Thursday 28 June 2012

No 10501, Thursday 28 Jun 12, Gridman

Do I hear someone saying tut-tut!!
1   - Drag new vessel to area where people live (8) - TOWNSHIP {TOW}{N}{SHIP}
5   - Old governor to separate when retreating (6) - SATRAP {SA}{TARP}<-
10 - Recluse ahead of insect (7) - EREMITE {ERE}{MITE}
11 - In the middle of a million on good street (7) - AMONGST {A}{M}{ON}{G}{ST}
12 - A doctor I court is devotee (6) - ADDICT {A}{DD}{I}{CT}
13 - Has sex? Good! (Note: it’s exciting!) (4,2,2) - GETS IT ON {G}{NOTE+IT"S*}
15 - In-charge journalist kept cold (4) - ICED {IC}{ED}
16 - Nasty boast about handy can openers (4-2,4) - STAY-ON TABS*
18 - Time to swindle a woman in foreign jaunt (4,6) - TRIP ABROAD {T}{RIP} {A}{BROAD}
20 - Protest of the French doctor (4) - DEMO {DE}{MO}
23 - No eaglet prepared to stretch out (8) - ELONGATE*
24 - Stand-in prepared for group within a group (6) - SUBSET {SUB}{SET}
26 - New product hotel got out gets enthusiastic reception (7) - OVATION innOVATION
27 - Stay away from sailor facing disgrace (7) - ABSTAIN {AB}{STAIN}
28 - Members of family notice one in strange scene (6) - NIECES {N{1}ECES*}
29 - Playful mates secrete your old stone (8) - AMETHYST {AME{THY}ST*}
2   - Coax, with care, primarily lazy entrants (7) - WHEEDLE {W}{HEED}{L}{E}
3   - Suture for small, very small person (6) - STITCH {S}{TITCH}
4   - Not entirely perfect concept (4) - IDEA IDEAl
6   - Drinking freely, many leave for galvanising (8) - AROUSING cAROUSING
7   - A target set up in rowing event (7) - REGATTA*
8   - Spoil something tactlessly as a horse rider may do with the stirrup (3,4,4,2,2) - PUT ONES FOOT IN IT [DD]
9   - Talk idly about two animals yet developing within (6-3) - YAKETY-YAK {YAK}{YET*} {YAK}
14 - Nattier, I went round to German capital for repeating (9) - ITERATING {NATTIER+I*}{G}
17 - Told all: Superior in far end of diocese is hopeful (8) - SANGUINE {SANG}{U}{IN}{E}
19 - Hard time — when forging started (4,3) - IRON AGE {IRON} {AGE}
21 - Say sect is wallowing in extreme joy (7) - ECSTASY*
22 - Little Augustus placed reinforcing bracket (6) - GUSSET {GUS}{SET}
25 - Science room backs Malayali’s original soothing oil (4) - BALM {BAL<-}{M}


  1. Nice going.

    20 - Protest of the French doctor (4) - DEMO {DE}{MO}

    the French= DE?

    BTW, I too put in DEMO, but had the above reservation.

  2. 13 - Has sex? Good! (Note: it’s exciting!) (4,2,2) - GETS IT ON {G}{NOTE+IT"S*}

    Without going tut-tut or tsk-tsk, I would like to share a real life anecdote. One of Brit correspondents had once brought to my notice that one particular chap in our office, when asked about progress of an assignment, always replied that he was 'on the job'. The Brit was wondering if that had anything to do with India's mushrooming population.

  3. What is that Tamil film where someone in the act is supposed to be (in Tamil) doing home work?

    1. Rather home work in maths (veetu kanakku). Just remembered the exact term used in the old Tamil film.

  4. Not much football fever this time around(as compared to the World Cup a couple of years back)

    Today's HT has the following:

    23 Taxi-meter fiddled, which may lead to penalties (5,4)

  5. 13 - Has sex? Good! (Note: it’s exciting!) (4,2,2) - GETS IT ON {G}{NOTE+IT"S*}

    GETS IT IN will probably be more exciting

  6. as kishore said yesterday, an adage which embedded in his memory, i also have one
    God gives and forgives, man gets and forgets

  7. how does a science room fit into malayali and a balm?? duh!!

    1. Duh is an interjection suggesting stupidity.

      Is the clue stupid?

      Science room backs Malayali’s original soothing oil (4)

      Balm is a medicinal application. A science room may study the formula of a balm or soothing oil and approve it. So the balm may be said to have the backing of the lab.

      Malayalis are known to practise ayurveda and if I am not mistaken many ayurveda establishments have their head offices in Kerala. And don't people to go to Kerala for a rub-down?

    2. Science room= lab
      Reversal indicator is Backs giving BAL
      Malayali's original is M
      Hence BALM meaning soothing oil

  8. Yes. Everyday!(:
    Vestiges of adolescence!

  9. Perfectly put by PP:

    In fact, after a certain age priapus is itself a vestige of adolescence ...

  10. Things are getting deeper and deeper.

  11. Why go on and on?
    One gets it on and then gets it in.

    Gridman and his innuendoes.

    When are we getting on to the next compiler?

    1. Tomorrow.

      I think we've had enough ribaldry for the day.

    2. I just managed to sneak in one. When I clocked in now, your closure notice was not in place. It appeared only when I posted my 1.53

  12. To get your minds off the subject, a conundrum:

    It goes in dry and comes out wet. The more you dip, the stronger it gets.

    Identify it.

    1. Kishore:

      You chew everyone's brains ? CHEWING GUM> hahaah

    2. Suresh is correct. He probably remembers the ad that went 'Dip, dip, dip,...
      If you want it stronger, dip a little longer...'

      Raju, Chewing gum is a good guess, but it get weak as time passes.

  13. Kishore:

    I know it is a tea bag. I just used an euphemism. You and your wicked mind !!
