Saturday, 31 January 2015

No.11306, Saturday 31 Jan 15, Spinner

A variety of clue types in both clues and answers from Spinner in a typically neat puzzle.

1 A country of war and destruction (6) RWANDA [WAR AND]*
4 Naughty actor is standing by ultimately comic procession formed by taking tops off (8) ACROSTIC [ACTOR IS]* + comiC
10 Analyze Generation Next’s first expert (7) VETERAN [analyze=VET + generation=ERA + Next]
11 Tea, a red liquid? Farce! (7) CHARADE [tea=CHA + A + RED*]
12 Tips from reputed engineer constructing ship’s seat (8) RECLINER [Reputed Engineer Constructing + ship=LINER]
13 Exterminator’s successful soldier (6) HITMAN [successful=HIT + soldier=MAN]
15 Mitigates by giving away hundred to charity (4) ALMS [mitigates=cALMS]
17 Poor inmate sat like a flower with no feminity (9) STAMINATE [INMATE SAT]*
20 The elderly ultimately vote in rigged op-ed poll (3,6) OLD PEOPLE [votE inside OP-ED POLL*]
21 Territory to the east, like Indonesia’s borders (4) ASIA [like=AS + IndonesiA]
24 Obtained original scotch behind Indian bars (6) INGOTS [INdian + obtained=GOT + Scotch]
25 Trains be ordered as support for a flight (8) BANISTER [TRAINS BE]*
28 Yesteryear boxer bound by commitment to couple (7) DUALITY [boxer=ALI inside commitment=DUTY]
29 Partly Asian ragman rearranged jumbled letters (7) ANAGRAM [Asian + RAGMAN*]
30 Endorsing officers have new book to sign (8) NOTARIES [New + book=OT + sign=ARIES]
31 Conquered exhausted, leaderless men (6) BEATEN [exhausted=BEAT + mEN]

1 Loss of forever saluted characters (8) REVERSAL [T]
2 Unruly cat in funny act (5) ANTIC [CAT IN]*
3 Every other idle area will go off track (6) DERAIL [iDlE aReA wIlL]
5 Sundial initially leverages absent rooster (4) COCK [sundial=ClOCK]
6 Food’s after chief officers’ speeches (8) ORATIONS [Officer + food=RATION + S]
7 Operators on the same side? (9) TEAMMATES [CD]
8 Rinses vessels with lemon extract, primarily (6) CLEANS [vessels=CANS outside Lemon Extract]
9 Charge after ground rent is fitting (9) INSERTION [RENT IS* + charge=ION]
14 Learners interrupting a master’s dance with doubt (5,1,3) SMELL A RAT [learners=LL inside A MASTER*]
16 Unite with worker after initial meeting becoming hostile (9) MALIGNANT [Meeting + unite=ALIGN + worker=ANT]
18 Eye level is more erratic (8) SPOTTIER [eye=SPOT + level=TIER]
19 They milk the extremely endowed cheerful people (8) DAIRYMEN [endoweD + cheerful=AIRY + people=MEN]
22 Yardman essentially covered in leather and centrally buried (6) HIDDEN [yarDman inside leather=HIDE + aNd]
23 Penalty taking, a basic lesson in the end (6) FINALE [penalty=FINE outside A + Lesson]
26 Exhibit a Rotaract member card (5) TAROT [T]
27 Some soothingly resonating instrument (4) LYRE [T]

Friday, 30 January 2015

No.11305, Friday 30 Jan 2015, Aspartame

Aspartame is cho chweet, just like 20

9 5001001000? (11,4) COMBINATION LOCK (CD,Combination of L=50,O=0,C=100,K=1000)
10 Ancient emperor captured Ohio, New Zealand. It has some value! (3-4) NON ZERO (O NZ in NERO)
12 Divine being to leave daughter with chairman (7) GODHEAD (GO D HEAD)
13 When corrected, fetid clue is false (9) DECEITFUL (FETID CLUE)*
14 Furnish broken down dun within borders of an empire (5) ENDUE (DUN* in EmpirE)
15 Brew flowerless plant employing setter to taste a little (7) FERMENT (ME in FERN, Taste)
18 Again, media to squash … (7) REPRESS (RE PRESS)
21 … articles in New Statesman about 17 dishes (5) NAANS (A AN in New Statesman)
23 Field of medicine from a corner of another medicinal field (9) NEUROLOGY (NE UROLOGY)
25 Mart decorations showcased design style (3, 4) ART DECO (T)
26 Bond charmed, seduced 3 leaders of Portugal (7) RAPPORT (RAPT holding PORtugal)
29 Elected group about to strike with new toxic spray (6,9) INSECT REPELLENT (IN SECT RE PELLET with N)

1 “What a scammer would never admit, honourable one” (4) ICON (I CON)
2 Truly mean criminal (4) AMEN (MEAN*)
3 Demon destroys vile telegram (4,4) LIVE WIRE (VILE* WIRE)
4 Bribe and benefit (3,3) PAY OFF (2)
5 Exceptional vice of chairman of grazing range (8) SINGULAR (SIN Anno not clear) (SIN Grazing URAL*, with grazing on double duty) See comments
6 Tense in a corner (2,4) ON EDGE (2)
7 Lie on bed rolling when jobless (4-4) BONE IDLE (LIE ON BED)*
8 Southern assassins killed liberals for a couple of dollars and vehicles (8) SKIDDERS (S KILLERS-LL+DD)
11 It’s bone he chews — not thin, but fat (5) OBESE (IT'S BONE HE-THIN)*
15 ‘Stir up army’ is a crazy movie (8) FANTASIA (FAN TA (IS A)*)
16 Chopped, roasted little turkey for exam (4,4) ROAD TEST (ROASTED T)* If T is to be derived from Turkey, it has to be the country and not the bird, I think. Is it kosher to put it in lower case, though Turkey would spoil the surface?
17 Cuisine of roti and curry with aloo base (8) TANDOORI (ROTI AND aloO)* semi&lit
19 Teenage party properly starts off on time (8) PROMPTLY (PROM aPTLY)
20 Babassu & garlic contains carbohydrate (5) SUGAR (T) Is it ok to have the intrusive &?
22 Talk about small fruit on the radio (6) SPEECH (S ~PEACH)
24 Green prune I cultivate (6) UNRIPE (PRUNE I)*
27 The French wearing spectacles get migraine (4) OLEO (LE in OO) Looks like a typo for margarine, which is oleo ..., though spectacles and migraine seem to gel well
28 Many thanks to business leader (4) TATA (TA TA)

