Tuesday 6 June 2023

No 13884, Tuesday 06 Jun 2023, Incognito

Solution to 21A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

7   Perhaps yodelled back, "Animals" (4) GNUS<=
8   Niels Bohr or Scooby-Doo, for example (5,4) GREAT DANE Definition by example
10 Animals useful on the day after Christmas? (6) BOXERS [CD]
11 Miner sat awkwardly, making clothes (8) RAIMENTS*
12 The French include this type of clue in game (8) LACROSSE {L{ACROSS}E}
14 State joke and punch (6) PUNJAB {PUN}{JAB}
16 Thaw head of fish during store arrangement after beginning of day (7) DEFROST {Fish} in {STORE}* after {Day}
18 Thick-set dog and mummy start to seriously quarrel (7) MASTIFF {MA}{Se...y}{TIFF}
21 Swapping hands, collar in enclosure (6) ?O?R?L (Addendum - CORRAL CO(-ll+rr)RRA(-r+l}L - See comments)
23 Cram leek concoction in fish (8) MACKEREL*
25 Perhaps, dog Romeo on winding road behind small laboratory (8) LABRADOR {R}{ROAD*}<=>{LAB}
27 / 29 Midas' canine companion during hunt? (6,9) GOLDEN RETRIEVER [CD]
29 See 27 Across
30 Wife is accompanied by a female carrying one abandoned child (4) WAIF {W}{A}{1}{F}

1   Pronounce "One Titan" incorrectly (8) INTONATE*
2   Leis strewn around Man, for example (4) ISLE*
3   Discharges agitated sergeants after extracting RNA (6) EGESTS SErGEanTS*
4   29 losing electrical vehicle injured vermin hunter (7) TERRIER RETRIevER*
5   Oh, Taipei is wrongly shown in country in Africa (8) ETHIOPIA*
6   Piece of clothing for headland? (4) CAPE [DD]
9   Bonus included in forex transactions (5) EXTRA [T]
13 Gunners on second truck? Not so common... (5) RARER {RA}{RE}{tRuck
15 Explosive substance returned in time by sappers (5) NITRE {IN<=}{T}{RE}
17 Vegetable fat made from sapodilla after removing pits in the beginning (5,3) SALAD OIL SApODILLA* 
19 Wild fencer dances holding tip endlessly (8) FRENETIC {FRENE{TIp}C*}
20 Scamp with docked Rover is better (7) IMPROVE {IMP}{ROVEr}
22 Love Malayali surname being broadcast (2,3) ON AIR {O}{NAIR}
24 American soldier returns in vehicle with special cheroots (6) CIGARS {C{GI<=}AR}{S}
26 Wheel marks in Beirut streets (4) RUTS [T]
28 Legal provision on new grassy area (4) LAWN {LAW}{N}

Reference List
The in French = LE, romeo = R, Wife = W, Female = F, Electric Vehicle = EV, Gunners = RA(Royal Artillery), On = RE, Time = T, Sappers = RE(Royal Engineers), American soldier = GI, Special = S, New = N


  1. I took 10 and 27/29 across as D&CD

  2. Please accept my thanks for a successful beginning of the day
    At my age the only challenge I willingly tackle is THC. You are my favourite "me"

  3. 21a, in enclosure = corral
    Swapping l and R in collar

  4. I have a complaint- Incognito is adding fuel to the fire. We are already reeling under dog days here in Chennai😒

  5. 21.a swapping hands...means left hand by right hand.
    L by R

    1. L by R
      And R by L
      Collar becomes corral.

      One time only. Stay away from the loop. 👍

  6. Why hardly any one here? Reeling under the heat?
    That too for an incognito puzzle?
    Great way to start a Tuesday!
    Thank u Kishore!

