Wednesday 10 June 2009

No 9555, Wednesday, 10 Jun 09, Nita Jaggi

I repeat what I wrote at the Orkut Community "OURS IS NOT TO REASON WHY, OURS IS BUT TO DO AND CRY"
 1 - Structures of trucks (4) - RIGS [DD]
 9 - Convert the blurred ‘n’ artless philosopher (8,7) - BERTRAND RUSSELL*
10 - Prohibition to hold Rex in the farm building (4) - BA{R}N
11 - Stark appearance to suit a relative (5) - {G}{AUNT}
12 - Each on the borders of Texas takes a meal (4) - {EA}{T(-exa)S}
13 - Mattresses covering fifty stringing objects (5) - BE{A}DS
14 - Resort has it back, almost all pertaining to an area (7) - {SPA}{TI<-}AL(-l)
16 - An aversion for everything the Cockney girl has for the heartless gay (7) - {ALL}(-h)ER{G(-a)Y}
18 - Polite citizen? (5) - CIVIL [DD]
22 - Neat sort of a volcano (4) - ETNA*
23 - Sailor holds one Asian leader’s crown (5) - T{I}AR{A}
24 - No inside worker will complain (4) - MOAN Annotation pending
25 - A consort invites a disturbed supporter of the natural world (15) - CONSERVATIONIST*
26 - Oddly, anger ends in a want (4) - NEED [T]
 2 - Concentrated at home, nets are displayed to Elizabeth (7) - IN{TENS*}{E}
 3 - Absurd joke used as doggy gas is released on the politician (6,3,5) - SHAGGY DOG S*{TORY} How I became H, I don't know
 4 - Switch the race (5) - RELAY [DD]
 5 - Smell of a bishop in an ancient city (5) - {ODO}{UR}
 6 - Limit a cop until the failure of an operation (14) - MULTIPLICATION*
 7 - Appearance of large cats covering the gym (6) - AS{PE}CTS*
 8 - Philosopher discussed the stable phase (7) - PLATEAU (~plato)
15 - Military unit on top is confused holding Louisiana (7) - P{LA}TOON*
17 - Pass by the Spanish resort taken up by an English (6) - EL{APS<-}{E}
19 - Great in size to throw into water when knight is in place of the king (7) - IMME(-r+n)NSE
20 - Scholar, is a character of the language (5) - MA{SAI*}
21 - The kind of an increase a wage earner needs (5) - RAISE [CD]


  1. 24 A - M{0}AN?? '0' for no

    For 23 A wouldnt the clue as phrased give T{I}{A}AR. What is the indicator that {a} should follow T{I}AR???

  2. Sorry Col, Read your credo "OURS IS NOT TO REASON WHY, OURS IS BUT TO DO AND CRY" only now. No more questions...

  3. 19D - Great in size to throw into water when knight is in place of the king (7) - IMME(-r+n)NSE

    Shouldn't that be "knight is in place of the rook"?

  4. Maddy,
    Your anno for MOAN is correct
    19D - R is indicating the King here.
    5D - ODO is used instead of Bishop see the link against ODO
    14A - Store is an area alright, but then the other elements of the clue become totally superfluous.
    23A - See Maddy's anno above

  5. Hi Colonel,

    A few questions below.

    Thanks in advance,

    11A: Stark appearance to suit a relative (5) - {G}{AUNT}
    What indicates "G"?

    13 - Mattresses covering fifty stringing objects (5) - BE{A}DS
    How is {A} obtained.

    7 - Appearance of large cats covering the gym (6) - AS{PE}CTS
    How is large cats related to ASCTS, source of extra S?

  6. Sir,
    I am waiting to see your answers to Naveen.
    Along with that please explain how you got 'PE' in ASPECTS..? (7D)
    Today i learnt Resort can be represented as SPA.


    Biju Thomas

  7. Naveen,
    As far as the G in 11A I am clueless, Suit normally is indicated by 'T'
    The A in 13A also beats me. Normally L is 50 and in medieval Roman numerals A was 5.
    As regarding large, this setter user 'large' to indicate an anagram as such 'large cats' becomes ASCTS here
    In crosswords Gym = Physical Exercise = PE

  8. Naveen,
    On second thoughts 'G' comes from G-suit which is worn by Astronauts and Pilots

  9. @Colonel,

    Thanks for your clarificaiton.


  10. 7 - Appearance of large cats covering the gym (6) - AS{PE}CT

    I think the extra 'S' in Col's anno is a typo.

  11. Thanks Bala,
    Yes it is a typo. This is what happens when one types in the answers without looking at the grid

  12. NJ seems to be using 'SH'(second hand) to indicate 'used',as Bala said earlier.That's how we get 3D -"Shaggy Dogs Story".

  13. Never mind about 19D. I realise now that R = rex = king = K.