Thursday, 29 January 2015

No 11304, Thursday 29 Jan 2015, Afterdark

A pangram with something to do with R-Day? Saw Gandhi and Swaraj couldn't find the rest. I'm bad when it comes to History.

1   Jews losing margins on capital deposited earlier on tree (6) CASHEW {CASH}{jEWs}
5   Cuba’s capital, say is wrong at the end (6) CLIMAX {Cuba}{LIMA}{X} Capital on double duty
10 As reformed sage, I wield a weapon (7) ASSEGAI {AS}{SAGE*}{I}
11 New villa baron occupied at England is habitable (7) LIVABLE {LIVA{B}L*}{E}
12 To appear indistinct, heartless cheat hid amidst valley (6) DARKLE {DA{RooK}LE}
15 Mother-in-law by the new icehouse chose to leave the location (6) MILIEU {M-I-L}{IcEhoUse}
16 Yes, road laid by military leader and short railway worker (7) YARDMAN {YA}{RD}{Mi...y}{ANd}
17 Leaders of Indian republic and Qatar seen in another country (4) IRAQ Acrostic
18 Look, go back with the French... (4) OGLE {OG<=}{LE}
19 ...old fellow on new Ford/Alto designed for travelling (3-4) OFF-ROAD {O}{F}{F-ROAD*}
20 Used Iodine and Vanadium to make a weapon (4) SHIV {SH}{I}{V} SH for second hand?
22 Army at Line of Control, discharged a round to get a mineral (4) TALC {TA}{LoC}
25 Maple leaf trimmed on both sides, fermented to make a drink (4,3) PALE ALE {mAPLE+LEAf}*
27 Animal moves about further high, consumes a bit of sherry and misbehaves (4,2) ACTS UP {CAT*}{Sh...y} {UP} (Addendum - {(-c)A(+c)CT}{Sh...y} {UP} - See comments)
28 Sick seamen given injections, perhaps (6) ENEMAS*
31 And lutetium introduced in with Uranium makes top abrasive (7) ALUNDUM {A{LU}ND}{U}{Makes}
32 Bulb onion Northern Ireland exported is a parody (7) LAMPOON {LAMP}{OniON}
33 Write, scribble about husband being more pale (6) WHITER {W{H}ITER*}
34 Complain about light infantry's confidence (6) BELIEF {BE{LI}EF}

2   Gold on road, river at Iowa and another country (7) AUSTRIA {AU}{ST}{R}{IA}
3   Tall lady is heartless, very much (6) HIGHLY {HIGH}{ladY}
4   To move quickly, wife and husband first zipped past the island (4) WHIZ {W}{H}{I}{Zi...d}
5   To seal leak, evacuate accountant first (4) CALK {CA}{LeaK}
6   Fruitless to regularly sign a villain, out bedridden (2,4) IN VAIN {sIgN} {VillAIN}
7   Wandering with one Doctor Lingam before noon passed (7) AMBLING {A}{MB}{LINGam}
8   Leader's handshake accepted by soldier (6) GANDHI {G{HAND*}I}
9   Overthrown Burmese king ran away in a daze (6) BEMUSE BUrMESE*
13 Listener at French capital to fold perhaps, a cover (7) EARFLAP {EAR}{Fr...h}{LAP}
14 Crowned king after a party, service by earl and duke followed (7) ADORNED {A}{DO}{RN}{E}{D}
15 Restrain person taking gold from prophet (7) MANACLE {MAN}{orACLE}
20 Netaji's war, a justifiable part of self-rule in India (6) SWARAJ [T]
21 Fact revealed by hit & run accident around the junction (2,5) IN TRUTH {IN {T}RUTH*}
23 Deranged mother-in-law's twin out to make an opening in the garment (7) ARMHOLE MOtHER-in-LAw*
24 Nothing left after accountant's error at gambling den (6) CASINO {CA}{SIN}{O}
25 Expert in joke died, his heart tripped first (6) PUNDIT {PUN}{D}{hIs}{Tr...d}
26 Coat of animal about to be taken off by nurse coming earlier (6) ENAMEL {EN}{cAMEL}
29 General appearance of man inside... (4) AMIR {A{M}IR}
30 of a lout throwing son upfront (4) SLOB (+s)SLOB(-s)


