Tuesday 17 August 2010

No 9923, Tuesday 17 Aug 10, Sankalak

1   - Plan of work for a day e.g. followed by board (9) - {TIME}{TABLE}
5   - Legendary Greek in French location (5) - PARIS [DD]
8   - Pole, possibly? No, a pure English sort (8) - {E}{UROPEAN*}
9   - Disc, raw, large, shows poor writing (6) - SCRAWL [T]

11 - High place for old singer Richard (5) - CLIFF [DD]

12 - Once, odd clues about drip were limited to a group (9) - {EX}{CLUS{IV}E*}
13 - Crude eastern painting by heartless Henry (6) - {E}{ART}{HenrY}
14 - Material for building containing a small window (8) - {C{A}{S}EMENT}
16 - He gives information about Indian Railway's paper (8) - {APP{RIS*}ER*}
18 - Support for a speaker (6) - PODIUM [E]
22 - Final outcome may finish off Ulster reform (3,6) - {END} {RESULT*}
23 - Fabric that West found in cash box (5) - {T{W}ILL}
24 - Tray for ointment beginning to rust (6) - {SALVE}{R}
25 - Grounds for celebration (8) - OCCASION [E]
26 - Offshoot in blooming season, nameless (5) - SPRInG
27 - Skilled fighter, singular male masking expressions (9) - {S}{WORDS}{MAN}
1   - In theatre a clearly syrupy stuff (7) - TREACLE [T]
2   - More cheerful (7) - MERRIER [CD]
3   - There is lots more to it than meets the eye in the main (3,2,3,7) - TIP OF THE ICEBERG [CD]

4   - Dangerous delivery (6) - BEAMER [CD]
5   - Tropics captured somehow in pretty communication sent home by traveller perhaps (7,8) - PICTURE POSTCARD*

6   - Understand that lies are wrong (7) - REALISE*
7   - Outstanding tale accepted by holy one in India (7) - {SA{LIE}NT}
10 - Get lost with run in swindle (5) - {SC{R}AM}
15 - Conveyed by the underground, up for a first appearance (5) - DEBUT <-
16 - For a month, little sister gets freedom from germs (7) - {A}{SEP}{SIS}
17 - Travelling salesman? (7) - PEDDLER [CD]
19 - A very hard element (7) - IRIDIUM [E]
20 - It gives colour to one's skin (7) - MELANIN [E]
21 - Officer with wounds returns for plaster (6) - {STUC}{CO}<-


  1. Hi folks

    Sankalak sank my luck only at 4D - B?A?E? (= BEATER?)

    TIMETABLE, PORUS (Do lovers of old Hindi music remember the song Sikander ne Porus se ki thi laDAi from the 1962 movie Anpadh? While Alexander the Great is called Sikander the Indian subcontinent, I guess Porus, referred to as PURU of the Pourava dynasty in undivided India, was the king of the eastern Punjab; someone can please clarify), EUROPEAN, SCRAWL, CLIFF (real name of Lucknow-born Sir Cliff Richard - Harry Rodger Webb; Notable songs - Bachelor Boy, The Young Ones, Summer Holiday, just to name a few), EXCLUSIVE, EARTHY, BASEMENT, APPRISER, PODIUM, END RESULT, TWILL, SALVER, OCCASION, SPRIG, SWORDMAN, SCRAWL, MERRIER, TIP OF THE ICEBERG (liked this), PICTURE POSTCARDS (neat anagram), REALISE, SA(LIE)NT (liked this too), SCRAM, DEBUT, ASEPSIS, PEDDLER (spelt also PEDLAR in the UK), IRIDIUM, MELANIN, STUCCO - good going.

  2. In my post of 08:31, SCRAWL was inadvertently repeated in the place of TREACLE.

  3. Hi
    Dedicated to our friend in 11A. One of my favs from CLIFF dedicated to all those bachelors out there:


    I know I am preaching without practicing, but there you are.

    BEAMER was last to fall. Spry, spry then and now SPRIG. Paten then and now SALVER.

  4. My apologies for goofing up at PARIS. So please ignore my comments on PORUS. Yet a clarification on my query is welcome.

  5. Sorry, Richard, that should have been PARIS, the legendary Greek, not the hotel heiress.

  6. Kishore, you have taken to the HILT, ON the dot!

  7. Richard, liked your 'Sankalak sank my luck' line...

  8. Let us not SHAKE SPEARS to the Hilt.

  9. Personally, I liked the Bentley better...

  10. 13 - Crude eastern painting by heartless Henry (6) - {E}{ART}{HenrY}

    Shouldn't "heartless Henry" only indicate the removal of the central letter, "n", as that is the heart of HE n RY?

  11. Kishore,
    Can I have the contact of the Bentley!!

  12. Paris is the character who kidnaps or elopes with Helen of Troy and is the one who brings down Achilles. Remember movie Troy where Orlando bloon plays the role of Paris.

  13. Deepak,

    You can always Google 'Paris Hilton Bentley Car wash'. I am not posting the You Tube link as it may be considered inappropriate for this forum.

  14. Richard,

    Porus and Anpadh stirred up some memories. Here's the song:


    Also, here's a link for Cliff's 'Evergreen Tree' - the one you didn't list:


  15. High place for old singer Richard (5) - CLIFF [DD]

    Is this the first instance of a living person's name coming up in THC. May be Vasi sir or other stalwarts can clarify. Does this mean that there is no 'no living persons' rule for THC a la The Times xwd?
    I, for one would be happy to see such references,like in the Guardian crossword which sometimes throws up some delightful takes on current affairs and eccentricities/peccadilloes of living persons. One such clue for the chef Gordon Ramsay -

    Roar my gonads off, being a chef (6,6)
    Anyone who has seen the show "Hell's Kitchen" which used to air on Discover Travel and Living will be able to appreciate the clue even more.

  16. Veer, perhaps Henry has a big heart. Don't know.

  17. LOL!!! Funny clue! GORDON RAMSAY. I might have watched the show a couple of times.

  18. VJ, Cardiomegaly, huh ?

  19. Maddy, there may be no 'rule' since there is no CW Ed.. (that was two full stops (I didnt want to say periods in this context), one for abbreviation and another for release, ie. end of sentence)

    That's why NJ can flount imagined rules with temerity, gusto, audacity, brashness, cheek and the like.

  20. Kishore, LOL possible! That or he doesn't mind giving away Bentleys to Ms. Hilton, Spears etc

  21. VJ 918: Henry seems to be a BaDe Dil wala

  22. Hi Maddy: On seeing your comment on allowing living person related clues I was reminded of seeing this clue in the Moorey book:

    Where you focus on Turner, for example (6)

    Believe this appeared in a Times Listener puzzle where the rules are not so hidebound.

  23. Maddy,

    Is this the first instance of a living person's name coming up in THC.

    It was discussed earlier on this forum. CV had listed a number of persons including the Tamil comedian journalist CHO whose name is even used for clueing.

  24. @ Veer - Thanks It was discussed earlier on this forum. CV had listed a number of persons including the Tamil comedian journalist CHO whose name is even used for clueing.

    I must have missed the discussion as I am not that regular at solving xwds as I used to be.

