a bit of a stretch.

  6. I had a small doubt.
    5ac - which pick up? Surface? I kept looking for a reverse T while the answer was so easy.
    Doc! Great grid. Superb for my confidence.

  7. Solving this cw, I feel OUT OF THIS WORLD!

    I remember earlier times of dashed HOPES & DIMINISHed confidence. I would SCRAPE BY in a PHASIC manner! Net result 25% solved! An IDENTITY crisis overtook me. I wished to DROP out of the SCENE completely.

    Endlessly ASPIRING for a full solve & EAGER for an EDUCATION to the same. UMPTEEN attempts later, I had concluded this is not my BREAD AND BUTTER!

    Lo behold! I CONNECTED with this blog. And no less than Dr X, himself, encouraging me, painting a PORTRAYAL of acing the grid & not in the distant future at that!

    Now with a JAUNTY pen, I feel I have TIED THE KNOT finally, not just with any grid but Dr Nabars special one.

    To be celebrated with SCAMPI, HAGGIS & IRISH STEW in HAITI. Alas! I am a tee totaller. Else I would have been SODDEN at some SHEBEEN in ACCRA!

    Thank u Doc! For everything!!

  8. Good one from Gowri singing the praise of this blog & of course Dr.X.
    We join you for both.
