Wednesday, 31 May 2023

No 13879, Wednesday 31 May 2023, Karaoke

Solution to 27A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Tummy in mess with dyspepsia essentially disturbing the process of neutralising foreign bodies (6,6) IMMUNE SYSTEM [TUMMY+IN+MESS+d..pEp..a}*
9   Almost all break the record (5) ALBUM {ALl}{BUMp}
10 What you do on a chess board to get cracking? (4,1,4) MAKE A MOVE [DD]
11 Opposing a gossip about popular model (7) AGAINST {A}{GA{IN}S}{T}
12 Setter calls son in difficulty (2,1,4) IN A MESS {I}{NAMES}{S}
13 Makes off with billion in a moment breaking electronic surveillance initially (8) ABSCONDS {B} in {A}{SeCOND}{Su...e}
14 Doorkeepers ignore heroin addicts (5) USERS UShERS
18 Lukewarm food getting putrid basically is rejected (5) TEPID {DI{Pu...d}ET<=}
20 Ram lives here? (5-3) SHEEP-PEN [CD]
24 Male goat's head butchered to cook porridge (7) OATMEAL {MALE+gOAT}*
26 See model drowning in drinks with senator (7) WITNESS {WI{T}NES}{S}
27 He works casually - transfer on hold on review (4-5) P?R?-T?M?R (Addendum - PART-TIMER {REMIT}{TRAP}<= - See comments)
28 Cement in free market finally moves to West (5) UNITE UN(-t)I(+t)TE
29 Excited state, perhaps? (5,7) UTTAR PRADESH {UP} Should have been 'Perhaps excited state?'

1   I don't know the answer embarrassingly at times about British English (2,5,2) IT BEATS ME {AT+TIMES}* over {B}{E}
2   Make ends meet people to get record of past events (7) MEMENTO {MakE}{MEN}{TO}
3   To some extent, enema to determine roundworm (8) NEMATODE [T]
4   Indian state reportedly fed up with North Korean statesman (6) SIKKIM {(~sick)SIK}{KIM}
5   Egyptian Beetles injure sailors (7) SCARABS {SCAR}{ABS}
6   Right away cancel summon to spirit (5) EVOKE rEVOKE
7   It's a game played in court when prison detains American on bail essentially (3,4) JAI ALAI {JAI{A}L}{bAIl}
8   Cycle part poetry (5) VERSE [DD?]
15 Upset maid admits crime over stock again (9) REPLENISH {HELPER<=} over {SIN<=}
16 Roasted meat from lamb - Half trimmed and moderately hot, eat heartily (8) SHAWARMA {SHAved}{WARM}{eAt}
17 Maybe liqueur ingredient causes new disease eliminating drinkers finally (7) ANISEED {N+DIsEASE}*
19 Drink that killed duck abruptly (4,3) ICED TEA {ICED}{TEAl}
21 Force out past ceasefire ignoring Conservative for Democrat (7) EXTRUDE {EX}{TRU(-c+d)DE}
22 Shoots old for new serials (5) SOAPS S(-n+o)OAPS
23 Keep quiet and extremely careful. Wild animal is around (4,2) CLAM UP {Ca...uL}{PUMA<=}
25 Some prophet or a telepath countered fortune-teller (5) TAROT [T<=]

Reference List
Popular = IN, Model = T, Son = S, Billion = B, Electronic = E, Heroin = H, Senator = S, British = B, English = E, Sailors = ABS, Right = R, American = A, New = N, Past = EX, Conservative = C, Democrat = D, Old = O

Tuesday, 30 May 2023

No 13878, Tuesday 30 May 2023, Gussalufz

Solution to 10A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   He, maybe sprinkled salt first, then a bit of pepper just in time (4-4) LAST GASP  {GAS}<=>{SALT*} then {Pe...r}
5   Sound of wind passing from southern tip of fellow, next to a pair of orbs, quietly (6) SWOOSH {S}{f...oW}{OO}{SH}
9   Hate Fortran course contents (7) RANCOUR [T]
10 Welcome computer cycles in the greatest lab, up front (3,4) A?L ?A?L (Addendum ALL HAIL {AL{(+l)LHA(-l)}I}{Lab} - See comments)
11 Projection: ex-U.S. president not running (5) CLINT CLINTon
12 Family is caught in deficitsany disbursements under review? (8) DYNASTIC [T<=]
13 Lecture confused Mr. Sen about love (6) SERMON {MR+SEN}* over {0}
14 Courier perhaps returned letters from inoperative Cafe Pythagoras (8) TYPEFACE [T<=]
18 Might work — he's starting off novel AIs! (8) STRENGTH {HES+sTaRTiNG}*
20 Grand, completely naked neighbour's sexy without shirt (6) HEROIC {n..gHb..r}{EROtIC}
23 Proposal of monarch bearing love? It's rejected in favour of second Earl (8) QUESTION {QUE{-e+its<=)STI{O}N}
25 Grab rail, no support in vessel! (5) GRAIL {GRAb+raIL}
27 Every now and then, Sheela did jump over small pools of water (7) PUDDLES {ShEeLa+DiD+jUmP}<=
28 New and old blending in coastal city's craft (7) GONDOLA {GO{N+OLD}*A} GOA is not a city but a State
29 Some grammar tyrants persecuted good man (6) MARTYR [T]
30 Vehicle is back — they finally fixed lube and paint (4,4) NAVY BLUE {VAN}{theY}{LUBE*}

