Tuesday 14 August 2012

No.10541, Tuesday 14 Aug 12, Sankalak

Smooth, uncomplicated, pleasant solve

1 Emir’s vendetta embroiled in publicity (13) ADVERTISEMENT (EMIR'S VENDETTA)*

10 Indian sage caught by one friend of local government (9) MUNICIPAL (MUNI + C + I + PAL)
11 Support and shout about a right (5) CARRY (CRY outside A R)
12 A song edited and broadcast (5) AIRED (AIR + ED)
13 Attacker of government service returns, taken in by a point of view (9) ASSAILANT (IAS<= inside A SLANT)
14 Light meal in a can, provided a bit of fromage follows (6) TIFFIN (TIN outside I + F + F)
16 People accept a victory for the pundit (5) MAVEN (MEN outside A V)
19 Full of foliage (5) LEAFY (E)
20 Sign of a party possibly that a sly mob trashed (6) SYMBOL (A SLY MOB)*
25 Language in a division of Switzerland, east-south-east (9) CANTONESE (CANTON + E S E)
26 First of documents held by girl student was encrypted (5) CODED (D inside COED)
27 Pull lacking in vitality following onset of typhoid (5) TWEAK (WEAK after T)
28 React with fear, oddly, to post-surgery support (9) AFTERCARE (REACT + FEAR)*
29 Reference book on arcane policy Ed revised without right (13) ENCYCLOPAEDIA (ArCANE POLICY ED)*

2 Flakes from the scalp make one a bit embarrassed and ruffled (8) DANDRUFF (T)
3 A Spanish hero for the Spanish sleuths (2,3) EL,CID (EL + CID)
4 Once the best cover overhead for formal occasions (3,3) TOP, HAT (semi &lit)
5 Nazi guard, male, accepting beer from shop assistant (8) SALESMAN (SS MAN outside ALE)
6 Equipment that many rich English ordered (9) MACHINERY (MANY RICH E)*
7 Frenchman associated with a conquest in England (6) NORMAN (GK)
8 The force of an international agreement covering a million (6) IMPACT (PACT after I M)
9 Tokyo rebuilt as a venue for famous convention (5) KYOTO (TOKYO)*
15 Game placing an odd choice before the opener (3,6) ICE,HOCKEY (CHOICE* + KEY)
17 Following everything in spite of everything (5,3) AFTER,ALL (DD)
18 Henry, sailor, in Dubai perhaps or another emirate (3,5) ABU,DHABI (H + AB inside DUBAI*)
21 See daughter leading half-German tenant (6) LODGER (LO + D + GERman)
22 Small, pretty part of the skin of turtles etc. (5) SCUTE (S + CUTE)
23 A new university man from South American range (6) ANDEAN (A + N + DEAN)
24 Such energy as may burst forth! (4-2) PENT-UP (E)
26 She had the measure of radiation (5) CURIE (CD)


  1. This one's-cute

  2. i am so used to sankalak's clues . except scute, andean , maven and pent ( in pent up) i solved them all

    a request on toe :it really would help if you could PLEASE post the answers by 8.. do consider

    good day all

  3. I just recently started trying to solve the hindu crossword.
    This is a great help. Thanks :)

  4. WRT Suresh's remark about the Tshirt: At least it did not make Deepak see red ;-)

    1. Whether Deepak saw red or not, he was not seen in red !

  5. A juicy half volley outside the offstump today !

    Today's crossword was :
    Doubled say and oddly pieced together to make it uncomplicated. (4-5)

  6. 14 isn't it
    (T(IF)(F)IN )
    provided = IF ?

    1. The anno in the post above cannot be faulted but it appears that Ajeesh's is the anno intended by the setter.

    2. I did consider IF=Provided, but couldn't find any other word indicating the containment, so reluctantly concluded that provided(meaning fed) was the container indicator.

    3. Is a=I in the original post a standard clue?

    4. I took it as
      In a can (provided + a bit of fromage)

    5. That makes better sense than what I had.

  7. OK, Sankalak is "smooth, uncomplicated, pleasant solve".

    Now choose any current setter and give three general attributes which you think that that setter has.

    1. Arden : Smooth, Challenging, A pleasure to solve,
      Buzzer : Tough ... All other adjectives get subsumed by 'tough'
      Textrous : I have "solved" too few of his/her to comment. My last attempt to solve one from Textrous ended in a complete disaster.

    2. For me solving Neyartha is tough

    3. Textrous is a "he".



  8. Col.
    A BIG thank you for the nice pictures to remind us of the nice time we had together.

    A very BIG thank you for hosting the party and making it lively with your welcome board, witty remarks, loads of info on various topics and of course the excellent food.

  9. REAR I SHOOK* finds a mention in the clue for 16A.

  10. Finally.
    Today, I could complete a crossword (without peeping at Colonel's blog)

    Ecstatic :) Aftereffect of Sunday's S&B Meet?

    For veterans SANKALAK might be "smooth, uncomplicated, pleasant solve", but for rookies he is ENCOURAGING, MORALE BUILDING and (in neo-gen-lingo) COOL. :)

  11. Sankalak Thank you! You made my day

  12. Suresh

    Your profile is fine!

    Is it correct to call it a 'right profile' as it is the right side of yours that we see? (We wouldn't want to see your wrong side.)

    1. Who are we to judge what is right and what is wrong. The left may be right and the right may be wrong. Does the right have the right to be left alone?

    2. If that last sentence sounded curt that was not right nor meant

  13. Last two xwords have definitely been moral building. Thanks...

  14. i got everything except IMPACT and SCUTE. Enjoyable crossword as always by Sankalak.

