Satyen Nabar's Sun Spl analysed
Wednesday, 31 May 2023
No 13879, Wednesday 31 May 2023, Karaoke
Tuesday, 30 May 2023
No 13878, Tuesday 30 May 2023, Gussalufz
Monday, 29 May 2023
No 13877, Monday 29 May 2023, Avtaar
Sunday, 28 May 2023
Special Sunday 28 May 2023, Driver
Exolve v1.61 February 22, 2025 Report-Bug Exolve-on-GitHub Community
Control keys:
- Tab/Shift-Tab: Jump to the next/previous clue.
- Enter, Click/Tap: Toggle current direction.
- Arrow keys: Move to the nearest light square in that direction.
- Ctrl-q: Clear this, Ctrl-Q: Clear All!, Ctrl-B: Print crossword, Ctrl-/: Jump to/back-from notes, Ctrl-*: Mark clue as fave in notes, adding a * prefix.
- Delete: Clear the contents of the current square.
- Spacebar: Place block in the current square if it's diagramless.
- Double-click or Shift+Letter: If the puzzle has rebus cells, this is the way to enter multiple letters into a single cell.
Overwritten letters will briefly be coloured like this (before fading back to this) just to draw your attention so that you can fix any accidental typing errors.
Your entries are auto-saved in the browser's local storage. You can share the state using this link: URL
Print or create a PDF: Inksaver
Title | Setter | Preamble |
Explanations | Copyright | Questions |
Extra header: |
Extra footer: |
Force grid scale to: |
Call to action: |
The QR code (rendered to the right) will be printed to the . QR code size: . |
- Ctrl-/ takes you to the current clue's notes (or overall notes) and back (if already there).
- Ctrl-* adds a * prefix to the current clue's notes.
- Hovering over a clue's notes shows the clue as a tooltip.
Jotting pad: (click here to shuffle)
Down & Up
1 | Celebration with university couple - in the end... (10) |
7 | ... pinpoints to connect them together? (4) |
9 | Input/Output terminal operated by assassin (10) |
10 | Emergence without media channel (4) |
11 | Poet is forbidden to speak (4) |
12 | The unmarried female (supernatual creatures) are the ones they have to blame? (10) |
13 | Military bases blocks patrolling support (8) |
16 | Again poor Syed oddly gets rest (6) |
17 | Seasoned editor went after small photograph (6) |
18 | Themes seem to have hero making a comeback (8) |
19 | Publicity for sceptic judge (10) |
21 | Basically loads or tons, say (4) |
23 | Mark needs to have a joint (4) |
24 | A table tennis team in north played differently for success (10) |
25 | Installment adjustment is not curtailed to tall men (3'1) |
26 | Authorizes to plan a layover (10) |
2 | Sick in Virginia country estate (5) |
3 | One mostly going north - crazy traveller (5) |
4 | Continued working out without attracting attention (9) |
5 | Tenants could deal with this type of communication? (7) |
6 | Perhaps measures to 22 in a cricket ground? (5) |
7 | Perhaps Kapil ran away and succeeded (9) |
8 | Sent away repeatedly to this city (9) |
14 | Applicants like preparing in parts (9) |
15 | 11 percent off for beneficiary! (9) |
16 | Breaking or extending rental agreement? (9) |
18 | Notes - "Alien is going back inside" (7) |
20 | $1000? Fantastic (5) |
21 | At the end Daniel Watson perhaps gives proposition (5) |
22 | Shade recurrent in German houses (5) |
The Sunday Crossword No 3256, Sunday 28 May 2023
Saturday, 27 May 2023
No 13876, Saturday 27 May 2023, Hypatia
Friday, 26 May 2023
No 13875, Friday 26 May 2023,Hypatia
Thursday, 25 May 2023
No 13874, Thursday 25 May 2023, Dr. X
Wednesday, 24 May 2023
No 13873, Wednesday 24 May 2023, Dr. X
Tuesday, 23 May 2023
No 13872, Tuesday 23 May 2023, Dr. X
Monday, 22 May 2023
No 13871, Monday 22 May 2023, Dr. X
Sunday, 21 May 2023
Special, Sunday 21 May 2023, Veeyares
Exolve v1.61 February 22, 2025 Report-Bug Exolve-on-GitHub Community
Control keys:
- Tab/Shift-Tab: Jump to the next/previous clue.
- Enter, Click/Tap: Toggle current direction.
- Arrow keys: Move to the nearest light square in that direction.
- Ctrl-q: Clear this, Ctrl-Q: Clear All!, Ctrl-B: Print crossword, Ctrl-/: Jump to/back-from notes, Ctrl-*: Mark clue as fave in notes, adding a * prefix.
- Delete: Clear the contents of the current square.
- Spacebar: Place block in the current square if it's diagramless.
- Double-click or Shift+Letter: If the puzzle has rebus cells, this is the way to enter multiple letters into a single cell.
Overwritten letters will briefly be coloured like this (before fading back to this) just to draw your attention so that you can fix any accidental typing errors.
Your entries are auto-saved in the browser's local storage. You can share the state using this link: URL
Print or create a PDF: Inksaver
Title | Setter | Preamble |
Explanations | Copyright | Questions |
Extra header: |
Extra footer: |
Force grid scale to: |
Call to action: |
The QR code (rendered to the right) will be printed to the . QR code size: . |
- Ctrl-/ takes you to the current clue's notes (or overall notes) and back (if already there).
- Ctrl-* adds a * prefix to the current clue's notes.
- Hovering over a clue's notes shows the clue as a tooltip.
Jotting pad: (click here to shuffle)
Down & Up
9 | Skill of mole covering castle building without a bit of sound (9) |
10 | Toolkit especially to trap birds (5) |
11 | Moral of first of lessons I teach unclear (7) |
12 | Cry to gather from friend during hot runs (7) |
13 | Bridge passing over current in the country (5) |
15 | Praise the treatment resulting in cures (9) |
17 | Date President broadcasting already decided (13) |
22 | Quietly ruining dress? Accept burden (5,4) |
24 | Features are missing in embryo (5) |
25 | Pray boy takes top spot right away, getting gift (7) |
27 | Poet's letter from Greece about hero at sea (7) |
29 | Alleges a hogwash regularly about Victor (5) |
30 | Cutting up and dumping over top of ridge (9) |
1 | Attack according to directions (7) |
2 | Drug disoriented them (4) |
3 | Traces of zinc and copper with iron combined in mineral (6) |
4 | Wails playing ukulele endlessly at King's dying on Sunday (8) |
5 | Shrub’s attempt to occupy tree from the bottom up (6) |
6 | Monastery’s wall hugged by a muddled lake (8) |
7 | Delay support (4) |
8 | Champion spilled soup in corner after starting to eat (7) |
14 | Consent of a native of Athens, say, to assassinate knight (5) |
16 | Upset losing victory, becoming listless (5) |
18 | New President’s having neither right nor resources to start with hand out (8) |
19 | No compromise at the end, dismisses appeal filed for matches (8) |
20 | Boy at sea involved in quarrel in stealth vessel (3,4) |
21 | Soothe when you get old, it is said (7) |
23 | Half-witted’s doubts about spending five hundred by English (6) |
24 | Bays for judge’s parking in front of District Square (6) |
26 | Money one spent getting nothing in jail (4) |
28 | Be sure basically to retire and get out (4) |