1   They write songs in registers that captivate; I cry, moved (9) LYRICISTS {L{I+CRY}*ISTS}
2   Regularly spurn engineer with brighter outlook (7) SUNNIER {SpUrN+eNgInEeR}
3   Good crowd thronged at first, now unfortunately no one is here any more (5,4) GHOST TOWN {G}{HOST}{Th...d}{NOW*}
4   Take steps — rubbish lying around in corner (6) STRIDE {S{DIRT<=}E}
6   Wife makes speech lacking a hint of truth and rambles (5) WALKS {W}{tALKS}
7   No car in America features this instrument (7) OCARINA [T]
8   Devout husband's servile, No. 1! (4) HOLY {H}{OiLY}
10 A racket, as they say, is irritating (6) ANNOYS {A}{(~noise)NNOYS}
15 Join forces with dunces, essentially, during extremely, extremely desperate situation (9) EMERGENCY {MERGE}{duNCes} in {Em...cY}
16 By cracking cryptic clue, head gets clear (9) EXCULPATE  {E{X}CUL*}{PATE}
17 Top places for jerks (6) ATTICS {AT}{TICS}
19 More like a balloon going up or down (7) ROUNDER [DD] (Addendum - {OR<=}{UNDER} - See comments)
21 Very successful top students' list announced (2,1,4) ON A ROLL (~ honour roll)
22 Heart going out for top cop behind clearing mystery (6) ENIGMA {EN(-e+IG)IGMA}
24 Reckless apprentice shadowing Gussalufz in secret (5) SILLY {S{I}{L}LY}
26 One second ... (deleted jerk's unwelcome message) (4) SPAM SPAsM

Reference List
Southern = S, Quietly = SH, Greatest = ALI, Computer = HAL, Shirt = T, Support = BRA, New = N, Good = G, Corner = SE, Wife = W, Husband = H, By = X, Apprentice = L, Second = S

Monday, 29 May 2023

No 13877, Monday 29 May 2023, Avtaar

Solution to 21D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Winds in the outskirts of Zaire - Polish youngster heading for safety (7) ZEPHYRS {Za.rE}{Po..sH}{Yo...eR}{Sa...y}
5   Courses of drug overdoses (7) METHODS {METH}{ODS}
10 Indian island's providing refuge to British bird (4) IBIS {I}{B}{I'S}
11 Fine wordplay by Avtaar with definition on the right, included in this cryptic (10) PUNISHMENT {PUN} with {ME}{d...oN} in {THIS}*
12 Diamond pattern in the middle of Holy Grail reflecting energy (6) ARGYLE {hoLY+GRAil}<={E}
13 Best time to slip out of public prayer in church (8) OVERCOME {OVERt}{C{OM}E}
14 Yield is poor? Have focus (9) VOUCHSAFE*
16 Order review of detectives visiting discharged extremist (5) EDICT {CID}<= in {Ex...sT}
17 In the morning son follows live broadcasts (5) BEAMS {AM}{S}<=>{BE}
19 Where soldiers battle, fighting almost innately for suppressing onset of adversaries (5,4) FRONT LINE {INNaTELy+FOR}* Semi&lit
23 With ice-pack, husband normalised pulse (8) CHICKPEA {ICE+PACK+H}*
24 River in US state, near the sea (6) MARINE {MA{R}INE}
26 Consumptive, loose culture around Britain starts to affect refugees (10) TUBERCULAR {CULTURE}* over {B} and {Af...t}{Re...s}
27 Partners charged with fine remained alert (4) WOKE {W}{OK}{E}
28 Scoundrel is held captive by Maoist in Kerala (7) STINKER [T]
29 Mother and young boy caught in official delay at the borders (3,4) OLD LADY {LAD} in {Of...aL}{De.aY}

2   Obstruct some coming back to grab meals (7) EMBARGO [T<=]
3   Thick, hot atmosphere shrouds university (5) HUSKY {H}{SKY} over {U}
4   Curb on journalists (7) REPRESS {RE}{PRESS}
6   One taking time out from festival gets more relaxed (6) EASIER EAS(-t+1)IER
7   Bloodthirsty Joker beheaded in concealed, uninhabited atoll (9) HOMICIDAL {H{cOMIC}ID}{At.lL}
8   Go-getting inspector caught entertaining retrograde lots (7) DYNAMIC {DI}{C} over {MANY<=}
9   Chief of section quits peacekeepers' commission because Board is not agreeable (13) UNCOMFORTABLE {UNsCOM{FOR}{TABLE}
15 Tell all about old head of Middle Eastern dynasty consuming ecstasy (4,5) COME CLEAN {C}{O}{Mi...e}{E}{CL{E}AN}
18 Tax case of umpires taken over by former bowler, say (7) EXHAUST {Um...eS} in {EX}{HAT}
20 In Rome, X maybe irrational, unreal and, ultimately, random (7) NUMERAL {UNREAL+r...oM}*
21 North Dakota chains dealing with winter sports equipment designed to keep one from falling (7) N?N?K?D (Addendum - NONSKID {N{ON}{SKI}D})
22 Short bet, primarily in exchange for coins (6) SPECIE {SPEC}{In}{Ex...e}
25 Scrap on the base of the large spiked wheel (5) ROWEL {ROW}{E}{L}

Reference List
Drug = METH, Indian = I, Island's = I'S, British = B, Energy = E, Time = T, Prayer = OM, Church = CE, Son = S, Live = BE, Husband = H, River = R, Partners = W,E, Hot = H, University = U, On = RE, Old = O, Eastern = E, Ecstasy = E, Former = EX, Base = E, Large = L

Sunday, 28 May 2023

Special Sunday 28 May 2023, Driver

Three answers per commenter till 6 PM (Annotations compulsory) 
Please submit all your answers in one comment.  



