Wednesday 8 August 2012

No 10536, Wednesday 08 Aug 12, Arden

1   - Previously a hotel, but reverted to accommodate laundry (7) - WASHTUB {WAS}{H}{TUB<-}
5   - Rose as bishop began to digress (7) - BRAMBLE {B}{RAMBLE}
9   - One had returned to old state (5) - IDAHO {1}{DAH<-}{O}
10 - A grim representation of a part is a cumbersome exercise (9) - RIGMAROLE {A+GRIM*}{ROLE}
11 - Pope’s final edict (that is on bible) exudes joy (9) - EBULLIENT {E}{BULL}{IE}{{NT}
12 - Excellence found on mountain tops (5) - ARETE [DD]
13 - Water found in a quarry (4) - AQUA [T]
15 - Reformed addict in charge of teaching (8) - DIDACTIC {ADDICT*}{IC}
18 - Follow Hollywood actor Richard, learner of verse (8) - DOGGEREL {DOG}{GERE}{L}
19 - Newts within two points, a foot apart (4) - EFTS {E}{FT}{S}
22 - A theatre to perform over a period of time (5) - ODEON {OD<-}{EON}
24 - When drunk on hawser it is difficult to walk over it (9) - TIGHTROPE {TIGHT}{ROPE}
26 - Recently arrived Scotsman could have been a Roman emperor (9) - JUSTINIAN {JUST IN}{IAN}
27 - Those people have a point on the subject (5) - THEME {THEM}{E}
28 - Master hides a blemish with make-up (7) - MASCARA {M{A}{SCAR}A}
29 - Choose some god as a Greek princess (7) - ELECTRA {ELECT}{RA}
1   - Cried for whiskey when one fell sick (6) - WAILED {W}{AILED}
2   - Squats out anyway in the present situation (6,3) - STATUS QUO*
3   - Fish can sing (5) - TROLL [DD]
4   - Stop a nurse giving you a drink (9) - BARTENDER {BAR}{TENDER}
5   - Being intolerant he grew massive over time (5) - BIGOT {BIG}{O}{T}
6   - It is a massive comedown for each naval organisation (9) - AVALANCHE*
7   - Penniless and shattered (5) - BROKE [DD]
8   - Central help for average team (6) - ELEVEN {hELp}{EVEN}
14 - Countryman caught in a rain, possibly (9) - ARGENTINA {AR{GENT}INA*}
16 - A new capital information on church and industry (9) - DILIGENCE {DILI}{GEN}{CE}
17 - One is shy to flip stereos evenly inside (9) - INTROVERT {IN{sTeRrOs}VERT}
20 - Preserve previous record when there is a deadlock (6) - LOGJAM {LOG}{JAM}
21 - Iroquoian people create a scene (6) - SENECA*
23 - Stops carbon emitted and gives some comfort (5) - EASES cEASES
24 - Siberian growth included in the data i gathered (5) - TAIGA [T]
25 - For a titanium article one has to pay tax (5) - TITHE {TI}{THE}


  1. Easier one today.

    Today's crossword was :

    Honest conventional footballer (15)

  2. Replies
    1. Unknown,

      See the two links over the words in the main post

  3. ARETE had me today. Did not know either meaning.

    1. +1 (despite having the A_E_E). Mild cheating resorted to.

  4. Yes, me too. Also filled in 'opera' for 22A in stead of 'odeon' and so could not get Argentina. Lot of new things to learn from Col.'s references. Arden must have put in a lot of effort to collect all these data and put them in proper places too!On the whole a very interesting & absorbing CW.

    1. So did I. Until I got Argentina.

    2. 22A was tricky (the wily so and so). OPERA could have fit well, as did ARENA!

  5. Dear Col:

    Sorry, I have no plans to visit Bangalore this month-- probably next month, when I can meet some of you.Meanwhile, ye-all have a great Bloggers meet and I'd love to see the pics taken for posterity. Missing ye-all.

    Lets see whether we can have a meet next in CBE.

    Sapna and I fondly remember your visit to our place last year, Janmashtami day. One full year has gone by !!
