Saturday 2 June 2012

No 10479, Saturday 02 Jun 12, Textrous

Web edition late, print edition late, app not working....... 'Woe unto me'
8   - Unpleasant smell with bones and shell? (6) - BODICE {BO}{DICE}
9   - Teller Jack rushed back with gold (8) - NARRATOR {NAR<}{RAT<-}{OR}
10 - Clear, fine tide at sea (8) - DEFINITE*
11 - Grant for every top institute in the U.S. (6) - PERMIT {PER}{MIT}
12 - For instance, Puma's extremely fashionable merchandise (6) - FELINE {FashionablE}{LINE}
13 - Showing anger about cleric covering part of the head (3-5) - RED-FACED {RE}{D-{FACE}D}
14 - Uninteresting girl seen in film (7) - PROSAIC {P{ROSA}IC}
16 - One doesn't believe He's at it, perhaps (7) - ATHEIST*
20 - Dopey teenager's drink (5,3) - GREEN TEA {GREEN} {TEA} Teenager and 'TEA' ? (Addendum - GREEN TEA* See comments)
23 - Not occupying rented premises for selling goods (6) - OUTLET {OUT}{LET}
25 - Come to a gamble that is inclusive of date (6) - BETIDE {BET}{I{D}E}
26 - A little drink I permit to be consumed with oriental dressing (8) -  TOILETTE {TO{I}{LET}T}{E}
27 - Military alarm almost always seen in Valley of the Moon? (8) - REVEILLE {R{EVEr}ILLE}
28 - Student heading off to become a paid worker (6) - EARNER lEARNER
1   - Old family member in favour of English weather (8) - FOREBEAR {FOR}{E}{BEAR}
2   - Pointlessly ride a Harley-Davidson in one's scanty clothing (6) - BIKINI {BIKe}{IN}{1}
3   - I pursued a corrupt person, holding note for complaint (4-4) - BERI-BERI {B{E}RI-BER}{I} Isn't it one word without the hyphen?
4   - Discard knowledge of a Shakespearean king sheltered by reformed nun (7) - UNLEARN {UN{LEAR}N*}
5   - One offering support to a shooter? (6) - TRIPOD [E]
6   - Air transport (8) - CARRIAGE [DD]
7   - Device's blip oddly suppressed by spy (6) - MOBILE {MO{BlIp}LE}
15 - Exhibit small mutant mice in a little enclosure (8) - SPECIMEN {S}{PE{MICE*}N}
17 - Was unfaithful couple united around midday? (3-5) - TWO-TIMED {TWO}-{TI{M}ED} Midday and 'M'?
18 - Adorable ape jumping around and climbing plant (5-3) - SWEET-PEA {SWEET}-{APE*}
19 - Without an iota of recreation, the old man became even more distant (7) - FARTHER {FA{R}THER}
21 - Direct attention to key inside jacket (6) - REEFER {RE{E}FER}
22 - Shake vigorously, releasing many a high-pitched sound (6) - TREBLE TREmBLE
24 - Refined ore fits into your old hypothesis (6) - THEORY {TH{ORE*}Y}


  1. 18 - Adorable ape jumping around and climbing plant (5-3) - SWEET-PEA {SWEET}-{APE*}

    Reminded of the kid in Popeye

    20 - Dopey teenager's drink (5,3) - GREEN TEA {GREEN} {TEA} Teenager and 'TEA' ?


    Dopey is Anind
    Teenager is fodder
    drink is def

  2. 17 - Was unfaithful couple united around midday? (3-5) - TWO-TIMED {TWO}-{TI{M}ED} Midday and 'M'?

    Midday is Meridiem which separates the am and pm

  3. Col.,

    Spelling for 27 A shhould be 'reveille'. 'I' & 'E' are interchanged.

    1. Thanks Padmanabhan, I have since corrected it.

  4. 8A How is DICE equal to bones? Is a bodice a shell?

  5. A brand new prize puzzle, the first in a series, is available here:

    None too easy, if I may add.

    Answers not to be posted or discussed as this is a competition puzzle and the last date for entries is still to go.