By Driver
Squares filled: 0/154
Exolve Print Notes Jotter Ⓒ Driver & THCC

1Celebration with university couple - in the end... (10)
7... pinpoints to connect them together? (4)
9Input/Output terminal operated by assassin (10)
10Emergence without media channel (4)
11Poet is forbidden to speak (4)
12The unmarried female (supernatual creatures) are the ones they have to blame? (10)
13Military bases blocks patrolling support (8)
16Again poor Syed oddly gets rest (6)
17Seasoned editor went after small photograph (6)
18Themes seem to have hero making a comeback (8)
19Publicity for sceptic judge (10)
21Basically loads or tons, say (4)
23Mark needs to have a joint (4)
24A table tennis team in north played differently for success (10)
25Installment adjustment is not curtailed to tall men (3'1)
26Authorizes to plan a layover (10)

2Sick in Virginia country estate (5)
3One mostly going north - crazy traveller (5)
4Continued working out without attracting attention (9)
5Tenants could deal with this type of communication? (7)
6Perhaps measures to 22 in a cricket ground? (5)
7Perhaps Kapil ran away and succeeded (9)
8Sent away repeatedly to this city (9)
14Applicants like preparing in parts (9)
1511 percent off for beneficiary! (9)
16Breaking or extending rental agreement? (9)
18Notes - "Alien is going back inside" (7)
20$1000? Fantastic (5)
21At the end Daniel Watson perhaps gives proposition (5)
22Shade recurrent in German houses (5)


The Sunday Crossword No 3256, Sunday 28 May 2023

1   Footballer, one with marriage potential (6) KEEPER [DD]
4   One who painted his mother, a referee? (8) WHISTLER [DD]
9   Desired being massaged in the auditorium (6) NEEDED (~kneaded)
10 SEALs ran amok in military stores (8) ARSENALS*
12 Fools around in baths (4) SPAS<=
13 Back in control, staggered to welcome cast etc. (9) REELECTED {REEL{ETC*}ED}
15 Antique storage item, one that's cracked: it's a familiar story (3,8) OLD CHESTNUT {OLD}{CHEST}{NUT}
18 Largely racy, I compose silly, amusing entertainments (5,6) COMIC OPERAS {RACy+I+COMPOSE}*
21 Nap, Sweetie? (9) REFRESHER [DD]
22 Send out some remittances (4) EMIT [T]
24 Confused: tempura's getting further from mouth (8) UPSTREAM*
25 Shed next to empty lighthouse, a grand edifice (6) CASTLE {CAST}{Li...sE}
26 In Athens, letter written – returned – blast! (8) DETONATE {ETA}{NOTED}<=
27 Everyman affectedly starts to speechify in extremely shapeless garment (6) ONESIE {ONE}{Sp...y}{In}{Ex...y}

1   Monarchs getting to finally sojourn in Caribbean destination (8) KINGSTON {KINGS}{TO}{s...rN}
2   Dodgy dealers pocketing money and gemstones (8) EMERALDS {E{M}ERALDS*}
3   Tent's roof removed for Olympic event (4) EPEE tEPEE
5   Spooner's made callous deer a means of transporting goods (5,3,4) HORSE AND CART (~ coarsen hart to horse and cart)
6   Cliché in way of playing music genre (10) STEREOTYPE {STEREO}{TYPE}
7   Part of humble Antony's humble abode (4-2) LEAN-TO [T]
 Make one's home and manage without parking (6) RESIDE pRESIDE
11 I promise bravery after angry and shocked exclamation (5,2,5) CROSS MY HEART  {HEART}<=>{CROSS}{MY}
14 Afraid to manage space with multiple layers? (7,3) CHICKEN RUN {CHICKEN}{RUN}
16 Archbishops in particular ate seconds (8) PRIMATES {PRIM}{ATE}{S}
17 In a way, weariest – put another way ... (2,2,4) AS IT WERE*
19 Where you can see football team crumbled (6) GROUND [DD]
20 Compensate for TV with no power? (6) OFFSET {OFF SET}
23 Piece – albeit weak – numerous at the outset? (4) PAWN Acrostic &lit

