Thursday 29 June 2023

No 13904, Thursday 29 Jun 2023, WrdPlougher

Solution to 9A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Communist fighting back to alter map (6) REDRAW {RED}{WAR<=}
4   Working out a maths problem, breathing (6) ASTHMA*
9   Article 5 imposed centrally by western State (4)  ?V?W (Addendum - AVOW {A}{V}{impOsed}{W} - See comments)
10 Detailed entry payment for landowner (6,4) GROUND RENT {ENTRy}* [RA supposedly]
11 Series of petitions not applicable after half a month (6) NOVENA {NA}<=>{NOVEmber}
12 Saints leaving volatile southeast, mainly foreseeing refreshing place? (8) TEAHOUSE {sOUtHEAsT}* +{f..eSEe..g}
13 Drinks, sings off-key, devouring fish (3,6) GIN SLINGS {SINGS}* over {LING}
15 Outskirts of Chennai, trendy Metropolis (4) CITY {Ch...aI}{Tr..dY}
16 Curb social media, primarily restricting return of Meta essentially (4) STEM {So...l}{mETa<}{Me..a}
17 Like a gymnast, (robotic) — giving up love for a circus act initially — travelling west and coming first (9) ACROBATIC {ROB(-o+a)ATIC}<=>{Ci...s}{Act}<=
21 "Apt cut, Ed! Garbled sticky material." (4,4) DUCT TAPE*
22 Seconds (once more) of food served at The Hindu canteen perhaps? (6) THRICE {RICE}<=>{TH} Definition not understood? What's the role of 'canteen perhaps'?
24 Froth at the mouth every fortnight since COVID emergence, having hot fever (10) EFFERVESCE {Ev..y}{Fo...t}{Si..e}{Co..d}{Em...e} over {FEVER*}
25 Defeat a knocked-out beast (4) BEST BEaST
26 Without difficulty, without boundaries, team CSK and in-focus players winning IPL; on vacation (6) EASILY {tEAm}{cSk}{plaYers} over {IpL}
27 A plane without fuel finally ejecting disorderly idler (6) GLIDER {e...nG}{IDLER*}

1   Stuffed pasta ricotta into hungry mouths of little imps with a bit of vermicelli (7) RAVIOLI {Ri...tA}{IntO}{Li...e}{Imps} over {Ve...i}
2   Dip end of straw in shot (5) DOWSE {DO{s..aW}SE}
3   Two articles essentially published about three letters in order to make money (7) AFGHANI {A}{AN}{p..lIs..d} over {FGH}
5   Town in Afghanistan that may span a foot? (6) SANDAL [DD]
6   Organ of the mouth working oddly in chap following damage (9) HARMONICA {ON}{In+ChAp}<=>{HARM} 
7   Pardon criminal men in a den (7) AMNESTY {A}{MEN*}{STY}
8   Running to catch geese to get energy, source of protein? (7,6) COTTAGE CHEESE {TO+CATCH+GEESE}* over {E}
14 Flowering plants beginning to secrete stinky liquid, runny paste (5,4) SWEET PEAS {Se...e}{WEE}{PASTE*}
16 Beginning to ululate very loudly, overwhelmed by one soft sound (7) SOUFFLE {SO{Ul...e}{FF}LE} 
18 Abandon morals for money? On the contrary, prove a better salesperson (7) OUTSELL {SELL<=>OUT} How does on the contrary indicate splitting and interchanging parts of a word?
19 One of 32 Ronin briefly going north, sheltering 101st leader of Samurais (7) INCISOR {RONIn<=} over {CI}{Sa...i}
20 Omar Velasquez's wonder (6) MARVEL [T]
23 Extremely violent sailor cutting free (5) RABID {R{AB}ID}

Reference List
Not applicable = NA, Saints = STS, Energy = E, Loud = F, 101 = CI, Sailor = AB


  1. Liked 1A for its simplicity and 8D for the surface.
    Clue for acrobat twisted in shape like his body!

  2. A relatively easy crossword from WrdPlougher. I usually used to tear my hair out and give up some times. Managed to finish all in a decent time today. Thank you WrdPlougher.

  3. Oh, well. Col. has said it all in the blog.

  4. 9Ac AVOW - {A}{V}{(-imp)O(-sed)}{W}

  5. 9a AVOW = State
    Article = A
    5 = V
    ImpOsed centrally = O
    Western = W

  6. p22A- Does the setter mean 'Food served at the canteen perhaps'= Rice; but if so how can TH come in the middle?

    1. In the world of wrdplougher it can!

    2. Like madras sambar, chettinaud chicken, its TH-RICE.

  7. 9a - (A)(V)(O)(W)
    Article = A
    imp(O)sed centrally = O by
    western = W
    State - AVOW

  8. WrdPlougher proved easy today. Finished. Some clues were v nice too.
    A nit picking doubt.
    19dn -We have only 8 incisors & 32 teeth. One of 32 can be incisor?

    1. Thats a treasure hunt clue. Not a cryptic crossy.
      One of 32 is fine but a bit more indication to teeth should be there in cryptics.

  9. 22a seconds (an extra amount of food that is given after the first amount has been eaten)
    Once more would make it thrice.

  10. Ho do you think like Wrdplougher?! None of us are able to do so.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Thank God I can't think like WrdPlougher
