Monday 28 August 2023

No 13955, Monday 28 Aug 2023, Incognito

Solution to 15D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

7   What was shown on counters displaying speeds and altitude in ISRO control room after landing? Nothing! (4) ZERO [DD]
8   Old colliers, for example, consuming a bit of alkaloid can become testers (9) EXAMINERS {EX}{Al...d}{MINERS}
10 Western society, adopting CAD, makes revolutionary things (6) WHEELS {W}{HEEL}{S}
11 The Spanish ignite a pinch of myrrh behind university's golden rain tree (8) LABURNUM {LA}{BURN}{My..h}<=>{U}
12 Individual ones in crater changed measurement standards (8) CRITERIA {CR{1}TER{1}A*}
14 Instructed force to get violent thug (6) TAUGHT {TA}{THUG*}
16 Decorated and loved around noon (7) ADORNED {ADOR{N}ED}
18 Engineers do a play, "Cargo" (7) PAYLOAD*
21 Certify at a sort of cricket match (6) ATTEST {AT}{TEST}
23 Identification badges Agent Sam may produce (4,4) NAME TAGS*
25 Doctor accompanying mother in pain gets old coins (8) DRACHMAE {DR}{ACH{MA}E}
27 God turned up first, producing photographic device (6) CAMERA {RA}<=>{CAME}
29 Continued survival of President's 10 in eastern church (9) EXISTENCE {XI'S}{TEN} in {E}{CE}
30 Somanath travels across country (4) OMAN [T]

1   Tied Theodore around that place (8) TETHERED {TE{THERE}D}
2   Lope awkwardly to get stick (4) POLE*
3   Data collector snores badly (6) SENSOR*
4   Corridor wall built and covered with dry grass (7) HALLWAY {H{WALL*}AY}
5   Intelligence agency flier beginning to toast aromatic Italian bread (8) CIABATTA {CIA}{BAT}{To..t}{Ar...c}
6   Carry animal (4) BEAR [DD}
9   Therefore, union territory gets head-start... A pole position (5) SOUTH {SO}{UT}{Head}
13 Ignore first digit in preceding number. It's wrong there (5) THREE* {13}
15 Dark member carries port (5) U?L?T  (Addendum - UNLIT {UN{L}IT} - See comments)
17 Roughly evaluate times tea is brewed (8) ESTIMATE*
19 North African prepared grain ale (8) ALGERIAN*
20 Six footer Anne rejected aerial (7) ANTENNA {ANT}{ANNE<=}
22 Worried sergeant, after losing nag, is abrupt (5) TERSE SERgEanT*
24 Ridiculed doctor consuming coke cocktail (6) MOCKED {M{COKE*}D}
26 Fibre from calico irks (4) COIR [T]
28 Keep spectacles between consecutive letters and behave listlessly (4) MOON {OO} in {M}{N}

Reference List
Western = W, Society = S, The in Spanish = LA, University = U, Force = TA(Territorial Army), Noon = N, God = RA, President = XI(Jinping), Eastern = E, Church = CE, Theodore = TED, Port = L


  1. 21A : AT+TEST = ATTEST
    23A : (Agent Sam)* = Name Tags
    30A : S{omna}*th = Oman
    1D : (TiED THEodoRE )* = Tethered
    17D : (times tea)* = estimate
    19D : (Grain Ale)* = Algerian
    24D : M + (coke)*=ocke + D (Doctor denoted as MD I guess) = Mocked
    26D : CALI{CO IR}KS = COIR

  2. 3D. Isn't a data collector a "censor"?

    1. Censor is a person who filters data! Sensor is a measurement device.

    2. Perhaps you may be thinking about "census", which is an exercise in data collection.

  3. Easy like Monday morning, with a topical theme and some pleasant words like LABURNUM and CIABATTA in the mix.

    Re: 10A WHEELS, I was unable to find HEEL as a synonym for "cad" in Chambers. Can anybody provide a suitable reference explaining the connection?

    1. Perhaps, both CAD and heel used as synonyms for a soundrel/rotter? The uppercase in CAD used as misdirection?

    2. 3. heel - someone who is morally reprehensible,heel - "you dirty dog"
      blackguard, bounder, cad, hound, dog
      From Free Dic. Fairly common in CW's

    3. Thank you for the reference.

  4. I3d. It's sensor. Data collector.

  5. One BLUE MOON day.
    Vladimir could no longer BEAR the insult.
    He had to become a hero instead of a ZERO.
    Olive needs to be TAUGHT a lesson.
    He switched on his CAMERA, moved the ESTIMATED THREE steps
    SOUTH in the HALLWAY.
    What happened next?

  6. Had to google ciabatta. Probably lunar craters reminded Incognito about ciabatta!!

  7. Probably ZERO should also be a theme word

  8. Thank you Incognito and ISRO for the puzzle :-)

  9. 15d - unlit; from unit (member) carrying l (port - also called "L"arboard or simply the "L"eft side of a ship; right side is starboard- I owe this nugget to my beloved Moby dick; have lost count of my re-reads of this epic)

  10. Opened the blog with only 15D unsolved(didn't have anno). Seeing that was the clue left for solvers somehow lit my left side(if there is such a thing). Happy to finish another grid with just Google and anagram solver for help.

  11. From elsewhere

    You heard I nurse ill inducting licentiate nun (8)

  12. URSULINE - nun
    {u~you}{I nurse*} over {l} ??

  13. Nice & easy Kishore!
    As always, ur thematic grids r really interesting.
