Saturday, 29 April 2023

No 13852, Saturday 29 Apr 2023, Avtaar

1   Regular member of the old Labour party? (7) MIDWIFE [CD]
5   Blue sapphire firing heart of bride, maybe? (7) PERHAPS SAPPHiRE*
9   Unproductive investment of tennis legend in America (7) USELESS {U{SELES}S}
10 Master furtively leaves Spain with son every 4 weeks or so (7) MONTHLY {M}{ON THe sLY}
11 West of hot old Asian country is shrouding mountain range (9) HIMALAYAS {H}{I{MALAYA}S}
12 Robes round screen personality Lovisa Gustafsson (5) GARBO {GARB}{O}
13 What has the highest frequency on mass communication equipment? (5) MODEM {MODE}{M} 
15 Keep off Spooner's tie collection (5,4) STAND BACK (~band stack to stand back)
17 Assign section to probe hostility asap (9) POSTHASTE {POST}{HA{S}TE}
19 Queen returns backing introduction of democracy in Tunisia's capital (5) DINAR {RANI<=}<=>{De...y}
22 Wherefrom Italy has taken back Asian island (5) TIMOR [T<=]
23 Hospital attendants in gold and maroon going around lounges (9) ORDERLIES {OR}{RED<=}{LIES}
25 Chiefs of tribes engage local enchanters with text message for charms (7) TELESMS {Tr...s}{En...e}{Lo..l}{En...s}{SMS}
26 Remain witty - it helps you sleep well (7) BEDROLL {BE}{DROLL}
27 Birds picked up communications in mixed languages (7) PIDGINS (~pigeons)
28 Arch-rival is going across India pursuing European adversaries (7) ENEMIES {NEMESis} over {I} following {E}

1   Writer's mother on the radio (7) MAUGHAM (~mom)
2   Doctor made cocktail with ecstasy and hallucinated (7) DREAMED {DR}{MADE*} over {E}
3   A lake bearing fish, for example (5) IDEAL {A}{L}<=>{IDE}
4   Writers, for instance, participating in struggles after king is deposed (9) ESSAYISTS {rES{SAY}ISTS}
5   Drains water from shoes (5) PUMPS [DD]
6   Ill-treated, angered journalist turned traitor (9) RENEGADED {ANGERED*}{ED}
7   Guru's cautious going into entrance of Advaita Academy (7) ACHARYA {Ad...a}{CHARY}{Ac...y}
8   Loan shark's hair, shrinking on top (7) SHYLOCK {LOCK}<=>{SHY}
14 One sheltered by ashram built on fringes of Himalayan inclines (9) MAHARISHI {MAHAR{1}S*}{Hi...n}{In...s} &lit
16 Flexible about date - can be changed (9) AMENDABLE {AMEN{D}ABLE}
17 Break pulpits to protect houses (3,4) PIT STOP [T]
18 Tested singular, large diamonds (7) SAMPLED {S}{AMPLE}{D}
20 Love for English in upcoming South European capital (7) NAIROBI IB(-e+o)ORIAN<=
21 Verdicts of leaders in recent elections stymied ultras, leaving them shell-shocked (7) RESULTS Acrostic
23 Run out of pans for ovens (5) OASTS rOASTS
24 Black ducks go over hill (5) RIDGE bRIDGE

Reference List
Master = M, Spain = E, Son = S, Hot = H, Mass = M, Section = S, India = I, European = E, Ecstasy = E, Lake = L, Fish = IDE, King = R, Date = D, Singular = S, Diamonds = D, English = E, Run = R, Black = B


  1. Nothing for newbies/ non regulars today? They had their fill yesterday!

  2. Telesms was totally new- obviously since the link says it is obsolete. Wish there was some indication.

    1. BRB definition does not indicate that it is obsolete

  3. Seles well protected by U.S.! Loved the clue.

  4. 1a and 9a are favourites.

  5. With Maharishi, Acharya and Himalayas I was looking for a theme, but not many more.

    1. Didn't intend a theme. You could add Guru and Advaita to your list, if you wish ๐Ÿ˜

  6. @ Prasad - daily I answer ur clue late at night. Will really appreciate a feedback reg the correctness!
    Hope you will continue to post one daily. Nice feeling before going to sleep!

    1. I share shenever i find a wp that is different from what we regularly encounter.
      It happens on days i solve more than a few (may be 5 ) xwords.
      I will try my best.
      Since the focus is on wp construction,i dont really check answers.

  7. &litt implies the whole clue defines the solution word.
    Here the def: ONE who is sheltered (resides) in ashram that is on himalayan mountains (inclines).
    Not necessarily but usually in popular usgage it refers to Rishis.
