Saturday, 11 August 2012

No 10539, Saturday 11 Aug 12, Sankalak

As smooth as Sankalaks creations normally are.

1   - Top cover for a cricketer? (6,3) - BOWLER HAT [CD]
5   - Notice by head office, first among communications for a specific purpose (2,3) - AD HOC {AD} {HO}{C}
8   - Protection for embryo, one no man has changed (6) - AMNION {1+NO+MAN}*
9   - Cancel a British barrier suppressing love (8) - ABROGATE {A}{BR}{O}{GATE}
11 - Ireland as known in earlier inscriptions (4) - ERIN [T]
12 - One gets help from him in France to be treated (10) - BENEFACTOR*
14 - A short time in South Africa or in a Pacific state (5) - SAMOA {S{A}{MO}A}
15 - Made a request for a job as a parish priest and was untruthful (7) - APPLIED {A}{PP}{LIED}
16 - Stupid leaders in my office ran off nearly instigating crisis (7) - MORONIC {M}{O}{R}{O}{N}{I}{C}
17 - Words that could be proper, singular, common and so on (5) - NOUNS [E]
19 - Caught by momentary aberration in a description of a match in progress (10) - COMMENTARY {C}{MOMENTARY}*
20 - Whale bringing gold to accountant (4) - ORCA {OR}{CA}
22 - A sleepless one is a menace, to be reduced and treated (8) - AMNESIAC*
23 - Consumer going across Pole for a meal (6) - DINNER {DIN{N}ER}
24 - Sickly sister has something causing destruction of cells (5) - LYSIS [T]
25 - Stick that hurt none caught straying (9) - TRUNCHEON {HURT+NONE+C}*
1   - Industrious creature known for eagerness! (6) - BEAVER [CD]

2   - Do they cause a blow in the concert? (4,11) - WIND INSTRUMENTS [CD]
3   - Place of learning from one point to another (4) - ETON {E}{TO}{N}
4   - Would a poor lab man resent behaviour expected at meals? (5,7) - TABLE MANNERS*
5   - Kind of flower seen in a river, American, containing fish, love! (10) - APOCARPOUS {A}{PO}{CARP}{O}{US}
6   - Cover for wellbeing at home, certainly accommodating African party (6,9) - HEALTH INSURANCE {HEALTH} {IN}{SUR{ANC}E}
7   - Guiltless editor was passed over (7) - CLEARED {CLEAR}{ED}
10 - Not willing to accept authority? Interact with Coral somehow, giving up nothing (12) - RECALCITRANT {INTERACT+CoRAL}*
13 - Literary assistant, a chap followed reportedly by you and sis (10) - AMANUENSIS {A}{MAN}{EUN(~you 'n)}{SIS} (Correction - {A}{MAN}{UEN(~you 'n)}{SIS})
16 - A mile travelled around church by Archangel (7) - MICHAEL {MI{CH}AEL*}
18 - In the hospital, she reverses the standard covering reserve force (6) - MATRON {M{AT}RON}<-
21 - Element seen by the last character incorporated (4) - ZINC {Z}{INC}


  1. 11 - Ireland as known in earlier inscriptions (4) - ERIN [T]

    &LIT TOO

  2. 6. I think "Cover for wellbeing" is the direct part of the clue.

    22. How is "A sleepless one" = Amnesiac (one who has lost his memory)? Isn't that an insomniac?

    1. Exactly. Something went wrong here

    2. Mohun, Well spotted. First time in recent days that Sankalak has slipped.
      Instead of 'Sleepless one', it should be 'One with memory loss'.

    3. 6. Well-being HEALTH + at home IN + certainly SURE outside African party ANC.
      Cover is generally used for clueing in INSURANCE.
      SO, perhaps, well-being is doing double duty as part of definition as well as charade.

  3. 13d AMANUENSIS {A}{MAN}{U EN(~you 'n)}{SIS}
    spelt with UE not EU

  4. Enjoyable smooth one, though I could not get 5D (Thank you Col. for the picture) and was doubtful about the literary assistant.

    Yes, I also hesitated before filling in 'amnesiac' ( Is sleeplessness one of the reasons for amnesia?)

    1. Or the other way round? I forgot to go to sleep...

  5. A few new words but the clues and the crossings made them easy to fill.

    Over all I thought the crossword was :

    Very simple to knead bread leavening with a couple of holes.(3,4)

    1. It is very simple to knead bread leavening with a couple of eggs. (3,4)

      reads nicer

  6. Replies
    1. A circular spot through which an optimist may see ? (5-4)

  7. 22A seems to be a slip, but still a nicely constructed puzzle. Always enjoy Sankalak even if a bit easy compared to others. Last time around I noticed that the standard kept going up as the days progressed, so let's see what's in store next week.

  8. I am wondering if a sleepless one is really amnesiac...I thought sleepless ones are insomniacs :)

  9. Unknown1:57 PM GMT+05:30
    I am wondering if a sleepless one is really amnesiac...I thought sleepless ones are insomniacs :)


    I also fee that amnesia pertains to partial or total loss of memory whereas insomnia is sleeplessness

  10. Probably Sankalak had a short term amenesia due to insomnia preparing the puzzle :-)

    1. LOL ! May be PCJ forgot who S really was. ;-) Good to see you here!

  11. Still PCJ is the best to me!

    1. Thank God, there are no somnambulists here!
