Saturday 17 June 2023

No 13894, Saturday 17 Jun 2023, Afterdark

9   Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency treatment for gourmet (7) EPICURE {EPI}{CURE}
10 For a very long time today a Republican was dancing (4,3) YEAR DOT {TODAY+A+R}* Anagram fodder error
11 A dangerous place to get internet (3,4) HOT SPOT [C&DD]
12 Sailor's cry leading to dismissal (5-2) HEAVE-HO [DD]
13 Strengthen party and unit of communication in the body (5,4) NERVE CELL {NERVE}{CELL}
15 Long for party after college (5) CRAVE {RAVE}<=>{C}
16 Advantage has been manifested getting qualified (7) BENEFIT {BEEN*}{FIT}
19 Sheiks dancing on Sabbath with Jewish women (7) SHIKSES {SHEIK*}{S}
20 Shape of company not impressive, collapsing as per sources (5) CONIC {CO}{Not}{Im...e}{Co...g}
21 Struggles with gust, forward movement, off from empty road (4-2-3) TUGS-OF-WAR {GUST+FORWArd}*
25 Study angle first relating to wide angle lens (7) FISHEYE {EYE}<=>{FISH} 
26 Outfit of Andhra Pradesh seen at Mumbai suburb (7) APPAREL {AP}{PAREL}
28 Salvage Regina's electric bike (7) RECYCLE {R}{E}{CYCLE}
29 Reporter's self introduction to inspire? (7) IMPRESS {I'M PRESS}

1   Tailless elephant curiously found with a bird (6) PEAHEN ElEPHANtHow is L deleted?
2   One who's trying to lose weight tried exercising, gaining energy (6) DIETER {TRIED}* over {E}
3   Ball is with line umpire (4) LUMP {L}{UMP}
4   Arrange to drop son and pick up Kelvin in vessel (6) KETTLE (-s+k)KETTLE
5   Disease, say disheartened Greek character is taking some levafloxacin (8) SYPHILIS {SaY}{PHI}{IS} over {Le...n}
6   Liqueur for chairman, so refreshing (10) MARASCHINO*
7   Advantage with wife? Say rigged towards the end (8) EDGEWAYS {EDGE}{W}{SAY*}
8   Salvagers on road work collecting egg, euros and rupees (8) STOOPERS {ST}{O}{OP}{E}{RS}
14 Competence of English females in charge's nice, improved by end of day (10) EFFICIENCY {E}{F}{F}{IC}{NICE*}{daY}
16 Reinforce a tree (Eucalyptus primarily) or blow up (8) BACKFIRE {BACK}{FIR}{Eu...s}
17 New nun chosen almost is matchless (8) NONESUCH {NUN+CHOSEn}*
18 Shabby, beaten boy gives way to terrorist basically (8) TATTERED (-b+t)TATTERED
22 Player having bash with boxer at Spain (6) GOALIE {GO}{ALI}{E}
23 Aggravate wife's sore mended with tip of nail (6) WORSEN {W}{SORE*}{Nail}
24 Savour the spice (6) RELISH [DD]
27 Bishop of Rome has cola and sweet essentially (4) POPE {POP}{swEet]

Reference List
Republican = R, College = C, Sabbath = S, Company = CO, Regina = R, Electric = E, Energy = E, Line = L, Son = S, Kelvin = K, Wife = W, Work = OP, Euro = E, Rupees = RS, English = E, Female = F, In charge = IC, Boy = B, Spain = E


  1. Is "wp with def" Acceptable!

  2. 19a From the link I find that shikses are non-Jewish women!

    1. No. It says min Jewish. Only male it says min Jewish- looks like that may be an error.

    2. Read it as jewish word for woman rather than jewish woman.

  3. As per the link it says "the term may be used to describe a Jewish girl or woman who fails to follow Orthodox religious precepts ".

    1. I referred to Gentile in the link which is a word that usually means "someone who is not a Jew"

  4. Replies
    1. What type of clue is 13?
      Free & other dictionaries say Shikses is a Yiddish derogatory term for non Jewish women.

  5. Interesting grid.
    Thanx AD.