Reference List
Money = M, Parking = P, Shocked exclamation = MY!, Seconds = S

Saturday, 27 May 2023

No 13876, Saturday 27 May 2023, Hypatia

7   "Fire and Ice" cast separated by killing dynasty’s first heir (11) BENEFICIARY {FIRE+ANd+ICE} in {BY}
8   Starts to ease, nudging Dhoni to finish (3) END Acrostic
10 Force a boundary (4) EDGE [DD}
11 Handy protection close to sitting duck (5) GLOVE {s...nG}{LOVE}
12 Had returned a robe Romans wore (4) TOGA {GOT<=}{A}
13 Mistakes of fielders (5) SLIPS [DD]
15 Not really certain it's complicated (9) INTRICATE*
16 Place from East shelters brown behemoths (6) TITANS {TI{TAN}S<=}
18 Huge group of soldiers led by American soldier (6) GIANTS {ANTS}<=>{GI}
21 Starts to tremble, really terrified about what cannibals do in therapy (9) TREATMENT {Tr...e}{Re...y}{Te...d} over {EAT MEN}
23 Characters of play organized around August (5) ROYAL [T<=]
25 Check couple twirling rings (diamonds) (4) EDIT {TI{D}E<=}
26 Farewell notice that is posh (5) ADIEU {AD}{IE}{U}
27 Black bird in sink (4) BOWL {B}{OWL}
28 Supply runs in the morning (3) ARM {A{R}M}
29 Swiss general's left to reform rivals (11) CHALLENGERS {CH}{GENERALS+L}*

1   He led win batting in city (3,5) NEW DELHI*
2   Just a lake (4) MERE [DD]
3   Relatives protecting grand rulers (5) KINGS {KIN{G}S}
4   Rejects plant kept in rows (7) DISOWNS {DI{SOW}NS}
5   Animal at liberty to plod per Spooner (4,4) TREE FROG (~ free trog)
6   Ponder about attracting German nobleman (6) KNIGHT {TH{G}INK<=}
9   Like cuddling felines going back and forth making noise (8) STACCATO {S{TAC<=>CAT}O}
14 Nice lake missed by small farmers (8) PEASANTS {PlEASANT}{S}
17 Comfort extremely shy husband, in Hindi medium earlier (8) SYMPATHY {ShY}{PATHY}<=>{M}
19 Coiled snake inhabiting tree in harmony (8) TEAMWORK {TEA{(+m)MWOR(-m)}K}
20 He questions moving lower down to catching position (7) INFIELD INFI(-d)EL(+d)D
22 Qualifications for jockeys (6) RIDERS [DD}
24 Excellent meal softly polished off (5) SUPER SUpPER
27 Defects in vehicle consuming gallons (4) BUGS {BU{G}S}

Reference List
Notice = AD, Posh = U, Black = B, Runs = R, Swiss = CH, Left = L, Grand = G, German = G, Lake = L, Small = S, Husband in Hindi = PATHY, Medium = M, Down = D, Softly = P, Gallons = G

Friday, 26 May 2023

No 13875, Friday 26 May 2023,Hypatia

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

7   Embarrassed US agent chased by Spooner (3-5) RED-FACED (~fed raced to red faced)
9   Recall banks closing for Dussehra yearly (6) ANNUAL {ANNU{d...rA}L}
10 Neither partner bored by one film genre (4) NOIR {NO{1}R}
11 Extended advance then vacated expecting to shift inside (10) LENGTHENED {LEND} over {THEN+Ex...nG}*
12 Fanatics run away from acquaintances (6) FIENDS FrIENDS
14 Fight to stop guard working without uniform in holy place (8) GURDWARA {GURD{WAR}A*} Why without Uniform?
15 Cool van in a spot of danger (6,7) ACTIVE VOLCANO {COOL+VAN}* [RA]
18 Doctor had a nice ranch (8) HACIENDA*
20 Group is so gullible about secret chat (6) GOSSIP [T<=]
21 Thought of bosom supporter in bad weather (10) BRAINSTORM {BRA}{IN}{STORM}
22 Bachelor leaving lounge for maiden’s show (4) MASK (-b+m)MASK
23 Shrewd leader of Ustate assembly (6) ASTUTE {Up+STATE}*
24 Poet composing sonnet entertains US state (8) TENNYSON {TEN{NY}SON*}

1   Spanish girl working in a store (8) SENORITA*
2   Nadal returns from a long distance (4) AFAR<=
3   These are seen on Snakes and Ladders (6) SCALES [DD]
4   Country's President - a good man or criminal? (8) PASTORAL {P}{A}{ST}{OR}{AL}
5   Classified French and German articles vocally criticize society (5,5) UNDER WRAPS {UN}{DER}{(~rap)WRAP}{S}
6   Bolt's occupation (6) CAREER [DD]
8   Be indifferent when members of parliament keep mum? (4,4,1,4) DONT GIVE A HOOT [D&CD]
13 Over time, I turn to exercise with promises to be healthy (10) NUTRITIOUS {T}<=>{I+TURN}* with {IOUS}
16 Disappears from Shiv Sena (8) VANISHES*
17 Operation after love failure (8) OMISSION {MISSION}<=>{O}
19 Both sides lost! Game over! (6) ACROSS lACROSSe
20 Imagine wandering without a sign (6) GEMINI IMaGINE*
22 Illusion in Ramayana (4) MAYA [T]

Reference List
Run = R, Bachelor = B, Maiden = M, President = P, Good man = ST, Society = S, Criminal = AL(Capone), Frensh article = UN, German article = DER

