Wednesday 23 August 2023

No 13951, Wednesday 23 Aug 2023, Hypatia

Solution to 17A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Pushes husband wearing wife's slippers! (6) WHEELS {H} in {W}{EELS}
4   Fuss over evil good-looking guy (6) ADONIS {ADO}{SIN<=}
9   Spice girl pursuing Beckham, initially (4) HERB {HER}{Be...m}
10 Bishop wants retired man to shelter bar worker (10) BLACKSMITH {B}{LACKS}{H{T}IM<=}
11 Farmer welcoming start of heavy rain (6) SHOWER {S{He..y}OWER}
12 Gain weight (8) INTEREST [DD]
13 Tight grip controlling low expenditure's ultimately right (9) PRIVILEGE {PRI{VILE}G*}{e...rE}
15 Feeling pain accumulate in each year (4) ACHY [T]
16 Greek national secure around armoured vehicle (4) TANK [T<=]
17 Reverend's daytime slash after-hours entertainment (9) ?I?H?L?F
21 Former engineer cries at inauguration of express train (8) EXERCISE {EX}{CRIES*}{Ex...s}
22 First signs of nature in Marina beach lift you lightly (6) NIMBLY Acrostic
24 Famous Doctor Seuss having carbon copy nearly intact (10) SUCCESSFUL {SU{CC}ESS*}{FULl}
25 Ignore order to get vermouth (4) OMIT {OM}{IT}
26 Odd number's not odd beyond base fifty (6) ELEVEN {EVEN}<=>{E}{L}
27 Including confusing line deleted (6) ADDING ADDlING

1   Discussion of climate condition (7) WHETHER (~weather)
2   Crook's below criminal (5) ELBOW*
3   Handsome bachelor's driving away in genuine Tesla (7) LIBERAL LI(-t+b)BERAL
5   Fanning brings up reasonably boring information (6) DAKOTA {DA{OK<=}TA}
6   Whole India's protected by minute nuclear bombs (9) NUMERICAL {I} in {M+NUCLEAR}*
7   Please model when up against cover of fortnightly (7) SATISFY {SIT}{AS}<={Fo...lY}
8   Mike Gatting mostly bats elsewhere when not working (6,4,3) TAKING TIME OFF {MIKE+GATTINg}* [RA] (Correction - {MIKE+GATTINg}*{OFF} - See comments)
14 Recline with TV broadcast in chamber (9) VENTRICLE {RECLINE+TV}*
16 Quality of book concerning University's higher up (7) TEXTURE {TEXT} with {RE}<=>{U}
18 Managed hard then went ahead (7) HANDLED {H}{AND}{LED}
19 Shooting after holding steady with the other hand (7) FILMING FI(-r+l)LMING
20 Paper suits worn at entrance of ER (6) TISSUE {SUITS*}{Er}
23 Low lying, basically Indian vegetable (5) MOOLI {MOO}{Ly..g}{I}

Reference List
Husband = H, Wife = W, Bishop = B, Bar = T, Order = OM(Order of Merit), Vermouth = IT, Base = E, Fifty = L, Line = L, Bachelor = B, Tesla = T, India = I, Minute = M, Concerning = RE, University = U, Hard = H, Low = MOO, Indian = I


  1. 8d) anagram of Mike gattin - bats is the anagram indicator
    Elsewhere - off
    When not working is the definition

    1. That is what Col.has indicated.

    2. I think what Abhishek means is that it is not RA

    3. Yes, it is a regular anagram, not a reverse anagram as marked.

    4. More precisely, it is a regular anagram + charade hybrid clue.

  2. Radish has become the setters' favorite Indian vegetable these days!

  3. I knew only one dakota- one that flies!!

    1. 'Fanning' as a proper noun needs an indicator in 5D.

    2. My maiden flight from Hyderabad to Vizag was in early-1980 by Indian Airlines Dakota. Know the price? Rs. 150/-

    3. Those were the days when only the elite flew even at Rs.150. Probably a total sum those days!

  4. Loved Eleven, Adonis, Blacksmith and of course the Col.'s choice- to name a few among many. Thank you Hypatia.

  5. The situation had ended in ADDING insult to injury.
    Vladimir was TAKING TIME OFF to cool down.
    After his regular EXERCISE he got ready for a hot SHOWER.
    The clock struck ELEVEN.
    Vladimir moved NIMBLY on his next attempt. He was LIBERAL
    in the expenditure and made sure no detail was OMITTED.
    Was the mission HANDLED properly?
    Was he SUCCESSFUL?
    What happened next?

  6. 3D- T (esla)- if it is driving away T, should it not come imm after it? I mean, genuine coming in between confuses the issue.

    1. Handsome = Definition = LI(+B)(-t)ERAL
      Genuine = LITERAL
      Bachelor = B
      Tesla = T

      For the cryptic reading one must imagine it with commas like so: "B driving away, in LITERAL, T"

    2. You are right paddy. It needed an indication.
      Econ, crytpitcs shouldnt need imagination. Only ingenuity.

    3. From New American Oxford Dictionary

      imagination: the ability of the mind to be creative or resourceful
      ingenuity: the quality of being clever, original, and inventive

      Pray tell what is the difference and why cryptics should need one but not the other!

  7. 1d whether is a conjunction or condition!

    1. "Whether" is a conjunction, but I don't believe it is a conditional like "if", let alone a "condition" as defined in the clue.

    2. Whether you like it or not, it is used conditionally.


    3. Whether and if are often interchangeable, but sometimes only one of them is correct. To avoid any danger of mistake, use if to introduce a condition and whether when there are two alternatives possible.

      If is used to introduce a condition.

      (1) If it does not rain tomorrow, we will go to the beach.

    4. So,for condition, it is if and not whether. Only justification is "It is often used interchangeably"

  8. I am familiar with the concept of "whole numbers" but I am unable to find a reference for NUMERICAL being a synonym for "Whole" as defined in 6D. Can anybody help?

  9. There were quite a few exquisite surface readings in today's edition by HYPATIA. The setter seems to be passionate about popular culture. Last month she had included a clue about the singer ASHANTI. This time there were references to Beckham being pursued by a Spice Girl, Mike Gatting's extracurricular pursuits, Doctor Seuss as anagrind + anagram fodder and DAKOTA Fanning. There was an evil good-looking guy in 4A and a handsome bachelor in 3D.

    EELS defined as "slippers!" was clever in 1A. The spoonerism in 17A was also well-done. It was nice to see an uplifting clue about Marina Beach in 22A.

  10. 17a NIGHTLIFE = After hours entertainment
    LIGHT = Daytime
    KNIFE = Slash
    Spoonerized = NIGHT LIFE
    (Reverend denotes Spooner)

  11. I could get the reverend clue easily today.

  12. Soft landing on the moon achievedšŸ˜€šŸ˜€šŸ‘

    1. It shows sometimes darks are easy to spot than lights

  13. A clue -
    Government Agency is rocking in moon today (4)
    ISRO [T]
    From Prasanna

    1. Space agency's rover finally aboard moon.

    2. Thank you Gowri, Paddy sir & Sree Sree .
