Saturday, 31 January 2015

No.11306, Saturday 31 Jan 15, Spinner

A variety of clue types in both clues and answers from Spinner in a typically neat puzzle.

1 A country of war and destruction (6) RWANDA [WAR AND]*
4 Naughty actor is standing by ultimately comic procession formed by taking tops off (8) ACROSTIC [ACTOR IS]* + comiC
10 Analyze Generation Next’s first expert (7) VETERAN [analyze=VET + generation=ERA + Next]
11 Tea, a red liquid? Farce! (7) CHARADE [tea=CHA + A + RED*]
12 Tips from reputed engineer constructing ship’s seat (8) RECLINER [Reputed Engineer Constructing + ship=LINER]
13 Exterminator’s successful soldier (6) HITMAN [successful=HIT + soldier=MAN]
15 Mitigates by giving away hundred to charity (4) ALMS [mitigates=cALMS]
17 Poor inmate sat like a flower with no feminity (9) STAMINATE [INMATE SAT]*
20 The elderly ultimately vote in rigged op-ed poll (3,6) OLD PEOPLE [votE inside OP-ED POLL*]
21 Territory to the east, like Indonesia’s borders (4) ASIA [like=AS + IndonesiA]
24 Obtained original scotch behind Indian bars (6) INGOTS [INdian + obtained=GOT + Scotch]
25 Trains be ordered as support for a flight (8) BANISTER [TRAINS BE]*
28 Yesteryear boxer bound by commitment to couple (7) DUALITY [boxer=ALI inside commitment=DUTY]
29 Partly Asian ragman rearranged jumbled letters (7) ANAGRAM [Asian + RAGMAN*]
30 Endorsing officers have new book to sign (8) NOTARIES [New + book=OT + sign=ARIES]
31 Conquered exhausted, leaderless men (6) BEATEN [exhausted=BEAT + mEN]

1 Loss of forever saluted characters (8) REVERSAL [T]
2 Unruly cat in funny act (5) ANTIC [CAT IN]*
3 Every other idle area will go off track (6) DERAIL [iDlE aReA wIlL]
5 Sundial initially leverages absent rooster (4) COCK [sundial=ClOCK]
6 Food’s after chief officers’ speeches (8) ORATIONS [Officer + food=RATION + S]
7 Operators on the same side? (9) TEAMMATES [CD]
8 Rinses vessels with lemon extract, primarily (6) CLEANS [vessels=CANS outside Lemon Extract]
9 Charge after ground rent is fitting (9) INSERTION [RENT IS* + charge=ION]
14 Learners interrupting a master’s dance with doubt (5,1,3) SMELL A RAT [learners=LL inside A MASTER*]
16 Unite with worker after initial meeting becoming hostile (9) MALIGNANT [Meeting + unite=ALIGN + worker=ANT]
18 Eye level is more erratic (8) SPOTTIER [eye=SPOT + level=TIER]
19 They milk the extremely endowed cheerful people (8) DAIRYMEN [endoweD + cheerful=AIRY + people=MEN]
22 Yardman essentially covered in leather and centrally buried (6) HIDDEN [yarDman inside leather=HIDE + aNd]
23 Penalty taking, a basic lesson in the end (6) FINALE [penalty=FINE outside A + Lesson]
26 Exhibit a Rotaract member card (5) TAROT [T]
27 Some soothingly resonating instrument (4) LYRE [T]


  1. Lovely CW with excellent surfaces bringing a smile. Had a few gaps- veteran & dairyman to cite a few. Could not wait and try further and decided to look into the blog. Thank you Spinner for the nice start for the day.

  2. Seems to be a sleepy day. Very entertaining puzzle from Spinner. Who is conspicuously absent from the clues after a slight rap in the knuckle last time :)

  3. It is 9.45 and I am all alone here. Saturday blues? Spinner deserves more!

  4. Typical Spinner crossword.

    9 Charge after ground rent is fitting (9) INSERTION [RENT IS* + charge=ION] Isn't charge= ionise?

  5. There will be a prize jumbo (19x19) special at 10:30 tomorrow answers for which have to be sent to me via e-mail by 8:30 PM on 3rd Feb. Results and annotated solutions will be declared at 8:30 AM on 04 Feb

    1. Wait till tomorrow. However I can tell you that the CW will be a tough nut to crack

    2. My guess is that it's the Blog's sixth anniversary special by Doppelgänger.

  6. Very good puzzle.. was stuck up for a long time on 28A. Clue types were nicely done.

  7. DG sir...some solutions have been highlighted...

  8. Enjoyed this very much - thank you, Spinner! Some very nice surfaces and entertaining wordplay. Thanks to Bhavan for the blog.

    I missed out DAIRYMEN, although it should have been clear once the crossing letters were in place. :(

  9. Wonderful wordplay. Smooth surfaces.Pointing clues.25a - seems to be a simple anagram but def.portion is all the more appealing. Kudos to master wed designer.

  10. Typo. Kudos to master web designer.

  11. Appreciate the clever theme today.
    Also, I don't believe the following usages work : initial meeting = m, original scotch = s, basic lesson = l.
    Thank you

    1. Why do you feel they don't work?

    2. Every single part must read as an instruction to the solver.
      Initial bit of meeting could work, not initial meeting. It's jarring. Same applies to the other 2.

  12. Haven't been keeping well the last 4 days. Sorry for being entirely absent from the comments section. Thanks for all the feedback. I find that everyone has completely missed the clue acrostic!

  13. To address Priyanka, I'm undecided on the mentioned usages as well, but the clue acrostic probably led to the taking of some liberty.
