Saturday, 16 June 2012

No 10491, Saturday 16 Jun 12, Sankalak

1   - White stone recovered from blast area (9) - ALABASTER*
5   - Carrying a weapon — a part of regular medieval practice (5) - ARMED [T]
8   - Dirt CIA stirred up around a sea (8) - ADRIATIC*
9   - Germanic people who settled in England's corners (6) - ANGLES [DD]
11 - Hills, grayish brown with traces of ersatz silica (5) - DUNES {DUN}{E}{S}
12 - Pleasant to reach a joint decision, with the needed knowledge (9) - AGREEABLE {AGREE}{ABLE}
13 - Injury caused to lady carrying silver (6) - DAMAGE {DAM{AG}E}
14 - Came into view, acted like a monkey with fruit (8) - APPEARED {AP{PEAR}ED}
16 - Loud noises made by one mentioned last in empty class (8) - CLATTERS {Clas{LATTER}S}
18 - Events of the past represented through good unity (6) - BYGONE {BY}{G}{ONE}
22 - Unable to get up (9) - BEDRIDDEN [E]
23 - For peacekeepers, what is owed is excessive (5) - UNDUE {UN}{DUE}
24 - Sometimes it is worse than the disease (6) - REMEDY [CD]
25 - A no-good point turns out to be so painful (8) - POIGNANT {A+N+G+POINT}*
26 - Chinese secret society beginning action in Pacific state (5) - TONGA {TONG}{A}
27 - Illness identified, dandies go berserk (9) - DIAGNOSED*
1   - One killed in battle reportedly and given an honour (7) - AWARDED (~a war dead)
2   - NATO, say, a word coined by a friend in America (7) - ACRONYM {A{CRONY}M}
3   - Book a ticket for visiting our land? (1,7,2,5) - A PASSAGE TO INDIA {A} {PAASAGE TO} {INDIA}
4   - A drop of blood included in test for a member of a race (6) - TRIBAL {TRI{B}AL}
5   - 1950 film showing genuine yoga turn differently (5,3,4,3) - ANNIE GET YOUR GUN*
6   - Girl confronts restriction in old district of Madras (7) - MALABAR {MALA}{BAR}
7   - Swell up, as detective officers are likely to (7) - DISTEND {DI'S}{TEND}
10 - Good, mature complaint (5) - GRIPE {G}{RIPE}
15 - Goody two-shoes beginning to prove uncivil (5) - PRUDE {P}{RUDE}
16 - Tom is about to reveal all in entertainment (7) - CABARET {CA{BARE}T}
17 - Part of the body that has turned bad — a sign (7) - ABDOMEN {BAD*}{OMEN}
19 - Gold transactions are painful experiences (7) - ORDEALS {OR}{DEALS}
20 - Built as per decree team-leader reinterpreted (7) - ERECTED {DECREE+T}*
21 - A voluntary body the French found in African state (6) - ANGOLA {A}{NGO}{LA}


  1. Enjoyed the nice CW- no comments!

  2. I will vote Sankalak as the best CW Puzzle Setter.

  3. Nice one. One or two instances where the definition is so straightforward, it can be done too intuitively or guessed. But definitely enjoyable, as always.

    Saw 'goody two shoes' appearing recently (was it in the Sunday CW?), where this was the answer and prude the definition