Wednesday, 28 January 2015

No 11303, Wednesday 28 Jan 2015, Afterdark

1   Emphasis on a cricket club to pick specialist (6) ACCENT {A}{CC}{ENT}
4   Opt out of autopsies doctor did on a dog breed (6) AUSSIE AUtopSIES*
9   Feeling weak and sick (4) WILL {W}{ILL}
10 Pardons sloppy animals lacking brain (10) REMISSIONS Anno pending (Addendum - {REMISS}{lIONS} - See comments)
11 City to return cooking implement of India (6) OTTAWA {OT<=}{TAWA}
12 Wrong call left listener with a signal that danger is over (3,5) ALL CLEAR {ALL C}*{L}{EAR}
13 Comes again with cut fruits... (9) REAPPEARS {REAP}{PEARS}
15 ... and Russian drink cocktail on Virginia ship (5) KVASS {cocK}{VA}{SS}
16 Devastated outcasts, left USA with a famous slave (5) SCOTT OuTCasTS*
18 A serious discord at bender about burial places (9) OSSUARIES {OSSUARIE}*{S}
22 Nude dad danced with maiden as attachment (8) ADDENDUM {ADDENDU*}{M}
23 Public relations is sadly empty and formal (6) PRISSY {PR}{IS}{SadlY}
25 Marriage, for instance restrained by loyalty (10) ALLEGIANCE {ALL{EG}IANCE}
26 A bird stranger released at waterfall (4) LINN LINNet
27 As guards surround alien property... (6) ASSETS {AS}{S{ET}S}
28 ...main course, Bush hides behind corner (6) ENTREE {EN}{TREE}

1   Let tail wag a bit (1,6) A LITTLE*
2   Name a plant (5) CALLA {CALL}{A}
3   Report on fraternal fight, without head or tail (7) NARRATE fRATERNAl*
5   Union leader to spell out about offering more to same customers (6) UPSELL {Union}{SPELL*}
6   Side effect of pills, son took earlier is done with (9) SPILLOVER {(+s)SPILL(-s)}{OVER}
7   Groups of nine seen and destroyed (7) ENNEADS*
8   Oriental doctor, by mistake arrests man in guilt (13) EMBARRASSMENT {E}{MB}{ARRASSMENT*}
14 Laggards on drug, sick, rest around emergency room (9) PUTTERERS {PUT}{T{ER}ERS*} PUT/on drug ? (Correction - POTTERERS {POT}{{T{ER}ERS*} - See comments)
17 Conservative editor run down, for adding a mark to change pronunciation (7) CEDILLA {C}{ED}{ILL}{A}
19 Many an equipment designed to find IQ out (7) UMPTEEN EqUiPMENT*
20 Character spoiled scene following partner's direction (7) ESSENCE {E}{S}{SCENE*}
21 Dad angry on cocaine being taken by IT fiend (6) ADDICT {DAD*}{I{C}T}
24 More sick? Pill, erythromycin will contain (5) ILLER [T]


Tuesday, 27 January 2015

No 11302, Tuesday 27 Jan 2015, The Phantom

Woke up late and forgot that Kishore is absent today. Leaving some blanks for the commenters.

8   Revelry leading to disturbance? (4) RIOT Anno left for commenter [DD] - See comments
9   Principal read ‘Sam’ the novel (10) HEADMASTER*
10 Plan includes large and small models (6) IDEALS {IDEA}{L}{S} Includes? - See comments

11 Pro only lost final race once (8) FORMERLY Anno left to commenter {FOR}{MEReLY} - See comments
12 Erect an oil rig’s prototype (8) ORIGINAL*
14 Hidden partners being swapped? It’s the in thing! (6) LATEST LATE(-n+s)ST
16 Traveller’s gift is left with relatives (15) REPRESENTATIVES {RE{PRESENT}lATIVES}
19 Sleeping? Wake up please! (6) ASLEEP*
21 Top sides fighting for places (8) DEPOSITS*
23 Scratching head, idiot’s extremely half-witted and naive to — scratch! (8) WITHDRAW Anno left to commenter {(-t)WIT}{H(-alf-witte)D}{RAW} - See comments
26 Shed belly fat in a slow manner (4-2) LEAN-TO {LE{fAt}N-TO}
27 Cheer pilot navigating whirlybird (10) HELICOPTER*
28 Don't start to panic and worry (4) CARE sCARE

1   Unrestrained sea eagles seen heading towards desert (10) WILDERNESS {WILD}{ERNES}{Seen}
2   Road rage involving King’s visitor (8) STRANGER {ST}{R}{ANGER}
3   Outgoing German in cotton trousers, socks is picked (6) CHOSEN {Cotto{HOSE}N}
4   Unethical fellow poaching baby elephant, for example (4) CALF Anno left to commenter [T] - See comments
5   Express doubt over supporter keeping fit without protection (8) UMBRELLA {UM}{BR{wELL}A}
6   Permission for specialist to carry dope (6) ASSENT {ASS}{ENT}
7   Suffering will pursue them endlessly (4) HELL Anno left to commenter {tHEm}{'LL} - See comments
13 In Dublin Edward V ruled (5) LINED [T]
15 Top actress exposed for audience (10) SPECTATORS*
17 Excellent drink, port drunk in central Peru (8) SUPERIOR {SUP}ERIOR Anno left for commenter {SUP}{(-p)E{RIO}R(-u)} - See comments
18 Request for fashionable carriage (8) INSTANCE {IN}{STANCE}
20 Traditional tunic he wore is not for everybody (6) ETHNIC {TuNIC+HE}*
22 Meagre salary, officer with resistance accepted? On the contrary (6) PALTRY {PA{LT}{R}Y}
24 Least priority aide has for a proposal (4) IDEA (Addendum - (-a)IDE(+a)A - See comments)
25 … and comedian has the last laugh! (4) WITH {WIT}{laugH}

Monday, 26 January 2015

No 11301, Monday 26 Jan 2015, xChequer


As usual I am at sixes and sevens with the xChequer CW.

