Monday 29 April 2024

No 14161, Monday 29 Apr 2024, Bruno

Solution to 20A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Understated caption - it's released (6) SUBTLE SUBTitLE
4   Small vehicle going around Hollywood that lacks direction (6) SCALAR {S}{CA{LA}R}  Hollwood is in LA but that cannot mean Hollywood is LA
8   Value of ammos? Double, often at America (7) MODULUS {aMmOs+DoUbLe}{US}
9   Send Tom batting last (7) ENDMOST*
11 Random ancient philosopher drinks & drinks...mainly tequila (10) STOCHASTIC {STO{CHA'S}{Te...a}IC}
12 Cut one's shaft (4) AXIS {AX}{1'S}
13 Meeting place for mostly getting drink (5) FORUM {FOr}{RUM}
14 After second act, musical drama's filled with power, a bit of sadness, and vitriol (8) COPPERAS {aCt}{OP{P}ERA}{Sa...s}
16 Precision of account office (8) ACCURACY {AC}{CURACY}
18 Problem of mass lacking time (5) ISSUE tISSUE
20 Radical's also returning to base (4) ?O?T (Addendum ROOT {R}{TOO<=} - See comments)
21 Unbroken fake money - dubious bid to run off (10) C ONTINUOUS {CON}{TIN}{dUbiOUS}
23 Mathematical operator kids essentially turn to cover (7) DIVISOR {kIDs<=}{VISOR}
24 Dynamic family name recalled (7) KINETIC {KIN}{CITE<=}
25 Husband part of surprisingly great group (6) GATHER {H} in {GREAT}*
26 Insect starts to lay eggs behind vegetable (6) BEETLE {Lay}{Eggs}<=>{BEET}

1   Discharge fourth slip after second wicket (5) SPOUT {sliP}<=>{S} and {OUT}
2   Ball - one can get you thrown out? (7) BOUNCER [DD]
3   Cancer of ileum and colon mainly - cadaver regularly needs to be dissected (9) LEUCAEMIA {ILUEM+Co..n+cAdAvEr}*
5   No introduction needed for legendary figure (5) CONIC iCONIC
6   Story about alcoholic drink and non-alcoholic drink (7) LIMEADE {LI{MEAD}E}
7   Suspend while turning it in saucer with tea, mainly while stirring (9) RUSTICATE {IT<=} in {SAUCER+Tea}* 
10 Mail describing aunt's ultimate rotten and unpleasant death (6,3) STICKY END {S{aunT}{ICKY}END}
13 Mathematical operation to get information on gasket (9) FACTORING {FACT}{O RING}
15 Prudish one on TV- starting to expound about setter like a barbarian (9) PRIMITIVE {PRIM}{1}{T{I}V}{Ex...d}
17 Straighten out idiot following peacemaker by sticking a little sense in (7) UNTWIST {TWIT}<=>{UN} over {Se..e}
19 Boss and a specialist scholar (7) STUDENT {STUD}{ENT}
21 Selected carbon pipe (5) CHOSE {C}{HOSE}
22 Couple has free sex on the counter (5) UNITE UN(-ti+it}ITE

Reference List
Small = S, Power = P, Time = T, Radical = R, Husband = H, Second = S, Alcoholic drink = MEAD, Carbon = C, Sex = IT


  1. 4A- Agree with Col. I had the same question. Some indication like in/ part if etc needed

  2. 26A- " Starts to lay"- to is confusing. Made me try 'Stl'. Starts laying or something like that would have been better.

  3. Replies
    1. Paddy, starts to … is the correct form. Just starts is incomplete when used before fodder

    2. I did not know it. Thank you. Noted.

  4. Scalar, modulus, axis, divisor, conic, and factoring are contributing for mathematics theme

  5. 20 across - ROOT?
    Also returning =too/ oot
    Base= root
    Radical = fundamental

    1. A little bit more to it.
      Also returning partisan right.

    2. Where did you get the R from?

    3. Radical is R - chemistry.

  6. Replies
    1. That does not answer Col.'s question. R from?

  7. 20a - {R}{OOT}<===
    Def. - Base
    Radical - R
    also - too , returned as OOT

  8. Nice & fairly easy.
    Thanx Bruno!