Thursday, 25 May 2023

No 13874, Thursday 25 May 2023, Dr. X

Solution to 26A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1/7 Law of nature never changes - start to behave responsibly (4,4,1,3,4)  TURN OVER A NEW LEAF*
5   Like musical instrument's note (1,5) A SHARP {AS}{HARP}
10 Finest girl wanting hot, stylish clothes (7) CLASSIC {Ch{LASS}IC}
11 Most foul-smelling tanker possibly contains sulphur (7) RANKEST {RANKE{S}T*}
12 Mother discarding spade ace (5) MATER MAsTER
13 Guy perishes, having primarily broken many bones (9) MANDIBLES {MAN}{DI{Br...n}{L}ES}
14 Duly act as busy nurses struggle in emergency room (8,4) CASUALTY WARD {DULY+ACT+AS}* over {WAR}
18 Rationalists release plays about hoaxes at inauguration (12) FREETHIMKERS {FREE}{T{Ho...s}INKERS} 
21 Consuming cool soft drink with starter of tasty American sausage (9) CHIPOLATA {C{HIP}OLA}{Ta..y}{Am...n}
23 Event in 60 minutes, leaving hotel to get bouquet (5) ODOUR {hO{DO}UR}
24 Galena, say, from a round shaft in sanctuary (4,3) LEAD ORE {LE{A}{ROD<=}E}
25 European, one with sunburn, tackling back pain (7) ITALIAN {1}{TA{AIL<=}N}
26 Did this and rose to catch fish (6) R?E?E
27 Petulant youngster finally restrained by woman's command (8) SHREWISH {SH{y...eR}E}{WISH}

1   Mexican dish by mother in American city (6) TACOMA {TACO}{MA}
2   Criticises star, so intoxicated (6) ROASTS*
3   Egg with slice of bacon, helper's attentive (9) OBSERVANT {O}{Ba..n}{SERVANT}
4   Old CIA document discovered about member banished from church (14) EXCOMMUNICATED {EX}{CIA+DOCUMENT}*  over {M}
6   Succeeds in aim to conquer mountain (5) SINAI [T]
7   See 1 Across
8   Disregard a dispute perhaps (3,5) PUT ASIDE*
9   Finish dark rum, filled with desire to consume a lot of alcohol (5,4,1,4) DRINK LIKE A FISH {FINISH+DARK}* over {LIKE}
15 Long, narrow beer glass ordered for a lady by Earl (4,2,3) YARD OF ALE {FOR+A+LADY}*{E}
16 Clobbered fool for consuming cocaine, becoming indecent in America (3-5) OFF-COLOR {FOOL+FOR}* over {C}
17 Kill revolting rodents interrupting meeting (8) DECIMATE {D{MICE<=}ATE}
19 Gold coins of Roman empire auctioned around lunchtime at Italy (6) SOLIDI {SOL{1}D}{I}
20 Champion saves series with century in test (6) CRUNCH {C{RUN}{C}H}
22 Old bar in Polish city (5) OPOLE {O}{POLE}

Reference List
Hot = H, Sulphur = S, Spade = S, Cool = HIP, Hotel = H, Sanctuary = LEE, Member = M, Earl = E, Cocaine = C, Lunchtime = 1, Italy = I, Champion = CH, Century = C, Old = O

Wednesday, 24 May 2023

No 13873, Wednesday 24 May 2023, Dr. X

Solution to 5A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.
Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Discouraged to drink and drive (8) DOWNCAST {DOWN}{CAST}
5   Make-up is marvellous, most gorgeous (6) ?A?R?C (Addendum - FABRIC {FAB}{RICh} - See comments))
10 Toxin in container broken by clumsy lout (7) BOTULIN {B{LOUT*}IN}
11 Destruction caused by reactionary men in rebellious row (7) EROSION {E{OR<=}SION<=}
12 Students he encouraged showing brilliance (5) SHEEN [T]
13 Einstein's analysis about essence of gravity is thorough (9) INTENSIVE {EINSTEIN}* over {graVity}
14 Runs after girl abducted by monstrous hoodlum in confusion (6-6) HUGGER-MUGGER {R}<=>{HU{G}GE} and {MUGGER}
18 Take a gem deviously with a plan and escape (4,1,7) MAKE A GETAWAY {TAKE+A+GEM}*{A}{WAY}
21 Like to embrace girl hurt about making a bloomer (9) AMARYLLIS {A{MARY}{ILL<=}S}
23 Contradict opinion endlessly (5) BELIE BELIEf
24 Exceptionally strong guy working with head of Mossad in Middle Eastern country (4,3) IRON MAN {IR{ON}{Mo...d}AN}
25 Juice is fresh and cold, a little tangy (7) EXTRACT {EXTRA}{C}{Ta..y}
26 Harry returned to pick up old article about Australian lizard (6) GOANNA {NA{O}G<=}{AN<=}
27 Greedy head of monarchs ousted, mutineers went berserk (8) ESURIENT mUTINEERS*