7   King in martial arts suit replayed an African fetish (3-3) (Addendum - GRI-GRI {G{R}I}-{G{R}I} - See comments}
8   Simple tea placed before a clergyman (8) CHAPLAIN {CHA}{PLAIN}
9   Legislator as a rule, lying before God (8) LAWMAKER {LAW}{MAKER}
10 Mother's request for rich fabric (6) DAMASK {DAM}{ASK}
11 Governor's first act of robbery (5) HEIST {HE}{1ST}
12 Madam's shady reason (6) SENORA*
14 Treating it when moist, acne shrinks (3,2,5,5) MEN IN WHITE COATS*
17 Most uncommon finding a radical in balance (6) RAREST {R{A}{R}EST}
18 Strange condition, being retired before retiring (5) FISHY {FI<=}{SHY}
22 Oriental way of working's long disputed (6) MONGOL {MO}{LONG*}
23 Completely exposed at fitting (8) OUTRIGHT {OUT}{RIGHT}
24 Modern attitude for example (8) INSTANCE {IN}{STANCE}
25 Substituting force for pressure in problem, solve for variable (6) FICKLE  {-p+f}FICKLE

1 & 20 Dn. Chance to get level place, being neither up nor down here (5-4,5) MATCH-EVEN POINT {MATCH-EVEN} {POINT} (Correction -  BREAK-EVEN POINT [DD] - See comments)
2   A leg, while referring to small lizards (6) (Addendum -  AGAMAS {A}{GAM}{AS} - See comments)
3   Jonah's reported dodges (5) JINKS (~jinx)
4   Good-looking man gets part (8) HANDSOME {HAND}{SOME}
5   Right, earlier term for graphite (8) PLUMBAGO {PLUMB}{AGO} Semi&lit
6   Get up around noon to wash (5) RINSE {RI{N}SE}
8   Cannot revise, ultimately precluded changes (6,2,5) CARVED IN STONE {CANNOT+REVISE+p...eD}* &lit
13 Having played Hamlet over time, he is in a leading role (2,3,4) AT THE HELM {AT {T}{HE} HELM*}
15 Cook in boiling water (8) IRRIGATE {IR{RIG}ATE}
16 Fighter possibly starting to worry over extent of land-grabbing scheme (8) WARPLANE {Worry}{AR{PLAN}E}
19 Folly of kind widow, coy at times (6) IDIOCY {IDI}{CoY} Anno not clear (Correction - {kInD}{wIdOw}{CoY} - See comments)
20 See 1 Dn.
21 Stick to man (5) STAFF [DD]


Sunday, 25 January 2015

No 2825, Sunday 25 Jan 2015

1   Vulnerable at home? See about vicious mongrel (8) INSECURE {IN}{SE{CUR}E}
5   Harry's after drink for pet (6) LAPDOG {LAP}{DOG}
10 Rim round gold dish (5) PILAU {PIL<=}{AU}
11 Spanish general sent over duck and partridge (9) FRANCOLIN {FRANCO}{LIN<=}

12 Male, one leaving Parisian shopgirl in alcove (7) DINETTE  m1DINETTE
13 Get better insurance on real estate, initially (7) RECOVER {Real}{Es...e}{COVER}
15 Slight quake - metro rather damaged (5,6) EARTH TREMOR*
16 Soup dish taken by British boiling hot (6,5) SCOTCH BROTH  {SCOTCH} {BR}{HOT*}

21 Bread taken around beginning of Lent (7) STOLLEN {STOL{L}EN}

22 Strange thing is perception (7) INSIGHT*
23 Stress almost good for subordinate (9) UNDERLING {UNDERLINe}{G}
25 Snare wild one, so (5) NOOSE*
26 Composition from Strauss on a tape (6) SONATA [T]
27 Calmed, took off to collect vegetables (8) APPEASED {AP{PEAS}ED}

1   Editor supporting one politician over energy check (6) IMPEDE {1}{MP}{ED}{E}
2   Peace slogan in lodge, since lines altered (7,2,6) SILENCE IS GOLDEN*
3   'Stub' - no clue for it, cryptically (11) COUNTERFOIL*
4   Breathe new life into slave throttled by her on the way up (7) REFRESH {RE{FRES}H} <=
6   Curved path in marchlands (3) ARC [T]
7   Carry out what is required? It could be the lorry driver's job to do this (7,3,5) DELIVER THE GOODS [DD]
8   Information on tax for privileged classes (6) GENTRY {GEN}{TRY}
9   Cleaner river in France (6) FAIRER {F{AIRE}R}
14 Gumption shown in House seen in a new light (6,5) COMMON SENSE {COMMON S}{SEEN*}
17 Outspoken Shaw play, abridged (6) CANDID CANDIDa
18 Round in bar taken over to rear (5,2) BRING UP {B{RING} UP<=}
19 Matters for discussion in publications (6) ISSUES [DD]
20 Go to a nurse about start of treatment (6) ATTEND {A}{Tr...t}{TEND}
24 Deserter, sailor, capsized (3) RAT <=

Saturday, 24 January 2015

No. 11300 Saturday 24 Jan 15, xChequer

As one expects from this setter, an engaging puzzle with smooth surfaces and unambiguous cryptic instructions. Lots of clues to like. I’m not sure of my anno for 10ac and can’t work out 17ac – so paging Sandhya :-) or any one else who can explain them. Thanks Colonel

7 Appropriate greeting card (6) HIJACK [greeting=HI + card=JACK] 
8 Unfinished, badly built housing area is publicised (8) BLAZONED [BADLy* outside area=ZONE] 
9 Extremely faithful male lover carrying a torch (8) FLAMBEAU [FaithfuL + Male + lover=BEAU outside A]

