Thursday 1 June 2023

No 13880, Thursday 01 Jun 2023, Arden

Solution to 20D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Greenback - currency note in front of India Gate, perhaps (3,8) WAR MEMORIAL {RAW<=}{RIAL}<=>{MEMO}}
7   Bit crowded inside stadium (3) TAD [T]
9   Portions - orders on line (5) LOBES {OBES}<=>{L}
10 Turtles overturn crop on land (9) TERRAPINS {SNIP<=}<=>{TERRA}
11 One in mood to dance - right on top of Kremlin (5,4) ONION DOME*
12 Arabs representing 5, say (5) SABRA*
13 Investigation done, in vain by self-seeker (7) EGOTIST invESTIGaTiOn* [CA]
15 I do like a bit of a crush (4) IDOL {I}{DO}{Like}
18 Girl's on second row (4) SPAT {PAT}<=>{S}
20 Greek maiden drowning in river retrieved by a sprite (7) GREMLIN {GR}{LE{M}IN<=}
23 Down in value - I de-rated it (5) EIDER [T]
24 Condition bad initially, pouring water to clean (9) BRAINWASH {Bad}{RAIN}{WASH}
26 Happy to stay outside home in Europe, say (9) CONTINENT {CONT{IN}ENT}
27 Arab country without borders (5) OMANI rOMANIa
28 Admission letter, they call it (3) YES (~ s)
29 Flat without walls exposes those who wash the dirty linen (11) LAUNDRESSES {fLAt}{UNDRESSES}

1   Beat work in enclosed surroundings (8) WALLOPED {WALL{OP}ED}
2   Talk without let-up - preacher not upset? (6,2) RABBIT ON {RABBI}{NOT<=}
3   Reduce, reduce top load on the German city (5) ESSEN lESSEN
4   Chooses to stay away, outpost shifted (4,3) OPTS OUT*
5   National standards organisation in India - real mess inside (7) ISRAELI {IS{REAL*}I}
6   Last one, do make it attractive (9) LOADSTONE* Variant spelling of 'LODESTONE'
7   Endeavour to save one pound, it could be felt (6) TRILBY {TR{1}{LB}Y}
8   Admit summary seen regularly gives anxiety... (6) DISMAY {aDmIt+SuMmArY}
14 ...just a self admission of bias (9) IMPARTIAL {I'M PARTIAL}
16 Registers gifts, one can return inside (8) ALMANACS {ALM{A}{CAN<=}S}
17 Fetters in each ground supported by poles (8) ENCHAINS {IN+EACH}*{N}{S}
19 Representation put forward by Paul, essentially (7) TABLEAU {TABLE}{pAUl}
20 Struggle and get right in, it's allowed (7) G?A?T?D (Addendum - GRANTED {AND+GET}* over {R} - See comments)
21 Everyone in the outskirts of Puducherry is very good (6) PEACHY {Po...d{EACH}i...rY}
22 Handsome lad completely undressed - lady won't miss (6) ADONIS {lADy}{wONt}{mISs}
25 Fank makes a hole in the nozzle (5) NOOSE {NO{O}SE}

Reference List
Order = OBE, Line = L, Second = S, Greek = GR, Maiden = M, Home = IN, Work = OP, Poles = N,S


  1. 15a
    Is it like Col's anno
    Or is it a T (a bit of)
    Or is it totally different!
    I Con (do)
    Idol/icon isnt exactly a crush but like a crush!

  2. Icon does not fit the crossing.

  3. People love- have a crush- idols. MSD for example!!

  4. Good start by Arden. Loved it.

  5. Rabbit on was new to me but could guess it from easy wordplay.

  6. 20d: Allowed = granted (and get + r)

  7. and get r will not straightaway give you granted. some more is there.

  8. Prasanna's msg (since he is not able to access)
    20D- Granted
    Right- R
    Anagram of (Get And)*
    Def.- Allowed

    1. Thank you sir. still I could not post comments in my handset.
