Thursday 10 August 2023

No 13940, Thursday 10 Aug 2023, Incognito

Solution to 20D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

7   Disloyal, throwing out dill and some beans (4) SOYA {diSlOYAl}
8   Source of oil? Tun! (9) GROUNDNUT {TUN}* [RA]
10 Endlessly inform heads of Ugandan government university in Indian language (6) TELUGU {TELl}{Ug...n}{Go...t}{Un...y}
11 Eleven, sequentially... (3,2,3) ONE BY ONE Definition by example
12 Amir dances in wrinkled suit and gets dessert (8) TIRAMISU {AMIR}* in {SUIT}*
14 Put an end to a kind of whiskey (6) SCOTCH [DD]
16 A boy accompanied by noise? He's a story book hero (7) ALADDIN {A}{LAD}{DIN}
18 Organise armies including new specialised soldiers (7) MARINES {MARI{N}ES*}
21 Tin with LED arrangement? It can give light! (6) CANDLE {CAN}{LED*}
23 Snakes repent crawling around in ship (8) SERPENTS {S{REPENT*}S}
25 Completely break down and destroy limo shed (8) DEMOLISH*
27 Small de-husked seed containing some aromatic matter initially mentioned in famous opening phrase (6) SESAME {S}{sE{Some}{Ar...c}{Ma...r}Ed} Semi&lit

Drawing by Bhargav

29 So wren flu is a result of dispersal of this seed? (9) SUNFLOWER*
30 Presbyterian has a small quantity of information (4) BYTE [T]

1   Raw material to make a mountain? (8) MOLEHILL [GK]
2   Bank in front of youth centre releases last instalment of loan for capital (4) BAKU {BAnK}{yoUth}
3   Rodent having a disease on island (6) AGOUTI {A}{GOUT}{I}
4   Commanding officers return cask and palm fruit (7) COCONUT {CO}{CO}{TUN<=}
5   Endures a collapse below the surface of large expanse of water (8) UNDERSEA*
6   Jealousy displayed by Yankee following English victor (4) ENVY {Y}<=>{EN}{V}
9   Hundred and ninety nine produce stimulant (5) TONIC {TON}{IC}
13 Continued, "... dead wrong about dead-end" (5) ADDED {DEAD*}{deaD}
15 I love crushed fruit (5) OLIVE*
17 Crabs removed from indescribable preparation can't be eaten (8) INEDIBLE INDEscrIbaBLE*
19 Guess mate's tie is crooked (8) ESTIMATE*
20 Avoids sweetheart carrying cashew-nuts after losing a squabble initially (7) ?S?H?W? (Addendum - ESCHEWS {swEet} in {CaSHEW}*{Sq...e} - See comments)
22 Helps in crime, throwing dope from damaged speedboat (5) ABETS SpeEdBoAT*
24 Engineers type, "Place for rest and recreation" (6) RESORT {RE}{SORT}
26 Has title to a part of township (4) OWNS [T]
28 Boy mentioned in emergency message cries (4) SOBS {SO{B}S}

Reference List
New = N, Ship = SS, Small = S, Island = I, Commanding Officer = CO, Yankee = Y, English = EN, Victor = V, Hundred = TON, Ninety nine = IC, Engineers = RE(Royal Engineers), Boy = B


  1. 11A- 11, Eleven sequentially (including clue no.- thoughtful)

  2. 1d making a mountain out of molehill

  3. 27A- what is the famous opening phrase?

  4. Nice pictures Col.- colourful and inviting!

  5. From One thousand and one(Arabian) nights.

    the phrase Open Sesame is used by Ali Baba to open the door of the thieves' den, which he had discovered by chance.

  6. The SCOTCH consumed by Vladimir earlier in the day seemed to be working as things began to fall ONE BY ONE.
    Did it?
    He felt that the woman in front of him was OLIVE whom he had met at Times Square the other day. Seeing her was TONIC!
    (Was it Olive or a TELUGU lass?)
    What if I invite her to CANDLE Light dinner at the RESORT thought he.
    Was he right or was he making a mountain of a MOLEHILL?
    What happened next?

  7. If things start falling one by one after a scotch, maybe we should try it before trying a tough CW!!

  8. 20d avoids=eschews
    Cashews after losing a=ceshew
    Squabble initially=s

    1. Short of correct anno.
      ceshew+s = ceshews

    2. Cashews - a is cshew
      We still need an 'e'

    3. What about sweetheart ? Why is it there ?

    4. E is the heart of SWEET OK πŸ‘

  9. 1d Knowing the idiom (making a mountain out of molehill) makes it a GK type clue? Is there a better classification?

  10. From past
    At home, sign mostly on a church bill (2,5)

    1. Prasad garu,
      Is the enumeration (2,5) or (7)?
      For (7) my answer is
      INVOICE - bill
      At home - in
      sign - v for victory
      a - one - i
      mostly on - o
      church - ce

    2. Well done Ramesh. Since it was 2,5 I could not go beyond in.

    3. Wow, to solve a NJ with wronh enu.

    4. Devasena was one of them skyclads! (8)

    5. Devasena was one of them skyclads! (8)
      Ref: Monk Devasena of the Digambara (skyclad) sect of Jains

  11. 20D – {{E}SCHEW*}{S}
    C(-a)shew - losing – a
    S – squabble initially
    Sw(e)et - heart of sweet – ‘E’ i.e sweet heart carrying ‘cashew’ over E*
    Def. is “avoid”

  12. All in all, eschew using too much oil from any of these sources...

    Thanks for solving, folks...

  13. Thank you Barghav for bringing Aloi Baba to us.
    Even without saying 'Open sesame' Col. opens out THC for us promptly at 8.30 am everyday!

  14. Thank u Kishore. Is it a themed puzzle?
    Nutty Fairy tales?
    Look fwd to cing u next month.

    1. As a standard practice, all the themed words are being marked in yellow by Col

  15. Incognito's 4th and final edition of the month is slightly more challenging than usual, accompanied with suitable rewards for those who took the efforts.

    The theme was nuts (perhaps in more ways than one). Curiously "Cashew" got ESCHEWED from the grid but featured in the clues. TIRAMISU and SCOTCH in row 6 were presumably the intended desserts. TELUGU returns to the grid for the first time since Hypatia's "century" CW last month, while ALADDIN tied in with SESAME for yet another easter-egg.

    8A GROUNDNUTS, in line with the general theme, was a fine execution of the Reverse Anagram format (though whether RA is a fair clue type is itself another matter). 11A ONE BY ONE ("Eleven, sequentially...") was top-class wordplay. One of the clues with a nice surface reading was 23A SERPENTS ("Snakes repent crawling around in ship").

    There were fewer telescopic clues than in recent Incognito grids. A few clues followed a pattern of subtraction from anagram fodder, for example 17D INEDIBLE ("Crabs removed from indescribable preparation"), 22A ABETS ("throwing dope from damaged speedboat") and 20A ESCHEW ("sweetheart carrying cashew-nuts after losing a squabble initially").

    The wordplay was shared between 8A GROUNDNUT (anagram of "tun") and 4D COCONUT (NUT being reversal of "cask" or "tun"). "De-husked seed" in 27A was clever clueing for EE in keeping with the theme.

  16. @Economizer, I saw your response to Wordle yesterday. It is too easy and quick for long haulers. During the initial buzz, I used to solve it for the sake of comparing notes on WA.