10 Giants originally, finally lost for good (6) TITANS [GIANTS –Good + losT]*
11 Representative of a man (5) AGENT [A + man=GENT]
12 Equanimity or a measure of acidity on getting married? (6) PHLEGM [measure of acidity=PH + on=LEG + Married]
14 Delaying actions in part, or wavering (15) PROCRASTINATION [ACTIONS IN PART OR]*
17 Miss Tina acting in serial from next episode (6) SEQUEL [serial=SEQUE(ntia*)L]
18 Twists, fighting against limits of physics (5) WARPS [fighting=WAR + PhysicS]
22 Dish to cook at short notice, a simple bread dish (6) PANADA [dish to cook=PAN + short notice=AD + A]
23 Breathe in when angry to maintain poise (8) ASPIRATE [when=AS + angry=IRATE outside Poise]
24 Precious element, a metal essentially, in highly valued rings (8) PLATINUM [A + meTal + IN inside highly valued=PLUM]
25 Winning sympathy, becomes arrogant (6) UPPITY [winning=UP + sympathy=PITY]

1 Rural folk poorly buried in makeshift graves (9) VILLAGERS [poorly=ILL inside GRAVES*]
2 Empty gun holding bullets perhaps? Nonsense! (6) GAMMON [GuN outside bullets=AMMO]
3 Lofted edge from crease caught by slip (5) SKIED [creasE inside slip=SKID]
4 All the gods displaying power other than one (8) PANTHEON [Power + THAN ONE*] 
5 Continued to hold part-time worker in disdain (8) CONTEMPT [CONTinued outside part-time worker=TEMP] 
6 Slight in speech conveying mock attack (5) FEINT [~slight=FAINT]
8 Feverish from that bug, he died (6,3,4) BOUGHT THE FARM [FROM THAT BUG HE]* 
13 Photoshopped, thanks to controversial issue (3,6) HOT POTATO [PHOTO* + thanks=TA + TO] 
15 Victim unconcerned at first, tense with anxiety in the end (8) CASUALTY [unconcerned=CASUAL + Tense + anxietY] 
16 Familiarise Bill with one described as being new to town (8) ACQUAINT [bill=AC + one=1 outside as being=QUA + New + Town]
19 Precipitate or salt showing up in sides of retort (6) ABRUPT [salt=AB + UP inside RetorT] 
20 Moving up close to enemy lines, captures American chopper quite casually (5) LAXLY [ (enemY + lines= L L) <= outside American chopper=AX] 
21 Go on son, pull a face (5) SPOUT [Son + pull a face=POUT]


Friday, 23 January 2015

No.11299, Friday 23 Jan 2014, Sunnet

Sunnet's taken us to pangrammatic Hyderabad

1 Try accompanying date (2,4) GO WITH (GO WITH)
4 Odd holding new church's extinguisher (8) QUENCHER (QUEER holding N CH)
10 Breadth of mammoth's head (9) LARGENESS (LARGE NESS)
11 Ruler's backing in half of Zambia (5) NIZAM (IN< ZAMbia)
12 Bull's skin missing some heterocyclic compound (5) OXIDE (OX hIDE)
13 Entrance inside a royal monument (9) CHARMINAR (CHARM IN A R)
14 Calls to discard error (5,2) DROPS IN (DROP  SIN)
16 Sum and carry (4) TOTE (2)
19 Coffee bar in arabica festival (4) CAFE (T) I suppose this could be a part of the theme, when read with 25a, though they usually serve tea
21 No cut of meat over lunchtime dish (7) BIRYANI ((NAY RIB)< 1)
24 Evil monster at first surrounded England's capital (9) HYDERABAD ((HYDRA in front of BAD) around E)
25 One Indian queen? She is from Persia (5) IRANI (I RANI)
26 Reportedly you love scrambled egg (5) OVULE (U LOVE)*
27 Chip found on both sides of an antelope of a Nordic country (9) ICELANDIC (IC on both sides of ELAND)
28 Authorized to be called (8) ENTITLED (2)
          For example : Colonel His Highness Rustam-i-Dauran, Arustu-i-Zaman, Wal Mamaluk, Asaf Jah VII, Muzaffar ul-Mamaluk, Nizam ul-Mulk, Nizam ud-Daula, Nawab Mir Sir Osman 'Ali Khan Siddqi Bahadur, Sipah Salar, Fath Jang, Nizam of Hyderabad, GCSI, GBE, as mentioned in Wiki. One would require to drink a couple of glasses of water to say the whole thing in one go
29 Power to take peer's treasures (6) PEARLS (P EARL'S) The shops around 13 are famous for these

1 Good clan can become a source a great wealth (8) GOLCONDA (GOOD CLAN)*
2 Spies raised kitty for spouse of dead soldier (3,5) WAR WIDOW (RAW< WIDOW)
3 Some sunbathe readily in that place (5) THERE (T)
5 Improving advantage of nouveau riche (7) UPSTART (UP START)
6 American unit trained men to earn (9) NANOMETER (MEN TO EARN)*
7 Laugh at high pitched sound made for persecuting a freshman (6) HAZING (HA ZING)
8 Comment about old currency (6) REMARK (RE MARK)
9 A month to sack a plateau (6) DECCAN (DEC CAN)
15 Hangs around in street with most number of celebrities (9) STARRIEST (TARRIES in ST)
17 Harm to the French and the German brigand (8) MARAUDER (MAR AU DER)
18 Plant vaccine is about to be taken by us (8) HIBISCUS (H1B IS C US)
20 Bed bite suffered in period of receding water (3,4) EBB TIDE (BED BITE)*
21 Pester an animal (6) BADGER (2)
22 Absolved quiet tramp (6) SHROVE (SH ROVE)
23 Notice solely to conform (6) ADJUST (AD JUST)
         This, of course, is not a Hyderabadi, but a Bangalorean (or Bengalurian) word from the phrase "Solpa adjust maaDi, Sir)
25 Animal inside that is angry (5) IRATE (RAT in I.E.)


