Wednesday 6 March 2024

No 14115, Wednesday 06 Mar 2024, Arden

Solution to 15A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Controversy on European rodent, it's detailed (7) POLEMIC {POLE}{MICe}
5   Order rib chop and highland music (7) PIBROCH*
9   Questions young ones getting married (5) PUMPS {PU{M}PS}
10 Eats spread before horse as festive offering (6,3) EASTER EGG {EATS*}{ERE}{GG}
11 Corrosive stuff, for example in tanks (4,5) AQUA REGIA {AQUAR{EG}IA}
12 "Live on rent" - backs up and leaves (5) BETEL {BE}{LET<=}
13 Crucial time lost, the medicine may be inside this (4) VIAL VItAL
15 Still it's missing in the dark night (8) M?O?L?S? {Addendum MOONLESS MOtiONLESS - See comments)
18 Attack the study on animal (8) DENOUNCE {DEN}{OUNCE}
19 Still not seen, still I follow (4) YETI {YET}{I}
22 Ban it, reportedly some of it can explode (5) NITRE [T]
24 Madras refused to entertain regular singer for the carnival (5,4) MARDI GRAS {MADRAS}* over {sInGeR}
26 Cut, ball in turn does spin (9) TOURNEDOS {T{O}URN}{DOES*}
27 It doesn't make sense to restrict travel (5) DRIVE DRIVEl
28 Study - even Israel follows another country (7) PERUSAL {iSrAeL}<=>{PERU}
29 Most simple in a different garment (7) NAIVEST {IN+A}*{VEST}

1   Well known, but not universal tree (6) POPLAR POPuLAR
2   Some smaller version in lieu of fancy car (9) LIMOUSINE {SOMe+IN+LIEU}*
3   Suffering, not something unknown for a skinflint (5) MISER MISERy
4   Extremely careful with the work done, many cross at the minister (9) CLERGYMAN {Ca...uL}{ERG}{MANY*}
5   Part of lunch, may be after one? (5) PASTA {PAST}{A}
6   Live with doubt - need guts to become a big corporation (4,5) BEER BELLY {BE}{ER}{BELLY}
7   Open at the centre, volume goes up somewhat (5) OVERT [T<=]
8   Old woman's happiness cut short in the bargain (6) HAGGLE {HAG}{GLEe}
14 Free tips on how to tie them up and finish the job (5,4) LOOSE ENDS {LOOSE}{ENDS}
16 Gum used o'er insole? (9) OLEORESIN*
17 Function perhaps without a wind down (9) SATURNINE {S{A}{TURN}INE}
20 Synchronised with a part inside pumps, say... (6) INSTEP [DD]
21 money growth? (6) ASCENT {AS}{CENT}
23 Terrible torture to be left out, when one is more faithful (5) TRUER toRTURE*
24 Honour to get a date for say, dinner outside (5) MEDAL {ME{D}AL}
25 Starts investigating nine different reserves involving these primates (5) INDRI Acrostic 

Reference List
Married = M, Horse = GG, Time = T, Universal = U, Unknown = Y, Function = SINE, Date = D


  1. Had a good laugh over 'a big corporation'!!
    Easier fare compared to yesterday.

  2. 17D- The 'without' as opposite of within usually gets me, but today I was able to get it!

  3. Easier one from Arden today.
    1AC should be "rodents" and not "rodent" to get MICE? But then the "it's" would be wrong.

  4. 15A moonless- dark night
    Still - motionless
    It - missing
    Mo(ti) onless

  5. 2d how does the two fodders, som/in lieu get one anind!
