Wednesday 28 June 2023

No 13903, Wednesday 28 Jun 2023, Karaoke

Solution to 21D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

Some Aninds on Double duty.

1   They are employed to tidy up mam's chair and bed (12) CHAMBERMAIDS* Semi&lit
9   Abalone departed without original family (5) ORMER fORMER
10 It's extremely wicked to get fours in a final game (9) NEFARIOUS {FOURS+IN+A+gamE}*
11 Any rib goes to pot with Indian dish (7) BIRYANI {ANY+RIB}*{I}
12 Maybe the twins of Surinamese broke urn (7) SIAMESE SurInAMESE
13 British painter portrays hero's set tiepins (8) ROSSETTI [T]
14 Any square cravat or tie primarily (5) ASCOT Acrostic &lit
18 Sea monster in the constellation (5) HYDRA [DD]
20 Employment contract contains initial remuneration. Almost frozen (8) PRACTICE {P{Re...n}ACT}{ICEd}
24 Plot in old clue to be solved (7) COLLUDE*
26 Mysteries in new cinemas, good for Charlie (7) ENIGMAS {(-c+g)GINEMAS}*
27 Dragon and a devil protecting mountain peak (5,4) NANDA DEVI [T]
28 Looks after towers (5) KEEPS [DD]
29 Obtuse-angled characters - They secretly work for both sides (6,6) DOUBLE AGENTS*

1   Cashier may have no interest to work and hates to get shot (6-3) CAMERA-SHY {CASHiER+MAY}*
2   Spent millions on marriage break up for violent behaviour on board (3,4) AIR RAGE mARRIAGE*
3   Small piece clothes and small tie for armed thieves (8) BANDITTI {B{AND}IT}{TIe}
4   It's waste to recycle fine clothing (6) REFUSE {RE{F}USE}
5   Receivers prefer adult to classic content in soaps (7) AERIALS (-s+a)AERIALS
6   An aircraft without pilot performed with built-in remote primarily (5) DRONE {D{Re...e}ONE}
7   Press coming up with local democratic leader for attack (7) BOMBARD {MOB<=}{BAR}{De...c}
8   Bloom behind endlessly (5) ASTER ASTERn
15 Impounds complex storing drugs in places for users (5,4) OPIUM DENS {IMPOUNDS}* over {E}
16 Regulating unhealthy horse-trading? hats off! (8) ORDERING {hORsE+tRaDING}*
17 Most elliptic setters abandoned (7) TERSEST*
19 Support rejected after hotel went into difficulty? Nonsense! (7) RHUBARB {BRA<=}<=>{R{H}UB}
21 A faint person with IT knowledge (7) C?I?K?N (Addendum - CHICKEN {CHIC}{KEN} - See comments)
22 Climbing? Leave a trail (5) SCENT aSCENT
23 Still no publicity for the musical composition (6) SERENE SERENadE
25 Professional jargon no good for doctor in a state of uncertainty (5) LINGO LI(-mb+ng)NGO

Reference List
Indian = I, Good = G, Charlie = C, Interest = I, Millions = M, Fine = F, Adult = A, Drug = E, Support = BRA, Hotel = H, Publicity = AD, No Good = NG


  1. Satisfied having done a good CW. Many good clues.
    Loved the surface of 1D.

  2. A doubt about 5D- okay to use 'content' to choose middle letter? I thought it was a little ambiguous.

  3. In times of radios, they used to be called aerials instead of antennae. We have now come to dishes.

  4. Thanks for the hint Col sir:
    Some Aninds on Double duty.
    Could gain some insight.
    Liked 27a, 29a, 1d & 25d.
    Thanks KKR garu for a gripping puzzle.

    1. Thanks Kosaraju garu. Your surname reminds of me Kosaraju, Telugu lyricist of yesteryears

  5. Just discovered an interesting aspect/story about 21D!

  6. 18.a sea monster in the given as

  7. 21D
    A faint hearted person=CHICKEN
    Hope it's right.

    1. Solution is right but anno is incomplete

    2. A person with "it" = chic
      Knowledge = ken
      chic=ken = Chicken = A faint person, person doing double duty.

    3. Yes, that's the intention, Sujatha. Thanks

  8. Col, I intended NG for no good in 25DN. I haven't seen N=NO in Chambers.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. You have seen Indian= I in Chambers then, KKR (considering you have used it)?
      No good= NG is fine but Yes= Y and No= N are standard abbreviations seen on forms, questionnaires etc., albeit not listed in Chambers. For that matter, Small=S and Large=L are also not listed in BRB but seen regularly on T-shirts etc.

    4. Hi KKR. Also, in the Indian context, Crore(s) = Cr and Lakh/lac= L is also regular and standard usage (that won't be seen in Chambers).

    5. There may be several such usages and the list should surely be unending. Probably, you can share the list for the benefit of solvers here?

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Hi! Unquestionably, most of the regularly used abbreviations are extensively covered in Chambers. A few notable omissions like Crore and Lacs in the Indian context as mentioned above. Common medical ones that I feel are missing -- OT for operation theatre, OPD for out-patient department. A few others like DD (Demand Draft), EMI, PAN, PIL, RTI to name a few. In a nutshell, I think anything that we see or use on a regular basis and is well-known widely is fine.

  9. KKR,
    Col. has taken MY from NO good only,as can be seen in the solution.
    Only in the ref.list he has given N from NO. G for good is known and no one will have any doubt.

  10. Sorry. It should read NG and not MY.

    1. As per Col. it is
      Limbo- mb+ ng (from no good)= Lingo

  11. Interesting read (may not be entirely related though).

    The terms "chicken" and "pig" come from Ken Schwaber's story "The Chicken and Pig Story". Ken Schwaber is a software developer who was involved in formulating the original version of Scrum. These terms are most commonly used in Scrum. "Chicken" refers to someone who is involved in a project but is not responsible for a specific outcome (such as a stakeholder or manager). "Pig" refers to someone who is committed and directly responsible for the deliverables.

    "The Chicken and Pig Story":

    A pig and a chicken are walking down the street.
    The chicken looks at the pig and says, "Hey, why don't we open a restaurant?"
    The pig looks at the chicken and replies, "Good idea, what are you going to call it?"
    The chicken thinks about it and says, "Why don't we call it Eggs and Bacon?"
    "I don't know," says the pig, "you'd just be involved, but for me it would be a commitment!"

  12. Good one. So the pig "Chickened"out!!

  13. Nice grid KKR.
    One small doubt -
    21ac - A faint person or a faint hearted person? Does it mean the same?
    I thought a faint person would be some one who faints like swooned or something.

    1. Thanks Gowri.
      I used 'Faint' as adj. in the sense of 'weak'
