Tuesday, 1 April 2014

No 11047, Tuesday 01 Apr 2014, Gridman

Another special for AFD.

At 1 dn, 14, 26 and 15 dn, solvers have to enter a well-known saying.

1   With no shape, don’t create so much (8) FORMLESS {FORM}{LESS}
5   Aboard, maps redrawn in sudden bursts of activity (6) SPASMS {S{MAPS*}S}
9   Mother’s mother puts a daughter in refurbished dolly (3,4) OLD LADY {OLD L{A}{D}Y*}
10 Round and round around the model (6) ROTUND {RO{T}UND}
12 Rain party? (6) SHOWER [DD]
13 A number, working, noticed the carpenter’s tool (5,3) TENON SAW {TEN}{ON} {SAW} 
16 Bring to ruin leaders of Uttarakhand notoriously delaying operations (4) UNDO {U}{N}{D}{O}
17 Correspondence of study group publishers exit with fifty per cent of presence after a bit of uproar (10) CONGRUENCE {CON}{GRoup}{U}{presENCE}
19 Nothing low by the way in this part of the town (4,6) HIGH STREET {HIGH} {STREET}
21 I led going hither and thither, without purpose (4) IDLE*
24 National hurriedly nearing one (8) NIGERIAN {NEARING+1}*
25 Alarm caused by bed put back — it’s wrong (6) TOCSIN {TOC<=}{SIN}
27 Patron’s right in court (6) CLIENT {C{LIEN}T}
28 State half of them are angry (7) EMIRATE {thEM}{IRATE}
29 Take in a summary (6) DIGEST [DD]
30 New range of the French handbombs (8) GRENADES {RANGE*}{DES}

1   Part 1 of a saying FOOLS RUSH IN
2   Concerning dead forest tree (7) REDWOOD {RE}{D}{WOOD}
3   Departs with pages? (6) LEAVES [DD]
4   Utters consent in ship (4) SAYS {S{AY}S}
6   Pressure on rascal to include old line in introduction (8) PROLOGUE {P}{R{O}{L}OGUE}
7   Surrounds hovels steeped in wrong-doing (5,2) SHUTS IN {S{HUT S}IN}
8   Unhappy it’s dead (3) SAD {SA}{D}
11 Held sway: it wasn’t fair, we’re told (7) REIGNED (~rained)
14 Part 2 of a saying WHERE ANGELS
15 Part 4 of a saying TO TREAD
18 Violinist’s items — what the skimpily clad might display (1-7) G-STRINGS [DD]
20 Smothering joke — good one I started narrating to girl (7) GAGGING {GAG}{G}{I}{N}{G}
22 Brute’s dead — a celebrity’s dead (7) DASTARD {D}{A}{STAR}{D}
23 Many — ten — get new soothing liquid (6) LOTION {LOT}{10}{N}
26 Part 3 of a saying FEAR
27 Physician’s thrown up fish (3) COD <=

Note:  As your cartoonist is still recovering from the excesses committed at the dining table at yesterday's Yugadi feast, the cartoon is incomplete and will be uploaded when fully done, by around 10.30 ack emma.


  1. Looks like everyone is recovering from excesses committed yesterday !

    1. What an overload on the sewerage systems!

    2. They probably fear to tread in where we have stampeded ...

  2. Replies
    1. The Physician ate fish on Ugadi day that's why he is throwing up I suppose

  3. Is he needed today as a counter measure for Yugadi?

    1. If he himself is throwing up COD/S, or even cod-pieces, I think he is out of the batting

  4. Re THCC CC

    This Community Crossword will appear here later as a Sunday Special.

    Requests for enlisting closed at 7 a.m. today.

    Thanks to my extended deadline, some late-evening visitors to this blog and not-so-regular ones joined. Now we have 20 volunteers.

    Words/phrases will be sent to each of these in due course.

    Final list of participants
    (in order of receipt of emails)

    1 Deepak
    2 Padmanabhan
    3 Prashanth Sai
    4 Raghunath
    5 Ajeesh
    6 Lakshmi Vaidyanathan
    7 Kishore
    8 Bhavan
    9 Sowmya
    10 Vasant
    11 Richard
    12 Ramesh
    13 Ram (ARS)
    14 Vijay who signs in as VJ
    15 Shrikanth
    16 Mohsin
    17 Raju U
    18 Devanathan A R
    19 Navneeth
    20 Venkatesh/SR

    (If anyone sent an email and I have not ack'd, please let me know.)

