Wednesday 30 August 2023

No 13957, Wednesday 30 Aug 2023, Vidwan


Artwork by Prasanna


Rangoli by Gowri

Solution to 9A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

9   Exiled English Royal, advancing and taking chances with money (7) B?T?I?G (Addendum - BETTING BETTerING - See comments)
10 Places where endless money is on play? (7) CASINOS {CASh}{IS+ON}* Semi&lit
11 City partial to maharajas (5) OMAHA [T]
12 Unwelcome? I will give up! Go back! (3-5) ILL-TIMED {I'LL}{DEMIT<=}
14 Straight thinking mostly...still... (4,6) EVEN THOUGH {EVEN}{THOUGHt}
15 Stop editor's piece for one by a reader (4) OPED [T]
17 Accidental shift after speed of light overcomes acceleration due to gravity (6) CHANCE CHAN(-g+c)CE
19 Date someone who soothes, not hard pusher (6) DEALER {D}{hEALER}
22 Not a plastic body (4) NATO*
23 Rogue from poor street can withstand any cyclone (10) STORMPROOF {FROM+POOR+ST}*
26 What one indulges in at 10 Across? Good leisurely stroll! (8) GAMBLING {G}{AMBLING}
27 Risk with someone who grows old? (5) WAGER {W}{AGER}
29 Instrument Britain and the Spanish repeatedly use at the climax (7) UKELELE {UK}{EL}{EL}{usE]
30 Males influence liberated females with a universal piece of poetry (7) MORCEAU {M}{fORCE}{A}{U}

1   Old-fashioned bets on close fights (11) OBSOLESCENT*
2   Gas slightly more than enough! (6) ETHANE [T]
3   Did courses, spent time teaching (9) DIDACTICS {DID}{tACTICS}
4   Something that kindles scorn, mostly about sex! (7) IGNITOR {IGN{IT}ORe}
5   Conditions thus can create the cool guys (7) ECOLOGY [CA] {ECOLOGY+THUS= THE COOL GUYS}
6   97+115+99+105+105 is like 10011 (5) ASCII {AS}{C}{11}
7   Cosmopolitan cops in winter polo-necks (8) INTERPOL [T]
8   Request work time-off (3) ASK tASK
13 I use door for actively spreading fragrance (11) ODORIFEROUS*
16 They predicted about a captured soldier creating nations with powerful navies (3,6) SEA POWERS {SE{A}{POW}ERS}
18 A consumer over time becomes a beast (8) ANTEATER {AN}{T}{EATER}
20 Occasionally for X (2,5) AT TIMES {AT}{TIMES}
21 Art creation mostly takes a minute (7) ORIGAMI {ORIG{A}{M}In}
24 Starts replacing liquor with drug for wild festivities (6) ORGIES Something wrong here {ORI(-gin+e)ES} Extra I and G less
25 Monastery constructed by a bishop around middle of Barcelona (5) ABBEY {BY+A+B}* over {barcElona}
28 Solution for this? Left out! (3) CUE ClUE Can a Cue be a Solution?

Reference List
English = E, Royal = R, Speed of Light = C, Accelaration due to gravity = G, Date = D, Hard = H, Street = ST, Good = G, With = W, The in Spanish = EL, Males = M, Female = F, Universal = U, Time = T, Sex = IT, X = TIMES, Minute = M, Drug = E, Bishop = B, Left = L


  1. Happy Rakshabandhan to all!
    Happy Avani Avittam to the South Indians!!!

  2. 29a typo - use at the climax gives e
    Spanish repeatedly is el el

    A couple of doubts :

    30a Male = M is standard abbreviation.. males = M?
    26a leisurely stroll would be amble and not ambling??

  3. No one knew what the black box contained EVEN THOUGH they tried their best and AT TIMES ASKed him.
    But one day a gems DEALER CHANCEd to have a glimpse as Vladimir's move was ILL TIMED.
    The contents had something to do with CASINOS and GAMBLING.
    What actually was in it?
    What happened next?

  4. Grid in the print edition contains an unfillable white square (surrounded on all sides by blacks!)-between chance & dealer
    Must be a printing error. I wonder how it is in the web version.

    1. In the print edition, at least, the white square in question was quite fillable! I had filled it with a big question mark.

      Vidwan continues in the tradition of unorthodox grid design, with his previous installment (No 13932, Tuesday, 01 Aug 2023) containing consecutive unches in the first and last characters of words.

      It would be nice if The Hindu had better standards in place for grid design. Today's grid was split into 2 diagonal halves (along the diagonal running approximately from top-right to bottom-left) with only 2 connections between the halves (7D and 18D). Yesterday's grid by KKR was divided horizontally into 2 halves with only 2 connections between the halves (1D and 15D).

      Such grids are known as "weakly connected". They are almost like solving 2 separate crosswords. Generally the quarters and halves of the grid are connected at least 3-4 times to other quarters and halves.


    2. Agree on grid. Technically on the surface seems passable grid.
      But considering its a THC/newspaper for gen public encouraging more and more into cryptic solving, using a grid that doesnt vheck first or last letter of a clue for the whole downs makes me wonder! same as Econ.

  5. bonding between a brother and a sister,
    that grows with each passing year.- Happy Rakshabandhan

  6. 28D- Solution=Clue? Clue-l gives Cue.
    But what is the def.? &Lit?

  7. 9A – {BETT{-ER}ING}
    Advancing – Bettering / make better
    Exile – English- E; Royal-R; – ban - E, R
    Def. Money - Betting

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. 29a, solution for instrument in link is shown as Ukulele, whereas annotation from Col shows ukelele?

  10. 9a- Abetting - a; ER = Andrew (a) . Abetting is advancing

  11. Some clues such as 10A and 19A had nice surfaces, with 10A being doubly elegant as it could be related back to the theme of CASINOS.

    DEMIT (12A) was an unusual word that was interesting to research. It turns out that the etymology is French. MORCEAU was another such unusual French word found in 30A.

    "Body" as definition for NATO was clever, if a little imprecise. 26A GAMBLING with its wordplay of "leisurely stroll" took the mind near "gambolling" which is a similar-sounding but altogether different type of movement.

    1D OBSOLESCENCE and 13D ODORIFEROUS were two 11-letter anagrams starting with O which were key to opening up the grid.

    "Scorn" as the definition for IGNORE in 4D was questionable. They are not listed as synonyms in chambers. After researching the meanings of both words, I concluded that scorning means showing contempt or a refusal to act while ignoring is a refusal to acknowledge. They are similar words but not the same.

    Re: 6D, the definition 10011, converted from binary to decimal, is 19, which had me stuck. It turns out that the intended parsing is {is like}{100}{11} = {AS}{C}{11} for which I thank Col. for clarification.

    1. 6d is not a cryptic clue. Unless one knew the answer already (that numbers individually represent A.S.C.I.I in that code its useless for a solver.) The second half is only a word play that one can get if they knew the answer too. Because there are any number of ways that 10011 can be interpreted.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. It is cryptic to some extent. Yes ascii are not a regular code set for solvers.
      6D 97+115+99+105+105 - ascii codes for the letters ASCII. But the second part is cryptic, I think...
      like - AS
      100 - C
      11 - II

    4. By the way school syllabi do have encoding schemes like ascii in computer science. Just checked Cbse 11th syllabus. So recent generations are in the know.

    5. A charade is not cryptic.
      Its there for all engineers from 70s.
      But thats not the point of cryptics.

    6. Well, I still don't get the technical jargon. The clue is in line with THC!

  12. Normally it is Ukulele. Ukelele seems to be a rare option.
    Otherwise a nice grid.
    Thanx Vidhwan