Thursday, 22 January 2015

No.11298, Thursday 22 Jan 2015, Anon

Anon has quite a few 'groups' - queasy with ague;  GODS, faith and worship,  BANTAM, TINAMOU and scapeGOAT, not forgetting the possessive monkey ...

1 Wasting new leader enters team when guilty last leader leaves (11) SQUANDERING (N in SQUAD + ERRING - leadeR)
9 Talk to boyfriend starting off from house (7) CHATEAU (CHAT bEAU)
10 Hood of armour initially protected from fight (6) CALASH (Armour in CLASH)
11 Trims extra from front to back (5) PARES (SPARE with S moving back)
12 Lethargy of monkey protecting ring (7) LANGUOR (LANGUR having O)
15 Supreme beings extract ring from merchandise (4) GODS (GOODS - O)
16 Queasily put right uneasy soul (10) NAUSEOUSLY (UNEASY SOUL)*
18 Sell to the highest bidder the torn tunic of oaf (7,3) AUCTION OFF (TUNIC OF OAF)*
20 Indian woman returns from Asian country (4) IRAN (NARI<)
23 Almost call couple of Romans in artificial environment (2,5) IN VITRO (INVITe ROmans)
24 When epics are the same when seen either way (5) SAGAS <>
26 Batman becomes tiny! (6) BANTAM (BATMAN)*
          Remembered those cocky 'Bantam' books
27 Partridge found in Argentina mountains (7) TINAMOU (T)
         The world's deadliest assassin according to R Ludlum. The name "Tinamou!" with the exclamation mark kept popping up all over the book
28 Underground air turbulence at administrative department (11) SECRETARIAT (SECRET AIR* AT)

2 Queen relaxed the sick (6) QUEASY (QU EASY)
3 Not right to quarrel in fit of shivering (4) AGUE (ArGUE)
4 Allow public access to tutorial in worship (10) DECLASSIFY (CLASS in DEIFY)
5 Couple linger in a place of faith (8) RELIGION (LInger in REGION)
6 Number of goods in kitchen initially lacking algae (7) NOSTOCS (NO STOCkS) New word for me
7 Whipping boy beaten up atop cages (9) SCAPEGOAT (ATOP CAGES)*
8 Religious accountant looking back frightened (6) SACRED (SCARED with CA<)
13 Roman adult broke set of washing machines? (10) LAUNDROMAT (ROMAN ADULT)*
14 Aims my gun by mistake at the lyceum (9) GYMNASIUM (AIMS MY GUN)*
17 Evil chief scientist beheads priest (8) SINISTER (S + mINISTER
19 The left leave the meeting depressed (7) CONCAVE (CONCLAVE - L)
21 Government, for instance, put into frost (6) REGIME (EG in RIME)
22 Odd Russian monarch embraces ballad of Mozambique group (6) TSONGA (SONG in TsAr) New word for me
25 Russian monarch sent back wise man, became a celebrity (4) STAR (TSAR with ST<)

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

No 11297, Wednesday 21 Jan 2015, Vulcan

Nice one from Vulcan. 5A was the last to fall. 

1   Asian got mugged in this city (8) SANTIAGO*
5   Fine home in silent neighbourhood (6) MINUTE {M{IN}UTE}
9   Happy about top protection given to first lady! (8) RELIEVED {RE}{LI{EVE}D}
10 Web designer picked primarily into a team leading in research (6) SPIDER {S{Pi...d}IDE}{Re...h}
12 I don't fume at others (9) NONSMOKER [CD]
13 Mountain place sounding like 8 (5) EYRIE ( ¬ eerie)
14 Remains a girl that doesn't keep time (5) LASTS {LAS{T}S}
17 Magazine seller's recently-acquired small place (9) NEWSSTAND {NEW}{S}{STAND} Semi&lit
19 Adding together and recapping (7,2) SUMMING UP [DD]
22 Scheme to avoid (5) DODGE [DD]
23 Clearly admitted, orally (5) ALOUD (¬ allowed)
24 Understanding of war in a sense that is different (9) AWARENESS {A{WAR}ENESS*}
27 Team consumed by anger, upset with a drink (6) ELIXIR {EL{IX}IR}<=
28 Dull edge of player's old hat (8) SOMBRERO {SOMBRE}{p...eR}{O}
29 Spoil lawyer's dirty game (6) DAMAGE {DA}{GAME*}
30 Freezing point begins here (4,4) SNOW LINE [CD]

1   Creases removed completely, basically after applying special powders (9) SPRINKLES (-c+sp)SPRINKLES
2   Cloth many Londoners wear (5) NYLON [T]
3   Supporter, one with a broad smile (1-4) I-BEAM {1}-{BEAM}
4   After the end of wedding, girl's family in a pickle (7) GHERKIN {G}{HER}{KIN} Can Gherkin by itself be pickle?
6   “Awed by setter”, reports editor (9) IMPRESSED {I'M}{PRESS}{ED}
7   Uncover Nehru and daughter's top secret (9) UNDERHAND {NEHRU+AND+D}*
8   Mysterious English lake (5) EERIE {E}{ERIE}
11 Design department coming up (4) DRAW <=
15 Movement of my limbs so badly affected (9) SYMBOLISM*
16 Swim and in the end, fish, for long (9) SPINDLING {SPIN}{anD}{LING}
18 In this German town, mostly doctors go around in black tie! (5,4) DRESS CODE  {DRES{S COD<=}En} Where has the second D of DRESDEN gone?
20 Indian godman without a bit of dignity or a hint of morality (4) GOAN GOdmAN
21 Team's project extremely boring (7) PLATOON {PLA{TOO}N}
23 Change seen in guys after a date (5) AMEND {A}{MEN}{D}
25 Bowler has no right to bend this (5) ELBOW BOWLEr* &lit
26 Oily thing resulting from fuel emission (5) ELEMI [T]

