Saturday 3 June 2023

No 13882, Saturday 03 Jun 2023, Arden

1   Replenishment of money - kept unused (7) RENEWAL {RE{NEW}AL}
5   In America, child protected from the devil (7) INCUBUS {IN}{CUB}{US}
9   Lake and river insect (5) LOUSE {L}{OUSE}
10 Rough gain by changing sides within (9) INCLEMENT INC(-r+l)LEMENT
11 Complaint disposed, see, try in a different way (9) EYESTRAIN*
12 Joint permit, restored partly (5) MITRE [T]
13 Rolls back, slight (4) SNUB<=
15 Move to China, orient not fully developed (8) INCHOATE {TO+CHINA}*{E}
18 Entire set up has American backing, is greedy (8) ESURIENT {ENTIRE}* over {US<=}
19 Eager to see singer return (4) AVID<=
22 Sienna - love to come first in task (5) OCHRE (+o)OCH(-o)RE
24 Fool will complain about monsoon, says Spooner (9) LAMEBRAIN (~ blame rain to lamebrain)
26 Capital is short, allow university side by side (4,5) PARI PASSU {PARIs}{PASS}{U}
27 Inch or centimetre - first count over (5) CREEP {Ce...e}{PEER<=}
28 Back end, horses exposed (7) ENDORSE {END}{hORSEs}
29 Girl comes in, go and hide here? (7) TANNERY {T{ANNE}RY}

1   On song and trusted (6) RELIED {RE}{LIED}
2   They make you throw up at sea, sun's set? (9) NAUSEANTS* Error in fodder with an extra S and one N short
3   Grab what's left, they say (5) WREST (~rest)
4   Put down face up, like a fish (4,5) LAID ASIDE {DIAL<=}{AS}{IDE}
5   South American once preserved (5) INCAN {IN CAN}
6   Shout from top to bottom, fuss over a soft drink (5,4) CREAM SODA {(-s)CREAM(+s)S}{ADO<=}
7   Right inside the no.1 port (5) BREST {B{R}EST}
8   Look to corner railway official to get a seat (6) SETTEE {SE{TTE}E}
14 Taverner gets a signal from this as the boat comes in (9) BARKEEPER {B{ARK}EEPER}
16 A cap wearing nobleman is a beast (9) CATAMOUNT {C{A}{TAM}OUNT}
17 Wine at sea, bad for an islander (9) TAIWANESE*
20 Bit of reinforcement in wood makes it stiff (6) CORPSE {CO{Re...t}PSE}
21 Photograph's extremely pretty and neat (6) SNAPPY {SNAP}{Pr..tY}
23 King's old, protected by mob (5) HEROD {HER{O}D}
24 Thread is between lines, close to spindle (5) LISLE {L}{IS}{L}{s...lE}
25 The bread winner's supposed to bring it home (5) BACON [CD]

Reference List
Lake = L, Orient = E, University = U, On = RE, Right = R, Old = O, Line = L


  1. 2D Because of the fodder I put in Nauseates and couldn't get 13A at all!

  2. Yes, a bad mistake. In spite of repeated checks mistakes seem to creep in. My apologies
