Saturday 23 March 2024

No 14130, Saturday 23 Mar 2024, Dr. X

1   Naughty cover featuring face of raunchy American writer (8) BRADBURY {B{Ra...y}AD}{BURY}
5   Brave rogue stealing diamonds slyly perhaps (6) ADVERB {A{D}VERB*}
10 Compound in cacti producing a photochemical effect (7) ACTINIC*
11 The whole orchestra is ready to tour India, playing retro (7) RIPIENO {RIP{I}E}{ON<=}
12 Slide in small pool (5) SLUMP {S}{LUMP}
13 Unmixed alcohol at dinner intoxicated many (4,5) NEAT DRINK {AT+DINNER}*{K}
14 Cutting the cheese in fancy wine bar, cuddling star on date (8,4) BREAKING WIND {WINE+BAR}* over{KING} on {D}
18 Discussion of criminal report involving a model (12) CONVERSATION {CON}{VERS{A}{T}ION}
21 It sweetens temper after a fight (9) ASPARTAME {TAME}<=>{A}{SPAR}
23 Retreats in a jiffy, coming back to protect king (5) NOOKS {S{K}OON<=}
24 Good taste of chillies in beef stew (7) BENEFIC {Ch...s+IN+BEEF}*
25 Sexless marriage finally after long immature scrap (7) EPICENE {m...gE}<=>{EPIC}{?EN} Anno not clear (Addendum - {m...gE}<=>{EPIC}{ENd} - See comments)
26 Steed leaping over line is first (6) ELDEST {E{L}DEST*}
27 Sees one bringing back joint after consuming liquor (8) IMAGINES {1}{MA{GIN}ES<=}

1   Noisy dance bars, extremely sleazy (6) BRASSY {BARS*}{Sl..zY}
2   Distinctive film director's arrogance - fires top hero (6) AUTEUR hAUTEUR
3   Emperor's skull perhaps broken by a prince with craftiness (9) BONAPARTE {BON{A}{P}{ART}E}
4   Investigation of mysterious case with arsenic on bottom of spoon (14) RECONNAISSANCE {CASE+ARSENIC+ON+s..oN}*
6   Stupefied in rave, ran topless (5) DOPED {DO}{sPED}
7   Reclusive patient at centre, overwhelmed by simple back spasm (8) EREMITIC {MERE<=}{patIent}{TIC}
8   Obstruct criminal starting to escape outside bar (8) BLOCKADE {B{LOCK}AD}{Es...e}
9   Wide-hipped woman under the spotlight (5,2,3,4) BROAD IN THE BEAM [DD]
15 Settling with bit of grass after alcohol-drinking session (9) GROUNDING {Gr..s}<=>{G{ROUND}IN}
16 Start to snort cocaine and babble in confusion (8) SCRAMBLE {Sn..t}{C}{RAMBLE}
17 Sealed one end up easily (8) UNOPENED*
19 Going over new housing rule (6) GOVERN [T]
20 Check out sunglasses, stylish shades (6) ASSESS [T]
22 Fractures foot in rising commotion (5) RIFTS {RI{F}TS<=} 

Reference List
Diamonds = D, India = I, Small = S, Many = K, Date = D, Model = T, King = K, Line = L, Prince = P, Rave = DO, Cocaine = C, Foot = F


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Col. Then featuring is for placement of R inside.

    2. IMO: naughty is bad. cover is bury
      B(r)ad & bury

  2. Breaking the wind for cutting the cheese was something new.

  3. 18A- Today we have a dfferent report, the better known one!

  4. 1d - brassy = noisy (bars anagram and extremely SleazY)
    3d Bonaparte - emperor (skull-bone, A Prince with art-craftiness)
    18a conversation-discussion (con-criminal, version-report and at-a model)
    26a eldest - first (steed anagram and l from Line)

    1. Not every day but only on Fridays we can send our solutions.

  5. 5A: good one.
    Adverb is qualified with ending -ly
    Here in context of Rogue stealing diamond is given slyly to get adverb👌

  6. An UNOPENED beer can by his side...
    Vladimir is seen solving an ASPARTAME crossword. Looks wryly at 9 across. "ADVERB Oh my God!"

    That called for a NEAT DRINK and celebration!
    He has a phone CONVERSATION with Ganesh and asks him to come to the BRASSY Bar.

    What happened next?

    He looks at an M.B.B.S. woman with a beam.

  7. Tough nut to crack yesterday and today from Dr X. Loved the cluing for 9D.

  8. IMHO not the usual enjoyable Dr X cluing on both days. Meant for the crossword veterans.

  9. 1a, 11a, 12a, 14a, 21a, 25a, 27a, 2d, 7d, 8d, 15 d have uncommon references for common words making grid tough. I could have never got 'king' as the synonym for 'star' in 14a.

  10. I also found it tough. And to think I'd starting acing Doc!
    A way to go...
    Thanx Doc!
