Monday 14 August 2023

No 13943, Monday 14 Aug 2023, Lightning

Solution to 25D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Mother at home to remain with chief support (8) MAINSTAY {MA}{IN}{STAY}
5   One parliamentarian is hard and mischievous (6) IMPISH {1}{MP}{IS}{H}
9   Resides with fashionable mannerism at top storey (8) INHABITS {IN}{HABIT}{St...y}
10 Theme about King in famous line on earth (6) TROPIC {T{R}OPIC}
12 Concur a vice is to be cut (5) AGREE {A}{GREEd}
13 Gent, brown in colour, wraps headgear for famous project (9) MANHATTAN {MAN}{TAN} over {HAT}
14 Saint partly careful at public alley (6) STREET {ST}{discREET}
16 Escape beside access to ramp in a dock (7) SLIPWAY {SLIP}{WAY}
19 Scared, I stumbled into small carriage beside vehicle (7) SIDECAR*
21 Food one made finally with ear of corn (6) MEALIE {MEAL}{1}{madE}
23 Cop is upset with unpleasant alcoholic drink (5,4) PISCO SOUR {COP+IS}*{SOUR}
25 Strain is coming back? Join first lady (5) SIEVE {IS}{EVE}
26 Ox used in a bad way for mass movement (6) EXODUS*
27 Old animal is around? Not exactly (8) DINOSAUR*
28 Measure woody plant for main course (6) ENTREE {EN}{TREE}
29 Unfaithful lady with ally? So treacherous (8) DISLOYAL {DI}{ALLY+SO}*

1   Maintain every fourth missing cocktail (3,3) MAI TAI MAInTAIn
2   Hid entire design that was acquired (9) INHERITED*
3   Dark shelter for animal lacking temperature (5) SABLE StABLE
4   Go with a teetotaller welcoming intern (7) ATTEMPT {A}{T{TEMP}T}
6   Tequila based drink from one Agra mart, perhaps (9) MARGARITA {1+AGRA+MART}*
7   Information on fashionable place (5) INPUT {IN}{PUT}
8   Mediocre saint without yearning sent back horses (8) HACKNEYS {HACK}{S} over {YEN<=}
11 Responsibility of working with America (4) ONUS {ON}{US}
15 Ascertain cello is regularly taken into protected area (9) ENCLOSURE {EN{CeLlO}SURE}
17 Caucasian woman's drink? (5,4) WHITE LADY {WHITE}{LADY}
18 Reopens one powdered material to make rubber (8) ISOPRENE {REOPENS+1}*
20 Space in residence overlooking old moat primarily (4) ROOM Acrostic
21 One goes past store at India to get a blended liquid (7) MARTINI {1}<=>{MART}{IN}
22 Let pro arrange fuel (6) PETROL*
24 Fire at short branch (5) SHOOT [DD]
25 Disapprovingly look at small hooded robe (5) S?O?L (Addendum - SCOWL {S}{COWL} - See comments)

Reference List
Hard = H, Fashionable = IN, King = R, Saint = ST, Measure = EN, Lady = DI, Temperature = T< Teetotaller = TT, Saint = S, Small = S


  1. Replies
    1. That too quite quckly.with near Lightning speed.

    2. Manhattan, Pasco sour, Mai Tai, Margarita, White lady, Martini .......variety of drinks that too on weekend. Thank you col.sir., for your perfect images. well themed.

    3. @sathia, probably stocking up before the dry day

  2. Manhattan, Sidecar,Pasco sour, Mai Tai, Margarita, White lady, Martini,

  3. Thank you lightning. 25D - challenging clue solved with lightning speed. Nice one.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Col., Manhattan & Sidecar also to be coloured.

  6. Vladimir remained silent. 'SHOOT!' cried the cop.
    The ONUS of proving himself innocent fell on Vladimir. He was successful in his ATTEMPT!
    He had given no ROOM for any doubt.
    Changing his mind Vladimir left the ENCLOSURE and was soon back on the STREET.
    Back to his IMPISH ways!!
    Trying to locate the WHITE LADY.
    Did he meet her? Did she AGREE to come for a candle light dinner
    AFTER DARK in LIGHTNING speed under the CRESCENT moon?
    What happened next?

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. 25D- {S}{COWL}
      Small – S
      Robe – Cowl
      Def. – Disapprove – scowl / dislike / displeasure

  8. 25d - SCOWL
    SmalL - Cowl (hooded robe)

    1. Thank you. This was my first attempt, I'm learning writing the annotations correctly from this page.

    2. Keep it up. I also learned how to do annotations from following Colonel's technique closely. If you solve THC in the paper, try writing the anno next to the clues as practice.

  9. Disapprovingly look// at small //hooded robe (5)
    Disapprovingly look= SCOWL
    Small = S
    hooded robe= COWL
    So (S)(COWL)

  10. It was an easy CW from Lightning, though not as easy as a typical Incognito grid. Out of 32 clues, I counted at least 18 (more than half of the grid) which I would characterize as "easy" (and generally well-clued), having straightforward charade, anagrams with fully visible fodder, minor deletions and acrostic. There were no telescopic clues.

    Easy charades: 5A {1}{MP}{IS}{H}, 9A {IN}{HABIT}{S}, 10A {T{R}OPIC}, 13A {MAN}{HAT}{TAN}, 16A {SLIP}{WAY}, 11D {ON}{US}, 28A {EN}{TREE}, 24D {S}{HOOT}, 4D {A}{T{TEMP}T}, 7D {IN}{PUT}, 25D {S}{COWL}

    Easy anagrams: 26A EXODUS (Ox used*), 2D INHERITED (Hid entire*), 22D PETROL (Let pro*), 27A {DINOSAUR} (is around*)

    Easy acrostic: 20D ROOM

    Easy deletions: 1D MAI(-n)TAI(-n), 3D S(-t)ABLE

    In 21A, "with" seems to be unrelated to either definition or wordplay, existing only to stitch the surface together. I found "partly careful", though technically correct, to be vague as clueing for indicating (-disc)REET in 14A {ST}{REET}. "Blended liquid" as definition for MARTINI in 21D was vague, though it can be forgiven given the grid's theme. I was unconvinced by "lady" as definition for DI in 29A {DI}{SLOYAL} (ally so*), though there seems to be some precedent for cluing "Princess" and "girl" as DI:

    "First lady" for EVE in 25A was a good touch, as was "mass movement" as cryptic definition for EXODUS in 26A. Researching EN as a "measure", given as part of the charade in 28A {EN}{TREE} was an interesting rabbit-hole to go down. The clue with the best surface reading was 23A PISCO SOUR ("Cop is upset with unpleasant alcoholic drink").

  11. Thanx for the cocktails albeit served early morning.
    I, ofcourse, made them my pre dinner fare.
    Thank u Lightning. Easy, as always.