    1. Chari/Clueless not in the list? He didn't send you an e-mail to confirm?

    2. No, I have not received an email from him despite his first ignoring to send one as per instructions (that too repeated) and then not heeding to my one-on-one reminder here.

    3. You see I need the mail ID to send the lights to be clued and for further communication.

  5. Felt happy to have completed the 'saying' though I struggled for a while without enumeration. Though I had a few blanks, I could not wait any longer. Thankfully in TN, we have our turn to suffer a fortnight later!
    Thank you Gridman. Loved it.

  6. Without seeing the enu, I goofed at Orkut, C oping Saw in the place of Ten on Saw and then deleted

    Can you enlighten how SA is it's? (8 down)

    1. IT = SA Sex Appeal , but I don't know why it is so. This has been discussed in this forum many times earlier, I missed it.

    2. It is because you can things like "He/she has got 'it'" meaning that he/she has s.a.

    3. In Tamil we would say: "Avalukku adhu irukkudaa".

    4. That might raise doubts about what you are enquiring about. Reminds me of an old Tamil ditty, that goes:

      Taathakku ...

      PaaTikku teriyarudu ...

    5. Comments by CV Sir and Paddy regarding 'Avalakku' and 'Avan' reminds me of a song from movie "Server Sunderam" :

      Please click here and enjoy the song.

  7. AD's AFD listed several fools, but here they seem to be making a run for it.

    1. They were all rushing here it seems .. In a hurry before the D Day :)

  8. Re: IT/ SA:

    Clara Gordon Bow (/ˈboʊ/; July 29, 1905 – September 27, 1965) was an American actress who rose to stardom in silent film during the 1920s. It was her appearance as a plucky shopgirl in the film "It" that brought her global fame and the nickname "The It Girl". Bow came to personify the Roaring Twenties[1] and is described as its leading sex symbol.
    Courtesy crosswordunclued.com

    1. Sex appeal - it (after Clara Bow - the It girl) or sa.(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crossword_abbreviations#Clues_beginning_with_I)

  9. Thank you. A nice one on All Fools Day,

  10. A point to ponder on AFD: Is everyone getting fooled by 'it' ?

  11. A q re 18d: Do G-strings display it or hide it?

  12. A lovely puzzle from Gridman. Failed to get 12Ac and 11Dn and had trouble annotating CONGRUENCE, otherwise it was smooth going. Thanks, Gridman.

  13. Completed the puzzle now after trying on Android App which again goofed up.Lovely puzzle!

  14. Note: As your cartoonist is still recovering from the excesses committed at the dining table at yesterday's Yugadi feast, the cartoon is incomplete and will be uploaded when fully done, by around 10.30 ack emma. : It's now almost 5:50pm ! Where is Kishore and his 'cartoon' ? Hope he is as fit as a fiddle !

    1. Kishore,
      I hope all is in the well :-)

    2. Just got back after a demanding day. I am sorry, I may not be able to complete the cartoon today. Thanks for your concern.

  15. Updated final list of participants
    (in order of receipt of emails)
    (Requests for entries closed)

    1 Deepak
    2 Padmanabhan
    3 Prashanth Sai
    4 Raghunath
    5 Ajeesh
    6 Lakshmi Vaidyanathan
    7 Kishore
    8 Bhavan
    9 Sowmya
    10 Vasant
    11 Richard
    12 Ramesh
    13 Ram (ARS)
    14 Vijay who signs in as VJ
    15 Shrikanth
    16 Mohsin
    17 Raju U
    18 Devanathan A R
    19 Navneeth
    20 Venkatesh/SR
    21 Shuchi
    22 Bhala

    I first filled a grid but abandoned it later for a new one - with 36 slots. This has no message in the perimeter and has rather amenable words/phrases
    14 members will get two w/p to clue
    8 will get only one w/p each
    W/p to clue will be sent to each participant separately

  16. I have sent w/p to 8 participants.
    These get one word each.
    They have to send clues to me on or before Apr 7.
    This clears 8 w/p from my word list. 28 remain.

  17. Don't reveal the w/p that you have received.
    Note that I will not revise/edit any clue.
    So do your best and send me a finished product.
    You may, if you wish, check it with someone else who does not visit here or would be solving the CWD when it is published.