1   Shame seabed's polluted (6) DEBASE*
2   Top opener for Bangladesh dismissed after wicket gets more damp (6) WETTER {bETTER}<=>{W}
3   Stop unionist interrupting visit at a plant (9) CALENDULA {CAL{END}{U}L}{A}
4   Crime lord on launch filled with drugs gets a sense of dread (7,7) SINKING FEELING {SIN}{KING}{F{EE}LING}
6   Nut in a cereal (5) ACORN {A}{CORN}
7   Wild girls in American bars (8) RAILINGS {GIRLS+IN+A}*
8   Container by mistake taken by British Airways to capital city (8) CANBERRA {CAN}{B{ERR}A}
9   What one will find in previous TH publication - person who's no longer of interest (10,4) YESTERDAYS NEWS [DD]
15 Brutal old rogue snatching article in capital city (4,5) ULAN BATOR {BRUTAL+O}* over {AN}
16 Intoxicated German is slurring (8) SMEARING*
17 Good Buddhist monk outside house in American state (8) OKLAHOMA {OK}{LA{HO}MA}
19 Will perhaps sleep around afternoon (6) PLEASE {PLE{A}SE*}
20 Old tenor welcomed by band, a group of six musicians (6) SEXTET {S{EX}{T}ET}
22 Male on vacation overwhelmed by lust in Arabic country (5) YEMEN {YE{MalE}N}

Reference List
Men = OR, Runs = R, Girl = G, Cold = C, Old = O, Article = AN, Wicket = W, Unionist = U, Drug = E, American = A, Old = O, House = HO, Afternoon = A, Tenor = T

Tuesday, 23 May 2023

No 13872, Tuesday 23 May 2023, Dr. X

Solution to 21A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.
Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Safe golfer's reason for not hitting long shots? (3,2,3,5) OUT OF THE WOODS [DD]
8   Battle to seize heroin by force in dock (5) WHARF {W{H}AR}{F}
9   Extremely calm couple, so different after drinking bit of rum (9) SUPERCOOL {COUPLE+SO}* over {Rum}
11 Blind date accepted by rebellious woman going astray (3,7) RED HERRING {H{D}ER<=}{ERRING}
12 Initially, just attach image file format (4) JPEG {Just}{PEG}
14 Inaugural gift - stylish and select clothes (7) HANDSEL [T]
16 Unscrupulous hero ditching model (7) IMMORAL IMMORtAL
17 Active agent in toxin (7) ANTIGEN*
19 Once more going around river with a famous waterfall (7) NIAGARA {AGAIN<=}{R}{A}
21 Extremely tight at first binge (4) T?O? (Addendum - TOOT {TOO}{Ti..t} - See comments)
22 Wistful in hospital, overwhelmed by difficult time with bad flu (10) THOUGHTFUL {T{H}OUGH}{T}{FLU*}
25 Desire to check out attractive person having lunch with hot woman (5,4) DEATH WISH {D{EAT}{H}{W}ISH}
26 Surprise! Abruptly captures knight and mates (5) TWINS {TWI{N}St}
27 Distressed by breaking fingers conducting stunt on top of elevator (5-8) GRIEF-STRICKEN {FINGERS}* over {TRICK}{El...r}

2   African thug and anarchist caught (7) UGANDAN [T]
3   Silly gaffes with some not following approved party line (3-7) OFF-MESSAGE {GAFFES+SOME}*
4   American in lounge keeled over - it's shocking! (5) TASER {RES{A}T<=}
5   Spread rumour about stealing kiss on sleepover (9) EXPANSION {NOISE<=} over {X}{NAP<=}
6   Losing head, yells and rows (4) OARS rOARS
7   Daughter designed proper tube for dispensing liquid (7) DROPPER {D}{PROPER*}
8   Raw red meat cooked over hour becoming tender (11) WARMHEARTED {RAW+RED+MEAT}* over {H}
10 Smart lawyers and members drinking beer and shaking a leg (5,6) LEGAL EAGLES {LEGS} over {ALE}{A+LEG}*
13 Understanding what makes one vomit over trail (10) EMPATHETIC {EM{PATH}ETIC}
15 Left on edge by cutback in vital parts (9) LINCHPINS {L}{INCH}{SNIP<=}
18 Chief takes a little while to reveal poker hand (3,4) TWO PAIR {T{Wh..e}OP}{AIR}
20 A female on vacation inviting fine character for liaison in France (7) AFFAIRE {A}{Fe..lE} over {F}{AIR}
23 Show drug dealer quietly escaping (5) USHER pUSHER
24 Loafer in love, captivated by woman (4) SHOE {SH{O}E}

Reference List
Heroin = H, Force = F, Date = D, Model = T, River = R, Hospital = H, Time = T, Attractive person = DISH, Hot = H, Woman = W, Knight = N, American = A, Kiss = X, Daughter = D, Hour = H, Fine = F, Quietly = P

Monday, 22 May 2023

No 13871, Monday 22 May 2023, Dr. X

Solution to 8A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Group of stars in show hosted by casino, not bad (13) CONSTELLATION {TELL} in {CASINO+NOT}*
8   Closer to collapse after run out (5) P?S?E (Addendum - PASSE {c...sE}<=>{PASS} - See comments)
9   Looking backwards, shout catching glimpse of elephant on westward trail (9) REGARDANT {R{El...t}{DRAG<=}ANT}
11 Just run away, get independent and marry (10) LEGITIMATE {LEG IT}{I}{MATE} 
12 Sleep with associate in American city (4) NAPA {NAP}{A}
14 Open-air food court, sadly not fine - lacking bit of class (7) OUTDOOR {fOOD+cOURT}*
16 Summon girl to eat Mexican dish in retreat (7) EVOCATE {EV{TACO<=}E}
17 Panic-stricken fellow beginning to ruin caper (7) FRANTIC {F}{Ruin}{ANTIC}
19 A star mischievously cuddling stylish American singer (7) SINATRA {A+STAR}* over {IN}
21 Seize rebellious brute stealing rupees (4) GRIP {PI{R}G<=}
22 Suggestion on Makar Sankranti - take a hike (2,3,1,4) GO FLY A KITE [DD]
25 Superintendent finally managed to control idiot rioting in institution (9) TRADITION {s...nT}{RA{IDIOT*}N}
26 Check empty houses, tidy (5) KEMPT [T]
27 Flick shot, cut and drive finally improving (6,7) MOVING PICTURE {CUT+d..vE+IMPROVING}*

