Friday 8 September 2017

No 12107, Friday 08 Sep 2017, xChequer

Stumped as usual

7   A completely out of place, diverse mixture (6) ?C???Y (Addendum - MOTLEY - {a+cOMpleTELY}* - See comments)
8   Train arm plying craft (8) TRIMARAN*
9   Lack ticket to enter beach (8) SHORTAGE {SHOR{TAG}E}
10 Noise from serving instrument? (6) RACKET (~racquet)
11 Element with electronic fuse (5) ?C??? (Addendum - UNITE - {UNIT}{E} - See comments)
12 Bombarded officer during intense review (6) PELTED {LT} in {DEEP<=}
14 Little hint got an oblique caution: don't repeat this shameful thing! (4,2,3,2,4) TELL IT NOT IN GATH*
17 Student drones on mainly about multiple track records (6) ALBUMS Anno pending (Addendum - {A}{L}{BUMS} - See comments)
18 Horrify a soft-headed friend (5) APPAL {A}{P}{PAL}
22 Highest pitched soprano dropping an octave (6) EIGHTH HIGHEsT*
23 Unfinished business in den? (5,3) LOOSE END {DEN}* [RA]
24 Prostration mania, day in Assembly? (8) ADYNAMIA*
25 Puts it on for king, following rules (6) ??I?N? (Addendum - FEIGNS -(-r+f)FEIGNS - See comments)

1   Spooner's steaming, better he goes after game, it's not the sport for him (3-6) ICE-HOCKEY Anno pending (Addendum - POT-HUNTER (-h+p)POT-(-p+h)HUNTER - See comments)
2   Blossom in bloom felt or touched (6) ???R?? (Addendum - FLORET* - See comments)
3   Regulation requiring purchase declaration with covering note (2-3) BY-LAW (~buy){BY}-{LA}{W}
4   Opposing article in Rome bitter about musical texts (8) LIBRETTI {IL<=}{BITTER*}
5   Monitor displaying timer with pointer, say (8) WATCHDOG {WATCH}{DOG}
6   Appeared to get Oscar? Unlikely for this role (5) CAMEO {CAME}{O} &lit
8   Left at home, jaw broken in play (3,3,2,5) THE JEW OF MALTA* Thanks to Google
13 School exercise using a riddle (9) STRAINING {S}{TRAINING}
15 Northern jail said to embody sheer horror (8) LOATHING {THIN} in {GAOL<=}
16 Speak aggressively, but over time attain prominence (3-5) TUB-THUMP {BUT<=}-{T}{HUMP}
19 Mention work turning lyrical (6) POETIC {CITE}{OP}<=
20 Harm is done inhaling fluff (5) MISDO [T]
21 Supposedly demure couple, possibly inside relaxing (5) ?O??? (Addendum - COMFY {CO{M}{F}Y} - See comments)



  1. 17a student L

    Drones -bums
    Mainly about -a

  2. Xchequer is unusual in 15-lettered ones as well as other clues like trimaran, adynamia, libretti

    1. Unusual words make it tough

    2. Talking about tough or toughness of something reminds me of a joke...

      Three rats are sitting at the bar talking bragging about their bravery and toughness. The first says, "I'm so tough, once I ate a whole bagful of rat poison!" The second says, "Well I'm so tough, once I was caught in a rat trap and I bit it apart!" Then the third rat gets up and says, "Later guys, I'm off home to harass the cat."

  3. Thanks to everyone who had the answers

  4. 3d i think with ->by covering note->bill-> law.

    1. Buy ~ BY declaration is homophone ind. Note: La (Do, Re ...). With = W. Covering: container ind.

  5. Gosh!Totally defeated today by Xchequer. Could not even get 25%. Sigh!one of those days.

  6. Great vracking Raghu, KKR and Prasad

  7. No appearance of THC in site, after a long time, till now.

    1. surprising. i solved online today morning.

    2. I too could not access it. Only the title and Xcchequer name appears and nothing more. That is why Col. has also kept the grid with unsolved clues still ON.

    3. What time did you solve it online Prasad? Since 5 this morning only the tile is available!!

    4. I started solving the online version at 12.05 AM IST. Don't know how it went offline later!

    5. Col, I started solving at 12:15. Continued from where I leftoff around 7am. May be my pad retained the page.
      KKr Ji, the page was updared around 130(usually update happens before 12,date change). So 12107 was pushed to previous story and there is no current story for the page to pick up.

    6. I too tried online , was not available at about 730

    7. Prasad,
      Frankly, I don't know how it happened.
      After seeing your message at 6.43 PM, I went back to my history and fished out the grid page. It shows the following logs:
      SEPTEMBER 08, 2017 00:05 IST
      UPDATED: SEPTEMBER 07, 2017 13:59 IST

  8. Very bad, my bad ! no online to be seen ! Hiyu bure !

    1. In such cases Raju I can send you Excel time I will send without being asked

    2. What's the problem?? The clues and an interactive grid were available here since 5 AM!!

    3. Thats the reason I could get the clues. Obviously Raju doesnt look in here.

  9. Some glitch at The Hindu...the grid stll not up and still not rectified.
    What we will do without this blog?
