Wednesday 9 August 2023

No 13939, Wednesday 09 Aug 2023, Incognito

Solution to 8A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

8   Wide or narrow in the beginning, a shoe — in more ways than one — may be this (4) ?O?N (Addendum - WORN {W}{OR}{Na...w} - See comments)
9   Run out? Safe! (5) PETER [DD]
10 Love chap in Middle Eastern country (4) OMAN {O}{MAN}
11 Select the French vegetable in America (6) PICKLE {PICK}{LE}
12 Shall not start to intone English sailors' rhythmic songs at sea (8) SHANTIES {SHAN'T}{In...e}{En...h}{Sa...s}
13 UFO's core is fabricated? Certainly! (2,6) OF COURSE*
15 A clue like this got from a crucifix (6) ACROSS {A}{CROSS}
17 Get attracted to and get duped (4,3) FALL FOR [DD]
19 Left bearing embargo on country in the Middle East (7) LEBANON {L}{E}{BAN}{ON}
22 Violently liberated, rat runs out.. it can be eaten! (6) EDIBLE {LIBEratED}*
24 Without invitation, after United Nations, president went around centre of academy (8) UNBIDDEN {UN}{BID{acaDemy}EN}
26 Expelling gas around hospital and getting a small coin (8) FARTHING {FART{H}ING}
28 Girl adores things to protect her hands (6) GLOVES {G}{LOVES}
30 This location is mentioned in the report (4) HERE (~hear) (Addendum - [T] - See comments)
31 After middle of night, anchor produces spirit (5) GHOST {niGht}{HOST}
32 Neurosurgeon hoards money (4) EURO [T]

1   Norse god in custody of Apollo killed (4) LOKI [T]
2   After start of spring, kaolin is mixed using a bit of egg to prepare a quack remedy (5,3) SNAKE OIL {Sp...g}{NAK{Egg}OIL*}
3   Turn up with a folded paper (6) APPEAR {A}{PAPER*}
4   Hides remains from cremation under the street (7) STASHES {ASHES}<=>{ST}
5   Agree! Pat can become a primate (5,3) GREAT APE*
Drawing by Bhargav

6   Advertisement's partly preposterous (6) POSTER [T]
7   Accountant and setter arrived (4) CAME {CA}{ME}
14 Cheat German lady and daughter (5) FRAUD {FRAU}{D}
16 Arrange notes for rock (5) STONE*
18 Funny song about corral with initially insecure gates, for example (8) OPENINGS {O{PEN}{In...e}NGS*}
20 No gander can produce male hormone? (8) ANDROGEN*
21 Operator using cutting edge technology in theatre? (7) SURGEON [CD]
23 Sibling has no right to annoy (6) BOTHER BrOTHER
25 Obtained inside snake in capital city (6) BOGOTA {BO{GOT}A}
27 Arranged sale and got drinks (4) ALES*
29 Fearlessly shelters nobleman (4) EARL [T]

Reference List
Wide = W, The in French = LE, Left = L, Bearing = E, Hospital = H, Girl = G, Street = ST, Daughter = D, Right = R


  1. 30A This location is mentioned in tHE REport (4) HERE - telescopic

  2. Loved the cutting edge technology of the surgeon! That was the last to fall for me.
    Thank you Incognito for an enjoyable morning.

    1. Incognito's love for surgeon and his cutting edge is more than a decade old.

    2. Obviously, my memory is short.

  3. Vladimir walked ACROSS the road and was nearing the SHANTIES.
    He was in a jolly good mood murmuring "PETER Piper picked a peck of PICKLEd peppers..."
    THERE APPEARed an hour-glass figure which seemed to BOTHER him...
    Did he FALL FOR...

    What happened next?

    1. perfect picture CGB sir. Happy to know about your drawing skill. BTW, nicely solved my fav. grids. Thank you Incognito and Col. sir for spotted challenging clue

  4. Vladimir's exp;oits continue, mush to our delight.

  5. 8a- Torn and worn (out) by this! Think will for for being "Torn". "OR N"arrow yield ORN. T off Two - which is "more ways than one" . "May be this" suggests a jumble, and hence am not going for "worn" - which'd make it a straight-solve

    1. 8A Wide or narrow in the beginning, a shoe — in more ways than one — may be this (4) WORN {W}{OR}{N(-arrow)}
      Wide - W
      Or - Or
      Narrow in the beginning - N
      Def: a shoe — in more ways than one — may be this.
      Explanation: A shoe can be worn, as in placed on the feet. A shoe can also be worn, as in damaged.

    2. Economizer you are not to consider yourself as a Novice as you are setting CWs on this blog. Please wait till 1PM in case the clue is not solved by a novice.

  6. 8a, shoe _ = shoe horn (&lit)
    A horn may be wide in the beginning (as a mass of land jutting into water) or narrow (tube instrument with a narrow opening) but in more ways than one - it refers to a shoe
    Solution = HORN

  7. @ Economizer - since u mentioned sudoku & how u find them easy - may be u should try kakuro & ken ken. Nice pass times both r.

    1. Thank you ma'am for your suggestions. I have not tried either Kakuro or Ken Ken. Having now googled some information about them, I think I would enjoy both.

  8. 19A: Where did the E in LEBANON come from?

  9. The setter Incognito has reverted to his grid design from 2 days prior. Again, the longest word has 8-letters. Curiously, GHOST has reappeared in 31A, once again produced by an anchor. Perhaps 31A could be considered a haunted clue. On the other hand, BIDEN appeared "without invitation" as "president" in 24A. Two surgeons were found in the grid - one apparently being a wealthy neurosurgeon.

    Some good examples of surface readings were 7D {CA}{ME} ("Accountant and setter arrived") and 14D {FRAU}{D} ("Cheat German lady and daughter"). The 5 telescopic clues (30A, 32A, 1D, 6D and 29D) also had nice surface readings. On the other hand, surface readings could have been enhanced for clues 5D GREAT APE ("Agree! Pat can become a primate") and 25D {BO{GOT}A} ("Obtained inside snake in capital city"). The directional "in" was used with "[Wordplay] in [Definition]" syntax in 10A {O}{MAN}.

    The toilet-humour in 26A {FART{H}ING} was enjoyable, as was the wordplay in 21A SURGEON ("Operator using cutting edge technology in theatre?"). The wordplay was also memorable for 4D {ST}{ASHES} ("Hides remains from cremation under the street"), although with a redundant "the".

    For anybody looking to understand how PETER can mean "safe" in 9A, the following article explores the etymology in depth:

  10. I am sure a lot you know about Wordle game puzzle. If you haven't played it before try the NYT one.

    1. "Connections NYT" game is even more challenging!

    2. Thank you. Nice game. 👍

    3. I find Wordle too easy. However my parents and other relations like it, as they don't have the patience for crossword daily.

  11. Thanx Kishore! A brisk fast jaunt today. My fav -
    Wonders to ones confidence.
