Monday 26 June 2023

No 13901, Monday 26 Jun 2023, Avtaar

Solution to 13A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Check box (6) HAMPER [DD]
5   Batting posture, for example (8) INSTANCE {IN}{STANCE}
9   A frantic appeal to hoard top-quality roofing material (8) ASBESTOS {A}{S{BEST}OS}
10 Savage review of film (6) ANIMAL<=
11 Here, refrains could be a means to clear the atmosphere (3,9) AIR FRESHENER*
13 Maiden eschews University loans (4) ?E?T (Addendum - DEBT DEBuT - See comments)
14 Preparation of begum - nan and dal (4,4) MUNG BEAN*
17 *Cancer, say ? (4,4) STAR SIGN [DD]
18 False statement to implicate nation's first family (4) LINE {LI{Na...n}E}
20 Grill in bar? (5-7) CROSS-EXAMINE [CD]
23 Case of dill stocked by fruit seller (6) PEDLAR {PE{DilL}AR}
24 Institute's popular computer-related subject, I picked (8) INITIATE {IN}{IT}{I}{ATE}
25 Probable champion starting to practise in camp (8) PROSPECT {PRO}{S{Pr...e}ECT}
26 Avtaar probes singular brown part of a flower (6) STAMEN {S}{TA{ME}N}

2   Oriental bath put up in part of church (4) APSE {E}{SPA}<=
3   Letter from Greece inspires Bill, a B-grade lyricist (9) POETASTER {PO{ETA}STER}
4   Stop working on tax (6) RETIRE {RE}{TIRE}
5   One playing the piano diverted militants' unrest (15) INSTRUMENTALIST*
6   "Last Hurrah" - nude dance was performed before Boy George's opening (4,4) SWAN SONG {daNce}<=>{WAS*}{SON}{Ge...e}
7   Chirpy Carroll's girl about to be taken out by Victor (5) ALIVE ALI(-c+v)VE
8   Keep employee's online conversation on European channel, about India (10) CHATELAINE {CHAT}{E}{LA{I}NE}
12 The old tyres are rekindling good old days (10) YESTERYEAR {YE}{TYRES+ARE}*
15 Danseuse abducted by footballer in Argentina (9) BALLERINA [T]
16 Green growth in long, bare avenue (4,4) PINE TREE {PINE}{sTREEt}
19 Famous poet runs away - son watches (6) VIGILS {VIrGIL}{S}
21 Deals to dispose of drink on board (5)  SALES {S{ALE}S}
22 As yet, not a malignant lump (4) STYE {aS+YET}*

Reference List
Batting = IN, University = U, Singular = S, Oriental = E, On = RE, About = C, Victor = V, European = E, India = I, The old = YE, Runs = R, Son = S


  1. Nice Puzzle! Liked Air Freshner, Star Sign and Cross-Examine among other clues.

  2. I was wondering why * was kept?until I got the answer.

  3. 13 across solved, let others try πŸ‘

  4. Great start to the week. Lovely grid. My favs... Asbestos , Initiate, Swan song and Yesteryear to name a few.

  5. 8d definition is KEEP EMPLOYEE. (Keeper of a castle)

  6. 13 a, loans = debt
    Maiden = debut
    Eschews university is deletion of u

  7. Lovely grid. Many aha moments.
    Thank u Sreeni!