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

No.11296, Tuesday 20 Jan 2015, Lightning

Lightning is 29

1 Box eccentric horse (8) CHESTNUT (CHEST NUT)
5 Spirit of unstable one, not entirely emotional for starters (6) PSYCHE (PSYCHo Emo...)
9 Department to rip off oriental cabinet (8) WARDROBE (WARD ROB E)
10 It is assumed that frozen water is not good upfront (6) OFFICE (OFF before ICE)
12 Verse of detailed song in religious education (5) RHYME (HYMn in RE)
13 Vehicle's diagram is something kept as a cherished item (9) AUTOGRAPH (AUTO GRAPH)
14 Chomp four bits (6) NIBBLE (2)
16 Applause from king leaving for victory speech (7) OVATION (ORATION-R+V)
19 Terminate mice stricken by plague, say (7) ENDEMIC (END MICE*)
21 Withheld estimate to shelter the most aged (6) ELDEST (T)
23 Insane ape gouged teacher (9) PEDAGOGUE (APE GOUGED)*
25 European entering revolving door in an event for cowboys (5) RODEO (E in DOOR*)
26 Hardened judge leaving hurt (6) INURED (INjURED)
27 Improper to rub black coal on high speed airliner (8) TURBOJET ((TO RUB)* JET)
28 Deal with unknown agreement (6) TREATY (TREAT Y)
29 Sapper likely to be trustworthy (8) RELIABLE (RE LIABLE)
          especially the THCC boss...

1 Firm protected minor — one showing fear (6) COWARD (CO WARD)
2 One catching the worm, rarely flying across Belgium, Italy and Germany (5,4) EARLY BIRD (RARELY* across B I D)
3 Brief part of intersection (5) TERSE (T)
4 Annoyance shown by shadow government’s head at end of ordinance (7) UMBRAGE (UMBRA Gov.. ord..E)
6 Fraud's age changed for protection (9) SAFEGUARD (FRAUD'S AGE)*
7 Tea boxes in porcelain (5) CHINA (IN in CHA)
8 Factor, perhaps to replace grand, stylish animal (8) ELEPHANT (ELEGANT -G +PH)
11 To return to wealthy German (4) OTTO (TO< TO)
          Like Beetle Bailey's Sarge's dog ...
15 Yet begums going bananas after you (2,2,5) BE MY GUEST (YET BEGUMS)*
17 Embezzlement by trustee in form of employment providing extra money (6,3) INSIDE JOB (IN SIDE- JOB)
18 Establish meaning for 6-6(6-5)? (3,5) SET POINT (2)
          Reminds me of the days of Lendl, Connors, Evert, Navratilova, Becker and Graf, when I used to watch tennis ... 
20 Secretive about a guy leaving for all to see (4) CAGY (CA GuY)
21 Run from old girlfriend winning over engineer (7) EXECUTE (EX CUTE around CE<) (EX E CUTE) Thanks to Abhay, pl see comments
22 Detest old piercing instrument (6) LOATHE (O in LATHE)
24 Snuff out measure to protect university (5) DOUSE (DOSE around U)
25 Priest losing final buck (5) RABBI (RABBIt)


Monday, 19 January 2015

No 11295, Monday 19 Jan 2015, Incognito

Incognito's homage for Army Day which was on 15th.

9   That man (along with two trainees) is hot and fiendish (7) HELLISH {HE}{LL}{IS}{H}
10 Salt bovine male consumed - consumed a pound (7) OXALATE {OX}{A}{L}{ATE}
11 Reconstructed cafe in bad surroundings leads to avalanche (7) ICEFALL {I{CAFE*}LL}
12 Loyal saint has a sip of ale with lunch after learner has left (7) STAUNCH {ST}{Ale}{lUNCH}
13 Implementation of a death sentence (9) EXECUTION [DD]
15 Communication equipment made by confused auditor after leaving Utah (5) RADIO AuDItOR*
16 Around the end, leaders of East India Company became flexible (7) ELASTIC {E}{LAST}{I}{C}
19 Motor ad badly treated - badly treated when used as this (7) DOORMAT*
20 Not keeping well in Virginia house (5) VILLA {V{ILL}A}
21 One our neighbours might be takin' a sip (9) PAKISTANI*
25 Ridge has tree with height and nothing more (7) SALTORO {SAL}{TOR}{O}
26 Farrokh Bulsara's element (7) MERCURY Remember the Hang from IXL Finals?
28 River of ice is good and more decorative (7) GLACIER {G}{LACIER}
29 Lubricate properly - a nodding donkey found here (3,4) OIL WELL [DD]