2   Things changed after love at first glance (2,5) ON SIGHT {0}{THINGS*}
3   Diminutive models in reality craving for sugar (5,5) SWEET TOOTH {S{WEE}{T}{T}OOTH}
4   Memory of Elvis's first concert (5) EPROM {El...s}{PROM}
5   Thin legs affected son's agility (9) LIGHTNESS {THIN+LEGS}*{S}
6   Wrong shot limiting runs (4) TORT {TO{R}T}
7   Fight between Americans after party's over in Japanese city (7) ODAWARA {A{WAR}A}<=>{DO}
8   Revolting insolence depressed good husband in vigorous bedroom conflict (6,5) PILLOW FIGHT {LIP<=}{LOW}{FI{G}{H}T}
10 Trip organiser in camp hosting party at lounge (6,5) TRAVEL AGENT {T{RAVE}{LAG}ENT}
13 Cheap trick by captain of Wales to score in final (10) DOWNMARKET {DO}{Wa..s}{N{MARK}ET}
15 Group consuming coke slyly at noon gets punishment (9) RECKONING {R{COKE*}{N}ING}
18 Go at it animatedly, incorporating a restless tempo (7) AGITATO {GO+AT+IT}* over {A}
20 One making an effort to enthral males, becoming more svelte (7) TRIMMER {TRI{MM}ER}
23 Garment in new drag clothing, essentially mischievous (5) LUNGI {LU{N}G}{m...hIv...s}
24 Cloudy over island in the South of France (4) MIDI {DIM<=}{I}

Reference List
Independent = I, Associate = A, Fine = F, Fellow = F, Stylish = IN, Rupees = R, Model = T, Reality = SOOTH, Son = S, Shot = TOT, Runs = R, American = A, Party = DO, Good = G, Husband = H, Trick = DO, Noon = N, Male = M, New = N, Island = I

Sunday, 21 May 2023

Special, Sunday 21 May 2023, Veeyares

Three answers per commenter till 6 PM (Annotations compulsory) 
Please submit all your answers in one comment.  



By Veeyares
Squares filled: 0/153
Exolve Print Notes Jotter Ⓒ Veeyares & THCC

9Skill of mole covering castle building without a bit of sound (9)
10Toolkit especially to trap birds (5)
11Moral of first of lessons I teach unclear (7)
12Cry to gather from friend during hot runs (7)
13Bridge passing over current in the country (5)
15Praise the treatment resulting in cures (9)
17Date President broadcasting already decided (13)
22Quietly ruining dress? Accept burden (5,4)
24Features are missing in embryo (5)
25Pray boy takes top spot right away, getting gift (7)
27Poet's letter from Greece about hero at sea (7)
29Alleges a hogwash regularly about Victor (5)
30Cutting up and dumping over top of ridge (9)

1Attack according to directions (7)
2Drug disoriented them (4)
3Traces of zinc and copper with iron combined in mineral (6)
4Wails playing ukulele endlessly at King's dying on Sunday (8)
5Shrub’s attempt to occupy tree from the bottom up (6)
6Monastery’s wall hugged by a muddled lake (8)
7Delay support (4)
8Champion spilled soup in corner after starting to eat (7)
14Consent of a native of Athens, say, to assassinate knight (5)
16Upset losing victory, becoming listless (5)
18New President’s having neither right nor resources to start with hand out (8)
19No compromise at the end, dismisses appeal filed for matches (8)
20Boy at sea involved in quarrel in stealth vessel (3,4)
21Soothe when you get old, it is said (7)
23Half-witted’s doubts about spending five hundred by English (6)
24Bays for judge’s parking in front of District Square (6)
26Money one spent getting nothing in jail (4)
28Be sure basically to retire and get out (4)


The Sunday Crossword No 3255, Sunday 21 May 2023

1   Gets around senior journalist's ways of working (10) PROCEDURES {PROC{ED}URES}
6   It brought back very loud disagreement (4) TIFF {IT<=}{FF}
9   Character in La Belle et la Bête? (10) CIRCUMFLEX [T] Semi&lit
10 Fabulous captain seeing portent heading west (4) NEMO<=
11 Elder recites awfully locally sourced food? (3,9) RED LEICESTER*
15 Duck without much flesh in coating of rillettes in French city (7) ORLEANS {O}{R{LEAN}i...eS}
16 Rodents: those who fetch and carry, we're told (7) GOPHERS (~gofers)
17 Slightly edited thesis describing king's sculpture (3,4) THE KISS {THE{K}SIS*}
19 Perhaps the army chaplain delivers this? (7) SERVICE [C&DD]
20 Atingle, seeing French birds (12) GREENFINCHES*
23 Everyman's heading to find dingy venue where sinful behaviour occurred (4) EDEN {Ev...n}{DEN}
24 Start to battle cloud storage issue: that's an idea (10) BRAINCHILD {Ba...e}{RAIN}{CHILD}
25 Cinéaste describes this direction (4) EAST [T]
26 Colonels' superiors tidied up debris surrounding Latvian capital (10) BRIGADIERS {B{RIGA}DIERS*}

