Tuesday, 12 June 2012

No 10487, Tuesday 12 Jun 12, Mover

1   - Pace street and canter (6) - STRIDE {ST}{RIDE}
4   - Billfold gets everybody drenched (6) - WALLET {W{ALL}ET}
9   - You French could repeatedly wear this while ballet dancing (4) - TUTU {TU}{TU}
10 - Drinker follows lecherous man and gets the bird (10) - GOATSUCKER {GOAT}{SUCKER}
11 - Disapprove target (6) - OBJECT [DD]
12 - Water drop could mar one's vision (8) - CATARACT [DD]
13 - Ban professional writer (9) - PROSCRIBE {PRO}{SCRIBE}
15 - Set about unknown eye infection (4) - STYE {ST{Y}E*}
16 - Heartthrob gives marriage agreement before fifty (4) - IDOL {I DO}{L}
17 - Formerly thoughtful and dear? (9) - EXPENSIVE {EX}{PENSIVE}
21 - Easy task on a medicinal tree (8) - CINCHONA {CINCH}{ON}{A}
22 - Raises dreadful secret (6) - ERECTS*
24 - Eccentric warped side could be accepted (10) - WIDESPREAD*
25 - Muslim chief seen in the mirror (4) - EMIR [T]
26 - Compares symbiotic plant species reportedly (6) - LIKENS (~lichens)
27 - Plaid lingerie may conceal frivolous activity (6) - IDLING [T]
1   - At first some walk awkwardly to get rest (7) - SLUMBER {S}{LUMBER}
2   - At beginnings of recitals, Odette usually gets embarrassed; makes her blush (5) - ROUGE {R}{O}{U}{G}{E}
3   - Lassie or Sirius? (3,4) - DOG STAR [DD]
5   - Like badger's burrows, they are worth having (6) - ASSETS {AS}{SETS}
6   - Tears lace roughly and deeply hurts (9) - LACERATES*
7   - Claret with key ingredient mixed is sweet (7) - TREACLE {CLARET+E}*
8   - Vesta's container is thus firmly branded (8,5) - MATCHBOX LABEL  [CD]
14 - Random investigation carried out by a dermatologist? (4-5) - SPOT-CHECK [DD]
16 - First sign (7) - INITIAL [DD]
18 - Corrected and completed after mid-November (7) - EMENDED {novEMber}{ENDED}
19 - Treating pets by examining thoroughly? (7) - VETTING [DD]
20 - Undignified rustic gets up for meal ticket (6) - COUPON {CO{UP}ON}
23 - Fragrant resin noted on the French motorway (5) - ELEMI {E}{LE}{MI}


  1. 3 - Lassie or Sirius? (3,4) - DOG STAR [DD]

    The first ref is to:


    8 - Vesta's container is thus firmly branded (8,5) - MATCHBOX LABEL [CD]

    I have a large collection of these

    1. Wow! You are still holding your collection. I remember the labels used to be sold at a higher price than the matchboxes.

    2. CV and CGB have had a look at it when they came home

    3. I too had a collection while in school. Must check if they're still lying around when I go to Coimbatore next time.

  2. Still have?! One of my childhood hobbies- used as a wager in games with marbles etc. Big bundle disposed off when we cleared our ancestral home!

  3. Enjoyed today's CW very much, though I could not complete a few.

  4. Billfold gets everybody drenched (6) - WALLET {W{ALL}ET} how?

    1. Billfold is WALLET

      ALL (everybody) is in WET (drenched).