1   Initially transit halt of Indian soldiers enroute (to Siachen), now an airfield (6) THOISE Acrostic
2   Runaway carrying London fabric (6) FLEECE {FLE{EC}E}
3   Insulating material in my car, I hear (4) MICA (~ my car)
4   It's hot! But it's cold to the auditor (6) CHILLI (~chilly)
5   Endorse circular after West deteriorated (8) WORSENED {W}{ENDORSE*}
6   A group of sentences about men soldiers dropping from the sky (10) PARATROOPS {PARA{TROOP}S}
7   Holiness of Sai, with religious book, and primary elements of decency or mercy (8) SAINTDOM {SAI}{NT}{D}{O}{M}
8   Strangely, he got MOD operation to secure 28 near 25 (8) MEGHDOOT*
14 Or lunatics can make sounds which are of a frequency too high to be audible (10) ULTRASONIC*
16 Consider it possible - hermit may back envy on the radio (8) ENVISAGE (~envy}{ENVI}{SAGE}
17 This signal, after a blackout, may entail aluminium cellar reconstruction (3,5) ALL CLEAR {AL}{L CLEAR*}
18 Storage cabinet where one may not keep saucers? (8) CUPBOARD What do we call this type of clue?
22 Moan excitedly after UK returns land to the west of Nepal (6) KUMAON {KU<=}{MOAN*}
23 Soldiers return with hybrid animal talisman (6) AMULET {A{MULE}T<=}
24 Poems depicting minced idly in front of the lower house (6) IDYLLS {IDLY*}{LS}
27 Relay in absence of a bank (4) RELY RELaY

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Special, Sunday 18 Jan 2015, Bruno

Three answers per commenter (annotations compulsory) till 6 PM

1   Biological way of producing energy found to almost destroy man (10)
6   Plead for right salary package (4)
9   Famous painter had time for downtrodden in India (5)
10 Setter takes part in mother’s puja, perhaps of the sea (8)
12 Urge censor to interrupt release with  large cut (8)
13 Partners in UEFA scandal were exposed (6)
15 Manage to get dental book edited (4)
17 Strict here, otherwise more flexible (10)
19 Black bird had nothing large, essentially in gentle surroundings of small universe (10)
20 Culture is a good piece of art (4)
22 To save time, stamp reference book was copied (6)
23 Middle-aged women tend to lose it randomly, ergo tense moments, essentially, should be avoided (8)
26 Request God to come through with a lot (8)
27 Having nothing to do at University, got involved in spiritual reflection right away! (5)
28 Mythical creatures that could be murderous or extremely courteous (4)
29 Established supporting environment with small amount of money (10)

1   Met needs? (4,4,4)
2   Bulb lit up unexpectedly (5)
3   Happen to be certain at heart that Bruno had Eastern origin (6)
4   Large man-made block (10)
5   Tired of reciprocating love (4)
7   God calling for violence (9)
8   Rules of conduct to engage Navajo’s Chief or other indigenous groups (7)
11 Sad? Try being popular online (12)
14 Entertain German leader away at country house, perhaps (4-6)
16 School’s out! No limits! Everyone goes around to one club, to get drunk (9)
18 Lack of pretentiousness: the most fashionable quality ultimately? (7)
21 Passionate Dhanteras celebration has been banned (6)
24 A corner falls off engine – perhaps it was partially attached by experts (5)
25 Relating to #1 and #2? (4)

Across Lite version can be accessed at BRUNO 4


No 2824, Sunday 18 Jan 2015

1   Benefits from book by novelist, Doris's last (9) BLESSINGS {B}{LESSING}{doriS}
6   Shoot bishop after all others (5) BLAST {B}{LAST}
9   Punch a mate (5) CHINA {CHIN}{A}
10 Big top musical? Backing provisional (9) TENTATIVE {TENT}{ATIVE<=}
11 Actor, in the guise of Scottish king, about to wade across behind duke (6,7) ROBERT REDFORD {ROBERT}{RE}{D}{FORD} Remember seeing him in 'Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid'
13 Drunk loiters in a Portuguese resort (7) ESTORIL*
14 An expert in Pennsylvania helps to produce a universal remedy (7) PANACEA {P{AN}{ACE}A}
16 Ruby? Girl in former tin mining town (7) REDRUTH {RED}{RUTH} Thanks to Google
18 Vulgar about Salvation Army campaign (7) CRUSADE {CRU{SA}DE}
19 Baffling drama? Pretend not to be interested (4,4,2,3) PLAY HARD TO GET [DD]
22 House in historic city (9) LANCASTER [DD]
23 Miss Grey, a long time entertaining knight (5) AGNES {AG{N}ES}
24 Box containing English throwing weapon (5) SPEAR{SP{E}AR}
25 Began to check boundary not rigorously fixed (4-5) OPEN-ENDED {OPEN-{END}ED}

1   Reverse taxi over, parking at centre (4) BACK {BAC<=}{parKing}
2   Moved abroad - good being in Dubai, for example, with daughter (9) EMIGRATED {EMI{G}RATE}{D}
3   Groucho's Bar playing show song (11,4) SCARBOROUGH FAIR {GROUCHO'S+BAR}* {FAIR}

4   Turning brown - Russian river, as is to be expected (7) NATURAL {NAT<=}{URAL}
5   Star member up in tanning area? (7) SUNTRAP {SUN}{TRAP<=}
6   Gunner grabbed unexpectedly, crossing at a landmark near to Checkpoint Charlie (11,4) BRANDENBURG GATE {BRANDENBURG G{AT}E*}
7   I travel, giving support to a male friend (5) AMIGO {I}{GO}<=>{A}{M}
8   Fail to make any progress, as war treated suspiciously (5,5) TREAD WATER*
12 Chief city in Middle East - large container port set up (10) METROPOLIS {ME}{TROP<=}{OLIS<=}
15 Humiliated Conservative hurried (9) CHASTENED {C}{HASTENED}
17 Hornblower's short speech after end of skirmish (7) HORATIO {s...sH}{ORATIOn}
18 Group from lake bed shown first (7) COTERIE {COT}{ERIE}
20 Girl, one interrupting queen (5) ANNIE {ANN{1}E}
21 Exploited group in House, Democrats (4) USED [T]