1   Speed of some spaceships (4) PACE [T]
2   Announced time for you and me (4) OURS (~hours)
3   Reckoning mountaineer will flail about (11) ENUMERATION*
4   Emerges and ... decreases? (7) UNFOLDS [DD]
5   Making plane when night approaches (7) EVENING [DD]
7   Regrettably intermixes as a last resort (2,8) IN EXTREMIS*
8   Flowery language suggesting waves (10) FLOURISHES [DD]
12 Felt professional (11) EXPERIENCED [DD]
13 Badly upset rogue state's inhabitants (10) PORTUGUESE*
14 Cold weather curtailed small elves' dancing in type of clothing for summer (10) SLEEVELESS {SLEEt}{S+ELVES}*
18 Subversive spoon? (7) STIRRER [DD]
19 Plundering coarse cloth (7) SACKING [DD]
21 Sent up Arab leader's old poem (4) RIME<=
22 Primarily inauspicious day, especially senatorially! (4) IDES Acrostic &lit

Reference List
Senior journalist = ED, Very Loud = FF, King = K, Small = S

Saturday, 20 May 2023

No 13870, Saturday 20 May 2023, Afterdark

9   Reach a church one day before (7) ACHIEVE {A}{CH}{1}{EVE}
10 Plant a crook in telephone exchange at the beginning (7) ACONITE {A}{CON}{In}{Te...e}{Ex...e}
11 Floating leaf is little, found on yard at home (4,3) LILY PAD {LIL}{Y}{PAD}
12 Intense listener at shelter (7) EARNEST {EAR}{NEST}
13 Herb's girl - we eloped on vacation (9) CHICKWEED {CHICK}{WE}{El..eD}
15 Betray great artist to guards (5) GRASS {G}{RA}{SS}
16 Taint becomes paint if troy becomes volume (7) TARNISH (-v+t)TARNISH
19 Plant gets memory by constant working (7) RAMPION {RAM}{PI}{ON}
20 One is primarily evasive with Herb (5) ANISE {AN}{IS}{Ev...e}
21 Stomach or another organ ingested small plant (5,4) BEARS FOOT {BEAR}{FOOT} over {S}
25 American helps to remove some seed at yard and plant (7) SUCCORY {SUCCORs}{Y}
26 Japan university agent returned to plant (7) JUNIPER {J}{UNI}{REP<=}
28 Takes care of power at academy and lets out (7) PARENTS {P}{A}{RENTS}
29 In Japan, there's money in a type of grass and pepper (7) CAYENNE {CA{YEN}NE}

1   Roman Catholic girl cooking a flowering plant... (6) GARLIC {AC+GIRL}* Seems to be an error here. RC instead of AC
2   ...a fruit to keep spirit around the sick (6) CHILLI {CH{ILL}I}
3   Cavernous river originating at Panama (4) DEEP {DEE}{Pa...a}
4   Interfere in field Demonte set up (6) MEDDLE [T<=]
5   After commencement, at Neverland, set up a plant (8) LAVENDER nEVERLAND*
6   Scrabble & Monopoly? Fed up they say, ladies it's good not dead (5,5) BOARD GAMES {(~bored)BOARD}{(-d+g)GAMES}
7   Academics are drunk on daytime at institute (8) LITERATI {LIT}{ERA}{T}{I}
8   Get rid of plane perhaps it's on a state of disrepair (8) JETTISON {JET}{ITS+ON}*
14 The sharp end is on pinkie fit to scoop out the middle and mutilate (10) KNIFEPOINT {ON+PINKIE+FiT}*
16 Wing in church, 28 assemble on time (8) TRANSEPT {PARENTS*}{T}
17 Discount provision for transport given by king's radical reform (8) RAILCARD {R}{RADICAL*}
18 Say, philatelist hits boy because in the beginning(was) problematic (8) HOBBYIST {HITS+BOY+Be...e}*
22 Sailor caught in rush at base (6) ABJECT {AB}{JE{C}T}
23 Gold is on a tree or plant? (6) ORPINE {OR}{PINE}
24 A small tower at the entrance of Tuticorin, old city on edge of Tamilnadu (6) TURRET {Tu...n}{UR}{RE}{Ta...u}
27 Negative votes? Na, yes without substance (4) NAYS {NA}{YeS}

Reference List
Church = CH, Crook = CON, Yard = Y, Great = G, Artist = RA, Guards = SS, Troy = T, Volume = V, Constant = PI, Small = S, Japan = J, University = UNI, Power = P, Academy = A, Spirit = CHI, Good = G, Dead = D, Drunk = LIT, Day = ERA, Time = T, Institute = I, King = R, Sailor = AB, Caught = C, Old city = UR, on = RE